Summer Games - Jul 1: Scrabble *WINNERS ANNOUNCED*
Hey, hey Sweet Shoppers! It's July 1st and I am so excited to be here to kick off the first day of our annual Summer Scrap-a-Thon! Over the next two months, our amazing team is going to take you through 32 challenges inspired by some of our favorite games as part of the Sweet Shoppe Summer Games. A brand new challenge will be posted every other day starting NOW, and we hope the fun & games will inspire you to get a ton of pages scrapped during this special event! As you can see from the header, today's challenge is inspired by the classic game, Scrabble! Scrabble has always been one of my favorite games and when my husband and I were long distance, we often played Words with Friends or would take a small scrabble board on vacay with us. I can count on one hand the number of times he's beaten me... I love the game that much! I knew I wanted to do something special and over the top to kick off this summer's event, so I hope you're sitting down and ready to put some brain power into your layout for today's game of... SCRABBLE Step One: Download my web sized Scrabble board and tiles so you can play along with today's game! Step Two: Create words on your scrabble board by adding elements to your layout which begin with the first letter of the letters in your word, like so... In this example, I've scored 22 points for CANDLES (including the double word and double letter spots), plus an additional 9 points for the word DONUT! Hypothetically, my 31 point layout might include... C - a Coffee Stain A - An Alphabet N - Newspaper D - Doodle L - A List E - An Emoji S - Stitches D - A Doily O - Ombre Background N - A Number U - Underlined words T - Tabs I think you get the idea! Before you get overwhelmed, you can make this as easy or as hard on yourself as you want! You can scrap a single word and you'll get credit for participating in today's challenge, buuuut if you want to challenge yourself, you can go all out by piling as many "words" on your game board and "elements" on your page as you want! More on that later. Our amazing SugarBabes will be sharing some of their game boards and pages in the next few replies, so look to those for a little inspiration on how simple (or complex) this challenge can be! Some Basic Rules Our Babes have come up with an awesome list of scrapbook-y words that start with various letters that you can use to build the words on your board and your layout. This list is a starting point. You MAY use words of your own (there's no way for us to have covered all of the possibilities), but please stay genuine to the challenge and don't make your letters / words too much of a reach! As you can see in my example list, "A _____" counts as the first letter of the second word, not as the letter "A". A Doily counts for the letter D, not A. An Apple or an "Angled" composition counts as the letter A. You MAY pile as many words onto your board in an effort to create the highest scoring layout, but you MAY NOT exceed the standard distribution of letter tiles in the original game of Scrabble... This means that while you could create a "zoo" themed page which includes a "zipper" and a "zebra print paper", you would only get credit for using the 10 point Z in two of those words because there is only one Z tile. Here's a handy graphic you can use to check off the letters as you add them to your page... Like Scrabble, the special spaces on the board only count toward doubling a letter or a word, etc. the first time a word or letter is played on the space. Your first word MUST be played on the star in the center of the board, either horizontally or vertically. The star counts as a double word score space. The blank tile may be used twice to help you create a word, but it has no score value. Finally, if something is on your page, it must be in your list of words and letters. The Stakes Now, you might be asking yourself... WHY would I bother trying to go all out for a high score in scrapbook scrabble? Well... of course I'm upping the stakes and sweetening the deal by giving away a couple of bonus prizes to some lucky scrappers who go all out in today's challenge... NOTE: If playing for the highest scoring single word prize, you get only 7 letters to work with, just like the start of a game of Scrabble. How to Enter to Win! If you aren't interested in playing for one of today's bonus prizes, please post your board with a single word (7 letters or less) and your completed layout as images in this thread for credit in today's challenge. If you're playing to win, reply to this thread with the words "email sent" and your LAYOUT ONLY, and then send an email with the subject "Summer Games - Scrabble" to challenges@sweetshoppedesigns.com with the following info... A .jpg of your completed Scrabble game board A .jpg of your final layout Your word list & the corresponding elements used on your page Your final point tally Because we want this to be fair, you must keep your final game board and word list secret so that no one can build upon anything you've done. We'll review the final boards for point accuracy, included elements and the highest score will win! In the event of a tie in point score, the most creative layout will be chosen by our team as the winner. All submissions must be received no later than 11:59pm Saturday, August 31st to be eligible to win! I know this may seem like a challenging "challenge" but I hope you'll take a deep breath and think outside the box on what you can include to make your page and your Scrabble game board work. You have the entire summer to create your page, so take your time and have fun with it! __________ Remember, there are NO SET DEADLINES for our daily challenges. YOU decide what you want to scrap, WHEN you want to scrap, and have the freedom to decide what prizes you want to earn or try to win. As long as you've met those requirements and updated our master tracker by September 2nd in the case of our grand prizes, or have this month's tracker updated by the end of July if you're trying to earn this month's 40% discount, you're golden! Most of our prizes will be awarded in early September, so YOU have the freedom to participate when you can without missing out on any of the fun this summer! We're so happy to be back for this year's Summer Scrap-A-Thon and hope you're ready to jump into the fun! <3 R
Last edited by Robin Carlton; 09-10-2024 at 03:35 PM. |
Quick question - can you do a one word 7 letter layout now and submit the bigger layout later if you get it done?
You can! If you post in this thread to get credit for the challenge and that's it, that's totally fine. If you decide to enter for the highest scoring 7 letter word or the highest scoring email. Just include REVISED in your email subject line. I would prefer that you only email me once you've finalized your board vs. updating throughout the summer, etc. just to keep my inbox clean <3 Does your 1st word have to cover the STAR space? Yes! Traditionally in Scrabble your first word covers the star space and you build the rest of your board out from there! Do we have to include the words from our board in our journaling or that was just what one of the Babes did? You do not have to include the words from the board in your journaling, but you can journal about something specific and have it count for one of your words. ie. it's easier to journal about being a xenophile than it is to find an element that represents that word. Can we repeat two of the same words? You can repeat words as long as there are exactly that number of "underlines" on your page to correspond with the number of "u" you have in your words. If I don't have an F in my words I can't add flowers? Correct. Like the rules state "Finally, if something is on your page, it must be in your list of words and letters." I feel stupid..I don't get it. Do I just pick a couple of words? You aren't stupid. This one is tricky. If you just want to get it done for credit for July 1st's challenge, you can just create a page with a simple word and call it good. If you want to shoot for winning the $100 gift certificate you can go crazy with creating your scrabble board and layout to match. If you want to go for our $30 prize, you can try to come up with the highest scoring single 7 letter word placed in the center of the board so you maximize the scores on letters like Q worth 10, etc. Question about keeping it secret: so I'm not supposed to post the finished layout in the gallery at all? Or link it on my July tracker or Grand Prize tracker? Will I still be eligible for the July prize if it's not listed? Correct. If you're shooting for one of our two prizes, do not post in the gallery or here in the thread, just email me your entry and reply to this thread with "email sent". The link that post in your tracker thread for credit even though no layout is shown here. If you're just "getting it done" with a small or low scoring word, feel free to post your board and layout in this thread to share. Can I use any word or do they have to be scrapbook related? The words on your board can be any word at all. The letters making up the words must represent aspects or elements of things you're including in your layout. Remember, if it's not represented in your letters, it shouldn't be on the page. ie. if there isn't an "F" in one of your words, flowers should not be on your layout. You could get creative and use them as blooms for B or posies for P. Have fun with it!
Last edited by Robin Carlton; 07-01-2024 at 08:26 PM. |
Here's my scrabble board:
JACKPOT=60; WORKBOX=27; FASTER=13 TOTAL=100 My Layout: J- Journal Cards A- Accordion Flower C- Curved Title K- Kraft paper (kraft style) P- Photostrip O- Ombre Leaves T- Type Font W- Word Art O- Outside Photos R- Rolled Flower K- Knotted String B- Bokeh Paper O- Opalescent Stars X- Xylograph (date embossed in wood paper) F- Flowers A- Aurora Borealis S- Scatters T- Teal Trim E- Epoxy R- Ribbon
What a fun challenge!! I started off with just two words, but it quickly became addicting!!!
TWARTED = 13 | JOWL = 30 | TWIGS = 13 | FLOCK = 48 (16 X triple word) | GLAZING = 36 (18 x double word) | DABBLES = 36 (12 x triple word) TOTAL = 176 T - Tag H - Heart W - Word Art A - Animal R - Ribbon T - TItle J - Journaling O - Orange W - Wire L - Leaves T - Tape W - Washi I - Ink Splatters G - Gems S - Star F - Flowers L - Label O - Overlay C - Camera K - Key S - Succulent G - Glitter Paper L - Lace A - Arrows Z - Zigzag stitching I - Insect N - Nature G - Geo tag D - Date A - Acorn B - Butterfly B - Binoculars L - Layers (lot of!) E - Ephemera S - String
Last edited by JillW; 06-26-2024 at 11:06 AM. |
This was so much fun and I'm super excited that I was able to use my scrabble words in my journaling!
CAMPING (40), SWIM (17), SUNBURN (26), RAIN (5), WORK (11), SCHOOL (22) TOTAL = 121 My end result... C - Cindy Schneider’s Template A - Acrylic (Adventures title) M - Matting behind photos P - Pencil I - insects (flies) N - Nature Themed papers G - Green solid papers S - sans-serif font (Helvetica) W - wood frames I - Illustration (bear) M - metal screws S - snippets (words) U - unhappy button N - numbers (Date) B - branches U - umbrella R - rain drops N - notepad R - raffia A - acorns I - Ivy wreath N - nail W - wild flowers O - Outdoor photos R - ribbon K - Kraft alpha (camping title) S - sequins C - clusters H - heart paper O - owl O - orange flowers L - lyrics (“A Camping we will go”)
Last edited by MamaBee; 06-26-2024 at 11:06 AM. |
Quilter (Quotation Marks, Underline, Ink, Leaves, Template, Eiffel Tower, Ribbon) Faulty (Flowers, Ampersand, Up [as in the tower], Letters, Travel Theme, You) all the extras were in the template (word tab, circle, journaling, frames etc) Bonjour by Blagovesta Gosheva Photo Palooza 425 by Cindy Schneider (coming 6/29)
Last edited by norton94; 06-28-2024 at 01:04 AM. |
Last edited by liriel; 07-06-2024 at 08:25 AM. |
Quick question - can you do a one word 7 letter layout now and submit the bigger layout later if you get it done?
You can! If you post in this thread to get credit for the challenge and that's it, that's totally fine. If you decide to enter for the highest scoring 7 letter word or the highest scoring email. Just include REVISED in your email subject line. I would prefer that you only email me once you've finalized your board vs. updating throughout the summer, etc. just to keep my inbox clean <3
Question. I don't believe I have ever played Scrabble. Does your 1st word have to cover the STAR space? It looks like that is what you have all done, but I am not 100% sure.
Thank goodness for these lovely examples! I was imagining we were submitting scrabble boards with the elements on the board where the letters would be. I guess I wasn't awake enough when I first read it! lol
Dawn - yes that's typically how you start the game. The first word covers the star with one of the letters and then you work out on the board from there.
oh my gosh that seems so complicated haha I'm gonna need a minute to figure it out.
Thanks for the examples!!
Sometimes when I get an idea, I can't help but run with it. I KNOW this one is a LOT haha
Do we have to include the words from our board in our journaling or that was just what one of the Babes did?
Last edited by Leablahblah; 07-01-2024 at 03:04 PM. |
this is a dyslexics nightmare!!! But I am going to try!!
MAGIC - 13 points & GARDENS - 13 points & FLOWS - 19 points & PAVE - 10 points --> 55 total points M - mesh A - artsy pointer G - green I - ink (on frame) C - Cindy Schneider template G - gel brad A - artsy piece R - ricrac D - double scoop (Pink Reptile Designs & Tracie Stroud) E - ephemera N - numbers S - stitching F - flowers L - labels O - outline W - word art S - string P - pointer A - artsy blossom V - vellum E - eyelet (in flower) [EDIT: saw the clarification that it had to be on the board to be on the page so I updated my board and my list]
Last edited by Brendazzle; 07-02-2024 at 08:40 AM. Reason: clarification of rules |
T Template R ribbon A arrow V vertical design E exploring L leaves S string S stitches C cactus R red A animal P paint F flowers L layers O orange W word art
question: can we repeat two of the same words?
for example I have many U, could I underline several times and that would be enough? or do they all need to be different U (underline, us, unicorn...)
one last question:
If I don't have an F in my words I can't add flowers?? we can't add anything other than what we have in our list?
I have this question too
Tanyia CTing for Kelly Bangs Creative
It sounds like fun, but also needs a lot of thinking...
It is fun that many times when I tell people I scrap, they think I play scrabble... LOL
I feel stupid..I don't get it.
Do I just pick a couple of words? I don't play Scrabble much...lol
Question about keeping it secret: so I'm not supposed to post the finished layout in the gallery at all? Or link it on my July tracker or Grand Prize tracker? Will I still be eligible for the July prize if it's not listed?
Here's my attempt. It's all a bit confusing and after re-reading the instructions for the 3rd or 4th time, I realize I'm not supposed to go over a 7 letter word. Oops...but I'm not going for the big prize so hope it's okay.
48 points (I think) Flowers Layers Orange Washi Enamel flower Ric rac Image Name Gem Paint Envelope Stitches Tag Template Wordart Insects Note Arrow Green Ephemera
Last edited by Lidia G; 07-02-2024 at 02:40 AM. |
can I use any word or do they have to be scrapbook related
they need to be scrapbook related
scratch that, Im not sure if you mean the scrabble words or the words for each letter. lol
Tanyia CTing for Kelly Bangs Creative
Last edited by tanyiadeskins; 07-01-2024 at 07:38 PM. |
hmmm no I don't think they need to be scrapbook related on the board!
At least I hope not. The Sugarbabes' examples have no relation to scrapbook. (JACKPOT, WORKBOX, FASTER)
Just answered all of the questions asked so far in the 2nd post up top <3
NOTE: If playing for the highest scoring single word prize, you get only 7 letters to work with, just like the start of a game of Scrabble.
If I were to play for this, all I get total is 7 letters? One single word that starts in the center and that's it? No other words can be added around it or building my words to that highest 7 letter word score?
Correct Lea.
There is a $100 prize on the line for the highest total BOARD score OR a $30 prize for the highest single WORD score.
ok glad you clarified because I was doing it wrong.
Also, to clarify, your single word doesn't HAVE to be a 7 letter word if a 6 letter word gets you more points. And in the event of a tie (same word / same score or something like that) our Babes will break the tie by choosing their favorite layout between those tied pages.
LOL I totally missed the 7 letters or less but I think that's ok if I'm not shooting for the BIG prizes. This was so challenging but in a fabulous way! Thank you for such a new idea!
Quiter- 36, Squat-16, Chart-20, Prevented-15, Flowers-28. Fan-6 = 121 Q- Quote U- Upper Case Letters I- Ink Splatter T- Template E- Enduring R- Ribbon S- Selfies Q- Quality Time U- Underline A- Amazing Race T- Temple C- Chiawana Hat H- Hearts A- Arrows R- Rough Typewriter font T- Thread P- Paper Strips R- Ripped Edges E- Ebony Word Strips V- Veil E- Elephant (on Husbands tie) N-Numbers T- Together E- Ephemera D-Doily F- Filmstrips L- Love O- Opacity (lowered on the Background Paint) W- Wedding photos E- Embellished title R- Rustic Background Paper S- Stamp F- Flowers A- Amy and John N- Newsprint
Last edited by amyjcaz; 07-02-2024 at 02:16 AM. |
Dang it I missed the 7 letters or less thing and not I have to redo my board
If you're creating a larger board and more complex layout, you can build larger words because in scrabble as the game goes on, words are often built upon, etc. so we thought larger words on a full board are just fine. Keep in mind, this is supposed to be fun. We aren't gonna split hairs and be all rulesy if you're creating in the spirit of the game and challenge.
Awesome page Amy!!
Awwww, Thank you so much! Again, this was such a fun, unique challenge that the steps of difficulty almost went unnoticed.
Can we enter two layouts/board if we want to try for a chance at the highest 7-letter word AND the highest score full board? or do we have to pick one?
I made a mistake and have both done... not sure which one to submit if I have to choose.
You know what? Sure, you can enter for both single word and full board!
I hope this works and I hope I got this right!
My words: flapped (15) and bat (9) (double letter score on b and t) = 24 f=flowers l=leaves a=alpha p=paper p=paper strips e=embellished title d=date tab b=buttons a=aqua flowers t=template Last edited by HeatherB; 07-02-2024 at 11:13 AM. |
Last edited by Scrap-therapy; 07-02-2024 at 03:17 PM. |
Last edited by KylieShatto; 07-02-2024 at 01:59 PM. |
Hopefully, I did this correctly. I blurred my daughter's board so it wasn't shown.
Template Ink Music Notes Eight Flowers Seven Leaves Paint Event Name Tape Word Art Images Thread Hearts Handwriting font Ephemera Ribbon Totally, had to share my daughter's layout that she made to go with her Taylor Swift themed Scrabble board! Last edited by smileark; 07-04-2024 at 01:10 AM. |
wow a lot of explanations, I'll try to decipher/translate it all and come back
CT for Laura, JoCee, Meagan, Em, Wendy, Tracey, Tracie, Amber, Kel, Blagovesta and Liv
Waft - 14
Me - 4 Topple - 11 Jabbers - 36 65 total points Wordart Arrow Flair Trail Mattes Embers (photo) Trees Outdoor photo Patterned background paper Pocket card Leaf flair Encampment card Journaling Action Bracket Buttons Ecru paint Rejoice photo Stars
My Scrabble Page:
F = Flowers photo L = Ladybug embellishment O = Ombre Background Paper W = Word Art Title E = Extracted Photo (ladybug, placed on flower petal) R = Ric Rac S = String
Last edited by Pups_r_Paps; 07-03-2024 at 11:29 PM. |
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