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Old 04-08-2020, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
I'm really heavy-hearted today...One of my friends passed away yesterday from the virus. Her husband had passed away five days earlier and both of them never knew the other had passed away. Their adult-son is still in the ICU trying to fight the virus. I've known this woman for 20+ years. She's been such a wonderful friend through the years and I hate to imagine how she struggled in those last few days. I'm broken today. I just needed to write it, make it real and get it off my chest so I can stop crying for the loss of an amazing woman who made everyone family.
This is so sad. I'm so sorry Wendy
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Old 04-08-2020, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
We've now been quarantining and doing school & work at home for 3 1/2 weeks. It's such a short amount of time but also feels so incredibly long.
Right?! Doesn't it seem like we've been doing this for a couple of months!

Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
I am really struggling with food. I have a bad relationship & history with eating, anyways, and I was doing SO WELL from January 2 - March 14 with eating better and exercising... and then this all hit and all of my motivation left and my depression set up shop. I'm trying not to spiral by reminding myself it's okay to just survive, and not thrive, during a global pandemic.

I cooked dinner all the time before this happened, so that's not new, but I'm used to shopping on Mondays for kid lunches/food & M-W dinner, buying healthy microwave meals for my lunches on the way to work Tuesdays, going to my parents' for dinner on Thursday (which I still helped cook but did not have to plan or purchase), grabbing pizza on Fridays, and then shopping Friday nights or Saturday mornings for Saturday-Monday. Having to plan an entire week of lunches & dinners has been a stretch for me, and then having to plan "back-up meals" in case they're out of something has been hard, too. I spent 2 hours (!!) on the grocery store website this past weekend slooooooowly adding food to my cart and then had to change stores twice in order to get a store that had hamburger available. That store is a 20+ minute drive across town, and then they still didn't have a handful of things on my list when I picked up the next day including flour and potatoes.
You got this as far as food and managing your weight! You've done SO well and I know you've developed some amazing habits!!

I'm in the same boat about the food. Our shelves are barren. We usually shop for 3-days out because we don't have room for food in our small fridge/freezer or pantry. I sent my husband out yesterday to pick up 50 things and he came home with maybe 15 of those things saying he tried. It's awful how much stuff is out of stock.

Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
The kids attend a Title 1 school so it didn't even have an e-learning process in place when this happened. I have to mark their "attendance" on a Google form every e-learning day (currently twice a week and moving into three next week) and then pull their assignments from a Google Drive folder for their school & grade. This has honestly been a blessing for my 5yo as his teacher & classroom were a hot mess & he spent most of his time doing independent learning (because the teacher was dealing with the other students' behaviors) or being punished (heads down, shorter recesses, etc.) because of the other students' behaviors. He was thrilled when his school shut down & equally excited when school was cancelled for the rest of the year. He is still learning to read so balancing my working from home with his need for help in completing his schoolwork has been a challenge. The 10yo had an incredible teacher who has been in regular contact with parents and students since this began, and I have just told the 10yo to be responsible for herself and do the work so hopefully she's getting it done. I'm not even trying to carry the weight & burden of being my children's teacher; they will be fine even if they learn nothing for the next month.
I love your laid back approach with their schooling!!

Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
My 5yo's birthday (and my nephew's) is in a couple weeks, and these will be our first "quarantine birthdays." I'm trying to brainstorm some things to do to still celebrate & make my kiddo feel special without breaking the social distancing rules or going someplace.

We have three birthday's coming up, including a Sweet Sixteen that was supposed to have a birthday party and a sleepover. That's not happening and I told her maybe we can do some sort of fun Sweet Sixteen Photoshoot?

Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
Work has been interesting but hopefully we will find that new rhythm soon. I'm supposed to work around 28 hours a week T-F and since this began, I've worked more than that including Mondays, nights, and weekends. Much of that has to do with new technology and other staff members learning how to use it so hopefully that will work itself out soon. I have been tasked with learning how to use Adobe Premiere so we'll see how that goes! I'm guessing this will last into mid or late May so I hope I can justify purchasing a new computer and writing it off as a business expense since the one I have is several years old and not really up to the challenge of working on it full-time with all the different software and apps my work is currently using.
Oh I hope you find a new rhythm and get back down to your normal hours. It's always a challenge when technology is involved

Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
Oh, and this was our Disney trip week with my kiddos' first time in Florida, first time on a plane, and first time at Disney. I just shake my head when I think about all the time I spent in January and February researching and reserving and planning... for nothing. With the parks actually closed, we have until July 2021 to reschedule (no refund on the park tickets or plane tickets --- just credit) but it's still really disappointing.
I'm really glad you are able to postpone your trip and have time to make it happen. I hate that the kiddos can't get to do their vacation, but they will soon when the world is rightside up again!! Are you doing anything fun/interesting instead like watching Onward on Disney Plus or something else?
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Old 04-08-2020, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by icindi View Post
Wow, so much going on with everyone. Things have definitely been challenging in this new world we live in! Hugs to all of you!

We went from trying to keep track of everyone's schedule to getting excited when someone actually has something on the calendar! LOL We had a severe storm last night and several neighbors lost trees. One lost 3 huge trees, thankfully they had little damage.

Next door a 60' pine tree fell and just grazed the house. They were so lucky!

And another house across the lake had a tree fall on their house. It crashed through the roof and trapped them in bed. Thankfully they were ok, but the fire department had to come help them get out. Here's pics she sent.

Lots of power out around us but we didn't lose power. We have a mess, lots of branches and debris but no damage.
WOW Cindi!!! That's a powerful storm!! I'm so glad your house was spared and that no damage was done. Your poor neighbors!! I can't imagine being stuck in bed underneath all of that. That must have been scary!!!

I'm glad you didn't lose power through all of that and you were/are able to stay connected!

Originally Posted by rdjrneace View Post
It is so sad to hear that people are battling this virus on their own and then passing away alone. I have a co-worker that said goodbye to her mother through a walkie talkie.

This virus is so scary
That's really sad, but nice they were able to talk to their loved one through the walkie talkie.

Originally Posted by SweetChar View Post
Wendy, I'm so sorry. Take your time with your grief. That is so terribly sad.

Cindi, glad y'all are safe. I feel bad for your neighbors! I'm still part of the Facebook page for the neighborhood we lived in previously. One of the houses there burned down a few days ago. I can't imagine dealing with all of that right now in the middle of this pandemic.
You are right, I can't imagine going through any more than what you are already going through. I hope the insurance company is able to deal with it quickly and they are able to get settled until they can rebuild from the damage.
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Old 04-08-2020, 09:07 PM
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Wendy, that is so terribly sad about your friend and her husband and son. : ( Knowing that they died alone makes is so much sadder. My 95 year old grandfather was septic and in ICU last week, and I couldn't stop crying at the thought of him dying alone and my grandmother just sitting at home waiting for news of his death. But somehow he pulled through and is back home now with hospice. If he dies, I won't be sad because he's lived a full and beautiful life, but at least now he won't be alone.

LeeAndra, I am so sorry that you are losing your momentum. I find myself with the uncontrollable urge to snack all day long and zero urge to exercise. It just all feels so hopeless. I hope you find the will to keep going, or at least to not give it all up.

Cindy, that's so terrible about your neighborhood!! I can't imagine that kind of stress on top of Covid stress. Are hardware stores still open? Wll they be able to get it fixed? All of those things are closed right now, here, so I can't imagine what it would cost to get someone to come and fix it.

Last edited by joelsgirl; 04-09-2020 at 09:16 AM.
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Old 04-08-2020, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
We've now been quarantining and doing school & work at home for 3 1/2 weeks. It's such a short amount of time but also feels so incredibly long.
I'm sorry to read that you're struggling LeeAndra! I do hope you can find the umph you need to continue to eat healthy after working so hard pre-quarantine! Hang in there friend, we're here if you need!
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Old 04-08-2020, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
I'm really heavy-hearted today...One of my friends passed away yesterday from the virus. Her husband had passed away five days earlier and both of them never knew the other had passed away. Their adult-son is still in the ICU trying to fight the virus. I've known this woman for 20+ years. She's been such a wonderful friend through the years and I hate to imagine how she struggled in those last few days. I'm broken today. I just needed to write it, make it real and get it off my chest so I can stop crying for the loss of an amazing woman who made everyone family.
Oh Wendy - I just want to hug you! I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend and her spouse! Praying their son pulls through!
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Old 04-08-2020, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by icindi View Post
And another house across the lake had a tree fall on their house. It crashed through the roof and trapped them in bed. Thankfully they were ok, but the fire department had to come help them get out. Here's pics she sent.
Lots of power out around us but we didn't lose power. We have a mess, lots of branches and debris but no damage.
WOW! Not at all what anyone needs right about now! I'm so thankful there were no terrible injuries!!
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Old 04-08-2020, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
You guys, I got snippy with my son's teacher and I kind of feel really badly about it. But on a positive, the school emailed us and said that parents were complaining about how long the kids were online doing schoolwork. So they cut my son's 7+ hour day down to 2.5 hours and my daughter's day down to 4.5 hours a day. They also are giving them Thursday and Friday off to allow teachers to redo their lesson plans. I'm so happy and hope with the scaled back version schooling will become not so much a headache and actually something more accommodating for everyone!

On a plus, my son's homeschool curriculum came over the weekend. He sat and worked through 20 pages of reading, writing and language with me. He also told me that he doesn't want to stop learning this material until he's able to read and write! He said when he goes in to second grade his teachers will be shocked that he isn't struggling any more. Now fingers crossed we can get there these next few months as we work through his books, on top of finishing up the digital learning through the school.
I can't believe some schools are expecting SO much. Our state says not more than 3 hours a day for high school, 30 minutes for preschool, an hour for 2nd and 3rd grade, etc. My son is in middle school though and his teachers are starting to tick me off. I'm in a difficult position because I work for the district and ANY sort of criticism (even constructive) will not be taken well at a time like this. Everyone is so tense and teachers are being very protective of their subjects so no one wants to give any. We are overwhelmed though. We have the advantages of having so many resources. We have good WIFI. We have devices. My kids are not struggling learners. I am in education myself. I know Google Classroom as well as the teachers who are using it. I'm also not in the least intimidated by 8th grade homework. I could teach it myself at this point. However, we are still overwhelmed. He signed into Google Classrooms on my iPad so now I am getting 1001 notifications a day about things teachers have posted, changes that have been made, assignments added, etc. It is ridiculous. They started Monday. They need to lay out the expectations for the week on the first day of the week. If kids only have limited access to devices or WIFI they need to know what is expected and be able to work with that. They don't need to suddenly be told on Wednesday afternoon that the teacher has added two more assignments that are due on Thursday just because they just decided that they should do them. Huh? Ugh.
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Old 04-08-2020, 10:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
I'm really heavy-hearted today...One of my friends passed away yesterday from the virus. Her husband had passed away five days earlier and both of them never knew the other had passed away. Their adult-son is still in the ICU trying to fight the virus. I've known this woman for 20+ years. She's been such a wonderful friend through the years and I hate to imagine how she struggled in those last few days. I'm broken today. I just needed to write it, make it real and get it off my chest so I can stop crying for the loss of an amazing woman who made everyone family.
I'm so sorry! It is tragic. I wish there were words. What an awful thing for a family to go through.

There is so much talk of this being a big hoax and deaths being staged. It blows my mind that people can be so ridiculous. An acquaintance of ours died just over 2 weeks ago. The first in our state (I believe) from Covid. His wife was in quarantine. She stayed away from everyone for 2 weeks. It was officially over on Saturday. She said she didn't feel right and decided not to go out to the store for supplies like she had planned. On Sunday she said she couldn't taste her food well. No other real symptoms. Still though, having lost her husband to Covid, she wanted to be tested. They refused. Said she wasn't symptomatic so why test. She was probably being paranoid. Her son is a doctor and he tried to get her tested. Finally a university medical center agreed to test her. The positive came back today. While she has no real symptoms right now, she could have been out there spreading it. SO awful!
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Old 04-08-2020, 11:00 PM
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Cindi, so crazy about the storm. I'm sorry that there is damage. I'm glad everyone is okay!
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Old 04-09-2020, 03:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
I'm really heavy-hearted today...One of my friends passed away yesterday from the virus. Her husband had passed away five days earlier and both of them never knew the other had passed away. Their adult-son is still in the ICU trying to fight the virus. I've known this woman for 20+ years. She's been such a wonderful friend through the years and I hate to imagine how she struggled in those last few days. I'm broken today. I just needed to write it, make it real and get it off my chest so I can stop crying for the loss of an amazing woman who made everyone family.
I'm so sorry to read this Wendy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Hugs to you.

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Old 04-09-2020, 03:33 AM
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Originally Posted by icindi View Post
Wow, so much going on with everyone. Things have definitely been challenging in this new world we live in! Hugs to all of you!

We went from trying to keep track of everyone's schedule to getting excited when someone actually has something on the calendar! LOL We had a severe storm last night and several neighbors lost trees. One lost 3 huge trees, thankfully they had little damage.

Next door a 60' pine tree fell and just grazed the house. They were so lucky!

And another house across the lake had a tree fall on their house. It crashed through the roof and trapped them in bed. Thankfully they were ok, but the fire department had to come help them get out. Here's pics she sent.

Lots of power out around us but we didn't lose power. We have a mess, lots of branches and debris but no damage.
I'm so sorry to read that with everything that is going on, you ALSO have to deal with storms and damage and such...
Luckily you are not hurt.

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Old 04-09-2020, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by icindi View Post
Wow, so much going on with everyone. Things have definitely been challenging in this new world we live in! Hugs to all of you!

We went from trying to keep track of everyone's schedule to getting excited when someone actually has something on the calendar! LOL We had a severe storm last night and several neighbors lost trees. One lost 3 huge trees, thankfully they had little damage.

Next door a 60' pine tree fell and just grazed the house. They were so lucky!
Cindi, WOW! We were in the storms northwest of you, in Medina, and we were definitely cowering in the basement! We came through unscathed, but our old neighborhood downtown had tons of trees and lines down. The pine tree in our old backyard came down perfectly between the two houses behind our old house and crushed some cars in the driveway! They are confirming a tornado went right through town. SO glad to hear you are ok! We lost power and internet, but they are both back now. It could have been so much worse.

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Old 04-09-2020, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
I'm really heavy-hearted today...One of my friends passed away yesterday from the virus. Her husband had passed away five days earlier and both of them never knew the other had passed away. Their adult-son is still in the ICU trying to fight the virus. I've known this woman for 20+ years. She's been such a wonderful friend through the years and I hate to imagine how she struggled in those last few days. I'm broken today. I just needed to write it, make it real and get it off my chest so I can stop crying for the loss of an amazing woman who made everyone family.
I am so sorry for your loss, Wendy! This whole thing is just so horrible and overwhelming. Prayers and hugs.

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Old 04-09-2020, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Sherri Tierney View Post
There is so much talk of this being a big hoax and deaths being staged. It blows my mind that people can be so ridiculous. An acquaintance of ours died just over 2 weeks ago. The first in our state (I believe) from Covid. His wife was in quarantine. She stayed away from everyone for 2 weeks. It was officially over on Saturday. She said she didn't feel right and decided not to go out to the store for supplies like she had planned. On Sunday she said she couldn't taste her food well. No other real symptoms. Still though, having lost her husband to Covid, she wanted to be tested. They refused. Said she wasn't symptomatic so why test. She was probably being paranoid. Her son is a doctor and he tried to get her tested. Finally a university medical center agreed to test her. The positive came back today. While she has no real symptoms right now, she could have been out there spreading it. SO awful!
This kind of talk, that it's a hoax or conspiracy, makes me so angry. The "normalcy bias" that a lot of people have is making it hard for them to believe that something like this is happening, but it is. It is happening to people we know all over the place. My sister-in-law is a nurse at a nursing home where covid is just wreaking havoc. She had to work the covid floor on her overnight shifts this past weekend, and it was horrible. People were dying and she was the only one on the floor besides one other nurse. All their other nurses are out sick with the virus, so they are extremely short-handed. She is brave, but this is so hard. Hugs!

Last edited by allyanne; 04-09-2020 at 12:04 PM.
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Old 04-09-2020, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by allyanne View Post
This kind of talk, that it's a hoax or conspiracy, makes me so angry. The "normalcy bias" that a lot of people have is making it hard for them to believe that something like this is happening, but it is. It is happening to people we know all over the place. My sister-in-law is a nurse at a nursing home where covid is just wreaking havoc. She had to work the covid floor on her overnight shifts this past weekend, and it was horrible. People were dying and she was the only one on the floor besides one other nurse. All their other nurses are out sick with the virus, so they are extremely short-handed. She is brave, but this is so hard. Hugs!
I'm sorry that your sister in law is in such a position. I will keep her in my thoughts and pray that she is unaffected by this virus as far as her health goes. It sounds like an awful situation.

The other day I scrolled through Facebook and I saw a post from an ex that was very conspiracy minded and I blocked him immediately. I also silently thanked the powers that be that he is an ex! LOL
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Old 04-11-2020, 12:46 AM
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Originally Posted by allyanne View Post
This kind of talk, that it's a hoax or conspiracy, makes me so angry. The "normalcy bias" that a lot of people have is making it hard for them to believe that something like this is happening, but it is. It is happening to people we know all over the place. My sister-in-law is a nurse at a nursing home where covid is just wreaking havoc. She had to work the covid floor on her overnight shifts this past weekend, and it was horrible. People were dying and she was the only one on the floor besides one other nurse. All their other nurses are out sick with the virus, so they are extremely short-handed. She is brave, but this is so hard. Hugs!
I'm so sorry your SIL has to see what she does. I hope she stays safe and healthy and that hopefully soon we can put this behind us!
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