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Old 04-12-2020, 10:18 PM
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Default Weekly Chatter: 4/12 to 4/18

Happy Easter to all of you lovely ladies! I know for a lot of us our days were spent much different than usual but I do hope you all were able to see little blessings throughout the day.

I'm back to work tomorrow after having last week off for Spring Break. Our teachers will be busy this week preparing our students for more distance learning so I'm expecting things to be a little crazy.

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Old 04-12-2020, 10:19 PM
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I love it!!!!!

This post made my day!!
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Old 04-12-2020, 10:26 PM
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Originally Posted by carrie1977 View Post
Happy Easter to all of you lovely ladies! I know for a lot of us our days were spent much different than usual but I do hope you all were able to see little blessings throughout the day.

I'm back to work tomorrow after having last week off for Spring Break. Our teachers will be busy this week preparing our students for more distance learning so I'm expecting things to be a little crazy.
Good luck tomorrow . . .be safe!

Today was good. Another day locked in our house. I don't mind at all. The girls were playing switch. The boy was playing legos. The husband playing video games and me trying to scrap!

I watch Sight & Sound's Jesus on TBN this afternoon. It was good. My son watched it with me. He was a little unimpressed with it because it didn't have cool graphics. But he thought the storyline was pretty awesome.

Its Sunday, my day off from cooking. The oldest convinced my husband we needed pizza. So after a month or so of not getting pizza, we did no-contact pizza tonight with Dominos and then spent some time watching Psych as a family.

My son, who was struggling with reading/writing read us the second chapter of his Dick and Jane book. He's doing SO well learning reading and writing with his new teacher (that's me!! ) It is my favorite part of the day, listening to him read to my husband and I. Such a huge milestone!!
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Old 04-12-2020, 11:10 PM
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The only thing different for us was that we watched church through Facebook Live instead of going to church. We usually have Easter with just the 4 of us. I always invite my mom and brothers, but they end up refusing for whatever happens to be the reason of the year... sick, tired, etc. This year since we couldn't invite them over, it just saved the frustration my kids feel when they look forward to them coming over only to be shot down at the last minute.

We hunted Easter eggs, looked at basket goodies, dyed eggs, ate lunch, napped, played games and watched some TV. Pretty typical day, but it was peaceful. No Covid talk at all which was very nice for a change.

This week I have an algebra test, I need to force my son to do his online schooling, I hope to get the school yearbook back on track. I'm already a few weeks late with it but have no motivation to finish it now. I also need to record my STEM videos for next weeks' continuous learning. Last week I read the kids a book (Rosie Revere, Engineer... SUPER cute book!) and talked about the differences in turkey, duck and chicken egg. For the upcoming week I will read another book from the same series and I recorded a video of me candling the turkey eggs I put in the incubator so that the kids can see life inside the eggs. I will probably have one more short lesson for that week. I don't want to overwhelm the kids, but I want to have enough content available to keep them interested in STEM.
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Old 04-12-2020, 11:21 PM
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The only difference was that our table was just us! I still had everyone get dressed in 'nicer' clothes & made a big spread (although smaller!) I made a small ham, deviled eggs & a carrot cake with the yummiest cream cheese frosting. My hubby made mashed potatoes since they are his favorite. We had a nice Easter Dinner & then we all took a nap- even the puppy! It was a perfect Sunday!

Good luck tomorrow- Our state announce no going back this year, so our district is scrambling to make a new plan- I thought what we were doing prior was working, but maybe not enough. So strange!
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Old 04-13-2020, 12:28 AM
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What I wouldn't give for some Domino's delivery right now!

Wendy, I'm so glad your homeschooling adventure is helping your son.

We've had the last four days off for Easter, and I am so thankful! I feel restored.

We've realized that letting our older boys be in charge of their school day isn't working, so I've been up till midnight the last couple of nights working on my own lessons so that I can be fully present to supervise the boys. It's kind of a pain, but both boys finished all of their work this morning (It's Monday lunch here), so it seems worth it.
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Old 04-13-2020, 12:35 AM
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well this wasn’t the easter i had planned or hoped for, isolation or no isolation.

Either Thursday or Friday I lost all use in both hands, couldn’t grip, put weight on them....nothing which was very scary. Luckily yesterday (Sunday) they seem to have come right.

Then.........Friday night, I got up to go to the little room, tripped on something, went to grab on to the door frame to stop me falling (which was a big fat fail) and ended up on the floor for hours as between my mum and I, we couldn’t get me on my feet (she’s half my weight roughly) and I can’t get on to my knees at all. We tried for about 6 hours but ended up getting a couple of the local firefighters to help in the morning - took them about 2-3 mins to get me on my feet. Ended up pretty deeply bruising my right hip, thigh and butt cheek and I’m pretty unsteady on my feet at the moment.

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Old 04-13-2020, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by AmieN1 View Post
Good luck tomorrow- Our state announce no going back this year, so our district is scrambling to make a new plan- I thought what we were doing prior was working, but maybe not enough. So strange!
This is my soapbox issue. Maybe it ISN'T enough from an educational standpoint. But when you have parents working from home, or worse, not being able to work yet stuck at home, and responsible for their own responsibilities (plus the extra amount of housework required when an entire family is home 24/7), asking them to supervise or facilitate learning, administrators need to adjust their expectations. A parent is not a full time teacher, and even if the parent IS a full time teacher, he/she will be expected to facilitate his/her own classes. So how can administrators possibly expect their own teachers to be responsible for a full day's work, knowing that the teachers' kids are at home, too, and responsible for a full day's work. IT IS SO INSANE. Adjust your expectations, schools. Some of us aren't doing okay.
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Old 04-13-2020, 09:51 AM
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Good morning, everybody xo

I have to work the next two days, so I'll be anxious about that. But I always get through it. Working during quarantine has been weird.

littlekiwi- sorry to hear about your fall. glad you're okay now.
wendy- so awesome that your homeschooling is going so well!
kellie- you hit the nail on the head. times are tough for sure.
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Old 04-13-2020, 10:17 AM
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Good morning ladies.
This time is trying for sure. So many changes, so much anxiety...it's all just so much. So weird. So trying and tiring!

Today I start working from home exclusively, until the end of the school year at least. They announced last week that we were not going back until fall, so I made the decision (after finding that the kids really weren't doing well without mom supervision for homework/chores and a bit of research on the leave situation) to be home with the kids. My work is being flexible with that, I can pretty much set my own schedule and as long as I send an email daily with my times, they will adjust accordingly.
Easter was a different one for sure; hubby worked, kids were all at their other parents house, so basically I hung out with the dogs for hours by myself. Made dinner on the smoker and failed at making strawberry whipped cream frosting, which really irked me.
I haven't scrapped anything in a few weeks, my mojo seems to have taken a hiatus with all the chaos. Hopefully it comes back this week, so I can bust out those Passport layouts.
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Old 04-13-2020, 10:54 AM
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That's so great, Wendy! So happy to hear that he is doing well at home!

Good luck getting all of your stuff done, Sherri!

Glad you had a nice day, Amie! Most of our surrounding districts are doing distance learning for the rest of the year. My district didn't want to call it too soon so, for now, our kids are home until May 1st. I'm sure it'll be the rest of the year but they are just taking things slow. Most parents appreciate it and then there are some that just wish they would call it already. You can't please everyone though.

Are your boys not being provided stuff by the school, Kellie?

Goodness Jennifer...so sorry you've had a rough time this weekend.

Working has been weird for me, too, Laura.

Glad that you can work from home, Manda. Hopefully it'll be better all around. My kids have become nocturnal. So not good.

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Old 04-13-2020, 12:59 PM
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It’s been a quiet wkend. My daughter and I drove to the carehome and dropped off Easter goodies for Bailey and waved at her from across the yard. Then later at home, we got to watch B do a chocolate egg hunt indoors as the caregiver sent us the video to watch and then last night we chatted with her on FT. The new grandbabe was born yesterday so we saw a phone pic of her. Today I’m relaxing, getting outdoors for a long hike with Taz and will continue binge watching Killing Eve later.
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Old 04-13-2020, 02:19 PM
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Friday began our spring break, so instead of doing little, my girls are doing nothing. lol Actually, their teachers have been doing a great job of keeping them engaged without overwhelming them. I'm not optimistic about going back after May 1, though.

Easter was a lot of work for me but well worth it. We had nice family time with the four (five with the cat) of us.
I took today "off" and didn't even shower until noon. It felt good, but I'll be back to my routine tomorrow.
I hope your bruises heal soon, Jennifer. That must have been so scary.
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Old 04-13-2020, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by joelsgirl View Post
This is my soapbox issue. Maybe it ISN'T enough from an educational standpoint. But when you have parents working from home, or worse, not being able to work yet stuck at home, and responsible for their own responsibilities (plus the extra amount of housework required when an entire family is home 24/7), asking them to supervise or facilitate learning, administrators need to adjust their expectations. A parent is not a full time teacher, and even if the parent IS a full time teacher, he/she will be expected to facilitate his/her own classes. So how can administrators possibly expect their own teachers to be responsible for a full day's work, knowing that the teachers' kids are at home, too, and responsible for a full day's work. IT IS SO INSANE. Adjust your expectations, schools. Some of us aren't doing okay.
I SO totally agree... especially since I have 2 that are so different - my daughter (in middle school) is super type-A, gets all her work done in an hour or less & then chooses to read for the rest of our 'school' day. My son, 3rd grade- can't focus to get anything done & we both end up super frustrated. I have to basically keep him on task & like you said- then I get NOTHING done. Add in a new puppy and we're all sorts of a mess! AND of course, none of it is even graded or required right now so there's a part of me that really wants to just throw in the towel & teach lots of home ec.

Last edited by AmieN1; 04-13-2020 at 02:49 PM.
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Old 04-13-2020, 07:42 PM
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We had a quiet Easter, but that's not terribly different than past years. We did another 'porch drop' at our son and DIL's house for the grandkiddos. Decided to take hubby's junker vehicle so we could take back roads on the way home and enjoy the countryside. We drove by a home of someone he used to work with, so stopped and chatted (6' away from each other) for awhile and all of a sudden noticed tons of oil spurting out from under the vehicle - and we were about 25 miles from home. So - we made a mad dash toward home - thankfully made it without issue … vehicle is in the shop.

I am working on location this week (working from home every other week) - our sister company in Milwaukee WI has confirmed case of Covid in their distribution center (which is where all of our inbound freight comes from) so I ran around like a crazy person all day - getting ready for tomorrow when mandated masks and temp taking will start.

It's been almost a month since we've seen the grandkiddos - we facetimed with them a little bit ago. They were all so happy to talk to us - but talking to 3 kiddos at the same time just doesn't work and throughout the whole session, each of them had a meltdown and cried - I'm sure they are just ready to get on with normal things - and being cooped up with siblings 24/7 has to get old - lol. It breaks my heart that I can't see them in person and give them a big squeeze!

Last edited by JillW; 04-13-2020 at 08:40 PM.
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Old 04-14-2020, 09:20 AM
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Hi! I love having a chatter thread, thanks for making one

Easter was not really any different for us, kids woke up to Easter baskets (thank goodness the Easter Bunny did all his shopping in February!!), we had breakfast, then the kids did they egg hunt out in the yard. I made dinner and desserts, and that was it. Easter is actually one of my favorite holidays, because it (along with canadain thanksgiving), are the holidays where we stay home and just celebrate with the 5 of us.

The only tricky part of all of this so far is me not being ok without alone time.... I SO MISS my half days alone (but I am more than ok to have given that up to be able to have my family home and safe), it's just that all my productive time has gone right out the window.... The boys are on distance learning, but it is my understanding that grades 9 and down are just going to be pushed forward next year, they have been given bi-weekly work packs, BUT they are optional.... I haven't told the boys they are optional, as I really want them to do something to keep their "minds in shape" through all this. My oldest does need to do actual work so he can graduate.... this whole thing has been the toughest on him, but he's handling it well..... The school is still optimistic that they will get to have prom and graduation..... just much much later than expected. So we are just taking things one day at a time and not giving in to ideas of giving up.

Hubby is still working..... (3 essential service jobs is rough, but he's happy to be helping out anywhere he can). We've been picking up and delivering Grocery's for family and friends who cannot go out themselves, I made and dropped off some Easter goodies for my mom who is at her home alone, and my best friends mom lives up the street, so I have been checking in on her as she is also alone...... her birthday is in a few days, so I am working on a cake decorating idea and will drop it off as a surprise to brighten her day.

I have been teaching myself how to sew so I can make masks for family and friends, waiting on a couple of fabric orders to come in so I can make more. I really want to SCRAP.... I thought I'd have all the time in the world to do so, but somehow I am busier than ever, and have not been able to focus on one thing on the computer for very long. I think I will plan a few layouts out today, and then tomorrow I might be able to jump right in and get some pages done
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Old 04-14-2020, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by joelsgirl View Post
We've realized that letting our older boys be in charge of their school day isn't working, so I've been up till midnight the last couple of nights working on my own lessons so that I can be fully present to supervise the boys. It's kind of a pain, but both boys finished all of their work this morning (It's Monday lunch here), so it seems worth it.
Yeah, before our first week of Distance Learning (3/23 I think we started), my vision was that my kids & I would sit together with our devices & work simultaneously. Hahahhaahaha. That was...not happening. So, I had to edit my plan & tack on additional time for me to prepare my own lessons.
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Old 04-14-2020, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by joelsgirl View Post
This is my soapbox issue. Maybe it ISN'T enough from an educational standpoint. But when you have parents working from home, or worse, not being able to work yet stuck at home, and responsible for their own responsibilities (plus the extra amount of housework required when an entire family is home 24/7), asking them to supervise or facilitate learning, administrators need to adjust their expectations. A parent is not a full time teacher, and even if the parent IS a full time teacher, he/she will be expected to facilitate his/her own classes. So how can administrators possibly expect their own teachers to be responsible for a full day's work, knowing that the teachers' kids are at home, too, and responsible for a full day's work. IT IS SO INSANE. Adjust your expectations, schools. Some of us aren't doing okay.
YES!! We're all stressed by the change & uncertainty...and who knows what additional stressors parents (and teachers) are dealing with--finances, lay-offs, parents in nursing homes, siblings stranded on the other side of the world, etc!
Halfway through our 1st week of distance learning, I was ready to quit my job AND withdraw my kids from school! I emailed our admin & said it was too much-- the most important thing my kids are going to learn during the school closure isn't math or reading; it's that our family sticks together, stays positive, shows resilience, and makes the most of a bad situation. And they're not going to get that if we're stressed & nagging about assignments all the time. It worked... my principal backed me & they immediately implemented a plan to bring down the workload---and asked me to send an excerpt of my email in the next school newsletter!
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Old 04-14-2020, 03:38 PM
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Originally Posted by knittingbec View Post
I emailed our admin & said it was too much-- the most important thing my kids are going to learn during the school closure isn't math or reading; it's that our family sticks together, stays positive, shows resilience, and makes the most of a bad situation.
That is quotable Rebecca!! Amie I love your thoughts too! Clearly the same education can't go on at home during this time. You definitely have your priorities right!

Jennifer, so sorry you went through all that! So glad you are doing a little better. Prayers for healing. Hugs!!!
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Old 04-14-2020, 04:04 PM
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That's so good, Rebecca.

Lucky for us, our school has been very mindful of not assigning too much, reiterating that the students should go to the teachers and not parents for help and adjusting things each week as they learn what works. This week they sent a checklist of the assignments and work to do. I imagine that will help a lot, I know it would help me. I do only have a single 13 year old child, but he's on an IEP at school and struggles much more than I did, so my expectations have to be different from what I would be able to complete at his age. I think it's just very important right now to me mindful of expectations.
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:01 PM
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Easter was a bummer for me -- the first time in 11 years we did not have an egg hunt for our grandkids due to the social distancing (my daughter works in the medical field and she knew the kids would not coming running up to us and she is to worried about passing things). I tried to keep my feelings/mood up but I have to admit it is getting hard.

It seems the more I watch the different governor's press conferences (we watch both Ohio & Kentucky since we get Ohio TV channels) that it appears this is our new life. Today Ohio talked about coming out of this slowly and in stages so no clue when things will go back. I have my work setup here at the house so I am continuing to work but I am tired of being home.

Plus the darn weather has turned cold again so it makes it hard to even want to get outside.
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by knittingbec View Post
YES!! We're all stressed by the change & uncertainty...and who knows what additional stressors parents (and teachers) are dealing with--finances, lay-offs, parents in nursing homes, siblings stranded on the other side of the world, etc!
Halfway through our 1st week of distance learning, I was ready to quit my job AND withdraw my kids from school! I emailed our admin & said it was too much-- the most important thing my kids are going to learn during the school closure isn't math or reading; it's that our family sticks together, stays positive, shows resilience, and makes the most of a bad situation. And they're not going to get that if we're stressed & nagging about assignments all the time. It worked... my principal backed me & they immediately implemented a plan to bring down the workload---and asked me to send an excerpt of my email in the next school newsletter!
I am so impressed with you! Way to be the change. I just complain to my husband and best friend, lol. We have a lot of Korean families in our school, and they tend to be more diligent about education, so I'd be interested to know if they're feeling overwhelmed, too. Maybe so since they are having to supervise their children's education in English. Wouldn't you die if you were having to do this in a second or third language???
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Old 04-14-2020, 10:10 PM
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Easter was different this year but in different ways. I'm an essential worker as a program coordinator at an assisted living and Alzheimer community of 100 residents. During these times I've been filling in at work in many positions and our head chef lost her husband suddenly last week, so I went in at 5 am Easter morning and cooked breakfast and Easter dinner with the maintenance foreman for 100 people. Then I came home at 1:30 and cooked Easter dinner for me and my daughter and her boyfriend. We Skyped with my parents and also with my son and his family, so I did get to see my 3 grandkids.
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Old 04-15-2020, 07:01 PM
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Today has been hard for me. I have a senior and an 8th grader. I am also graduating next month with my associate's degree. We had planned on 3 graduation ceremonies. I'm disappointed about mine because I took over 20 years off and then I have been busting my butt the past year to finish up. I'm moving on next year and will graduate there in 2022, so I can just remind myself I will have that to look forward to. My 8th grader doesn't care much about the promotion (though I do, he's my last...) but my senior. Ouch. Today it hit me. I just cried and cried. She's doing well right now so I am trying not to get her down by my blubbering. Then my 8th grader found out today that he made Music Company (which is our high school's competition choir, only so many spots open up each year as previous seniors leave). I cried again. This time because I'm happy for him, but then it also made me sad for my senior again. This, too, shall pass.

On a better note, I got registered for my summer and fall classes for the university I am transferring to.
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Old 04-16-2020, 04:59 PM
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I keep hearing about states "starting to plan" for coming out but in stages -- how long will this go on?

I also heard today of a couple of states closing school for the 19/20 year -- I am so afraid some kids will be so far behind not to mention how they will fare with being home for so long. I hope parents are taking the time to keep them entertained so that they don't just veg out on computer games.
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Old 04-16-2020, 05:16 PM
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Right now I am LOVING the gorgeous Spring weather. Hoping to get another month of it before our hot Southern temps come in. Easter (the at-home part) was close to the same as usual for us. We do a noontime dinner with just the 5 of us each year. My two 17-year-olds, my husband and our 9-year-old. Usually we go to church in the morning. This time we watched the service on YouTube on our TV later in the afternoon. I had purchased Easter items early enough that I had the 3 baskets taken cared of. And had bought what I needed for the dinner weeks ago.

A few days ago was the first time I've been to a business in 3 weeks. It feels like it's been months! I've only done the online grocery and parking lot pickups. Haven't had any restaurant or fast food. After my grocery pickup, I decided to step in a different grocery store since my order was short a number of things. I was curious what the stores would look like with the "protective partition" between the clerk and the customer. Forgot to get a picture of that. Felt so strange seeing all of the masks being worn. Nobody seemed to look twice at my makeshift mask.

I homeschool my youngest. I already have the materials for next year which makes me relieved that I don't have to "worry" about what schedule the schools around here will follow. I'm assuming they'll all be back to regular classes in August. Hoping so...because that would mean life, businesses, worship services, routines, etc would be getting back to normal, too.

Hang in there, everyone!
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Old 04-18-2020, 09:20 AM
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I'm heading in to work here shortly...what's everyone else up to today?
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Old 04-18-2020, 09:51 AM
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I haven't been in the forums in awhile. Honestly, my mental health has been struggling. I am the HR manager at a Walmart. And it's just been...scary/crazy/draining...more words than I can list. On top of that I ended my relationship and I'm planning a huge move for me and my boys in less than a month! But I'm going to really work on logging in to here every day and being social ♥ I've been reading all of your chatter, and I hope everyone is doing well on this Saturday. Here it's gorgeous and sunny, and I just might head out for a nice long walk.

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Old 04-18-2020, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by amy_hart View Post
I haven't been in the forums in awhile. Honestly, my mental health has been struggling. I am the HR manager at a Walmart. And it's just been...scary/crazy/draining...more words than I can list. On top of that I ended my relationship and I'm planning a huge move for me and my boys in less than a month! But I'm going to really work on logging in to here every day and being social ♥ I've been reading all of your chatter, and I hope everyone is doing well on this Saturday. Here it's gorgeous and sunny, and I just might head out for a nice long walk.
Amy, I'm so sorry that you are struggling. A breakup, move or your job during this time would all be bad enough if that were the only factor. You just have so much on your plate right now. I hope that you can find a little slice of peace in all of this.
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Old 04-18-2020, 07:39 PM
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hugs amy xo message me anytime.
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Old 04-18-2020, 07:40 PM
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Sherri Tierney Sherri Tierney is offline
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Originally Posted by rdjrneace View Post
I keep hearing about states "starting to plan" for coming out but in stages -- how long will this go on?

I also heard today of a couple of states closing school for the 19/20 year -- I am so afraid some kids will be so far behind not to mention how they will fare with being home for so long. I hope parents are taking the time to keep them entertained so that they don't just veg out on computer games.
Our state was among the first to completely close schools for the 19/20 year. However, the board of education quickly created a task force that had a plan ready to go within days. Other states have been asking for our plan since then. We found out on St. Patrick's Day (3/17) that we would not be going back into the buildings. Thankfully, it has all gone pretty well. I work for our district and it is so strange to be working from home. I haven't worked as many hours but I have done a lot from home that I didn't imagine being able to before. For us, it is only 8 weeks of in-person instruction that students are missing. As someone posted in our Kansas Educators group, that is 1/52nd of their school career. The kids will recover just fine from this. Teachers will meet them where they are.
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Old 04-18-2020, 07:42 PM
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In the 3 days since I last posted things have been a whole lot better for me. I just needed to have my moment, break down a little, and pick myself back up. I've gotten a lot accomplished in 3 days and I'm feeling pretty good!
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Old 04-18-2020, 10:10 PM
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Glad you're feeling better Sherri. We all have those days/weeks/months.
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Old 04-19-2020, 09:26 AM
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sherri- i hope you're right and the kids all bounce back with ease
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