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Old 08-22-2011, 01:36 PM
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Default What do your kids eat?

What do your kids eat for lunch/dinner? My son has to be the pickiest eater ever (aside from his dad). I'm struggling trying to find things he will eat. I'm at the point that I tell him that if he doesn't eat something he just won't eat but I feel bad (totally defeats the purpose I know). One week he eats something and the next it's the yuckiest thing he's ever saw. Urgh!
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Old 08-22-2011, 01:41 PM
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Rachelle, I struggle with this so badly. I have no advice, but I can relate. There are only a handful of things my DD will eat. I never stop offering her whatever I've made for dinner, but she only eats certain things. I'm just hoping she grows out of it. And lately, she's been too preoccupied to eat, and she's gone to bed a couple times with only having a bite or two in her tummy. I'm just hoping that "they'll learn."

Last edited by cardinalskate; 08-22-2011 at 03:06 PM.
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Old 08-22-2011, 02:16 PM
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I have the same issues here. I never force eating, but I force him to sit at the table till I tell him he can be excused. I also don't offer him food before it's regular mealtime even if he barely had anything to eat at his last meal.

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Old 08-22-2011, 02:19 PM
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I don't have too much advice eeither...I have a couple of kids like this and the rule of thumb at my house is you eat what I give you or you make it yourself. So if they are old enough to make their own food, then I don't force them to eat dinner {but usually that doesn't happen}...

my 4 y/o is the best eater ever, but he could live on fish sticks, nuggets, fries, PB&J, cereal, fruit, yogurt and blueberry muffins! Seriously!
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Old 08-22-2011, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by nun69 View Post
my 4 y/o is the best eater ever, but he could live on fish sticks, nuggets, fries, PB&J, cereal, fruit, yogurt and blueberry muffins! Seriously!
I believe these are 4 year olf staples. Some of my son's favorites also (cept he doesn't like PB, so his are jelly sandwichs..lol).
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Old 08-22-2011, 03:08 PM
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I know everyone's heard it before, but my DD really is more willing to at least try a taste if she's helped me cook it. She loves to help me in the kitchen and while we're cooking, I'll really talk up whatever we're making and telling her how yummy it will be when we eat some after we've cooked it.
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Old 08-22-2011, 04:06 PM
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My kids are really picky too and it seems like all 3 can't ever agree on anything. They like pizza, macaroni and cheese, apples, grapes, yogurt, string cheese and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
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Old 08-22-2011, 04:12 PM
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I think there are SOO many of us that can relate to this. I used to beat myself up about it badly b/c I just could not get DS to try ANYTHING new no matter what. And we even did the "if you don't eat this then you just won't eat" and I swear he would starve before he ate any sort of green vegetable.

So I just try to compensate with the healthy stuff he does like. I also sneak veggies into sauces a lot..although now that he's older he's figured that out. But he's also gotten better the past year or so about what he will eat. So I think he's partially growing out of it. I still don't think he will ever ever eat vegetable willingly.

DD is the exact opposite..that girl will eat whatever I put in front of her usually..or at least try it.

And we did nothing different with her..so I totally think a lot of it depends on the child..I really think DS may have had some texture issues and stuff as a toddler that affected what he would eat...but he seems to be outgrowing that too at age 6. Hopefully it will keep getting better.

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Old 08-22-2011, 04:17 PM
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My boys LIVE on PB&J for lunch....that's about it. Occasionally they will have a mini pizza, nuggets or a hot dog but it's usually PB&J. They love goldfish crackers, string cheese, yogurt, cereal, most fruit and our 5 year old LOVES raw carrots and celery (and he is our pickiest eater).

For dinner they eat what I fix or they go hungry. I have too many things to worry about than to fix a different meal for each child. They have to try (one bite) everything that is given unless I know absolutely know they can't stand it....our 5 year old is scared to try new things our almost 4 year old will try anything and he eats just about anything but most veggies (he likes corn & green beans). Sometimes if we have a good steak or other expensive meat that we know they will not eat, we will fix something else....but...most of the time they eat what we are having.

The baby on the other hand refuses baby food now and wants to eat what we are having. He shares my lunch with me every day and LOVES meat and veggies!!!!
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Old 08-22-2011, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by jaylensmom View Post
One week he eats something and the next it's the yuckiest thing he's ever saw. Urgh!
He may be picky in what he will eat but that statement is not being picky...it's being stubborn! Which can be just as bad as being picky!! My 3 older ones aren't too picky but my younger two are super picky...I just make sure there is one thing they like to eat at every meal.

When they pull that line on me though...I don't play games....I say "you like this...you ate this x amount of day ago...you will eat it now, there will be no negotiations"!! They can either eat it or go to bed hungry (or if it's lunch or breakfast stay hungry till the next meal).

We eat pretty simple fare around my house since I'm actually kind of a picky eater. Lunches usually consist of sandwiches:

PB & J
Grilled Cheese
Chicken or Tuna Salad
Occasional burger and hot dog
Mac & Cheese
or dinner leftovers when there are enough. Then we have stuff like yogurt, pudding, chips/salsa, fresh fruit/veggies.

Dinner is comfort food (usually healthied up a bit ): Pastas, casseroles, mashed potatoes, rice, plain veggies, simple soups, pizzas. I'm a simple woman with simple tastes...I don't see any problem with raising my kids the same way!!!


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Old 08-22-2011, 04:39 PM
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I eliminated all non healthy snacks in the house. Cheese & fruit & veggies. That's it. I also made sure they were not snacking too close to meals. Then I told them they had to try a small amount of whatever we were eating. I'd put 1-2 spoons of the food on their plate.If they hated the meal they could have some raw carrots or broccoli & a piece of fruit. Or go hungry. Whatever. I never worried they'd starve, they'd just wake up early & have a bigger bowl of oatmeal than usual. After a couple weeks, once it was clear this was going to be how it is I let them start helping me plan meals. I plan two weeks worth of meals at a time & they get to pick 3 of them, one each and whoever did a better job of eating recently got to choose the 3rd.

They both started eating more shortly thereafter. not sure if they were motivated by getting to choose a meal they liked or a meal their brother hated but it did motivate them.

Now at 7 & 8 they will eat a much wider range of foods. Not anything by any means but they are more open to trying.
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Old 08-22-2011, 05:28 PM
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Well, Rachel hates cheese (as do I). Chicken. Hot dogs. Almost all meats, actually.
Thankfully she loves raw veggies (but no dip or dressing) and fruits, so she eats a lot of those.

She's taking her lunch to school, and here's what we are looking at right now
1. pbj, apples w/pnut butter, pb crackers, pb&honey sandwich or spaghettios
2. veggies---carrot sticks, broccoli pieces, mini bell peppers, cucumber slices, broccoli slaw, etc
3. yogurt or Gogurt (stick in the freezer, it's just right by lunchtime)
4. crackers or pretzels (if she isn't taking sandwich or pb crackers)
5. fresh fruit or applesauce
7. one little extra---fruit snack, granola, etc

She doesn't eat it all at lunch...she munches on the leftovers on the way home from school.
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Old 08-22-2011, 07:55 PM
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Okay, don't stone me or curse me out, but it would be easier to list what Cheyanne doesn't eat than what she does. She will not eat:


I lucked out in the eating department with both my kids and most of my friends have "hated" me for it - LOL. Cheyanne was eating table food at 9 months because she refused to eat baby food at all. At 1 year she was eating stir frys loaded with veggies and garlic. She would eat traditional veggies and also bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, bok choy, etc. etc. She used to love eggplant with garlic sauce but doesn't like eggplant anymore - not sure why.

Lately her favorite meal is butternut squash ravioli with a thyme, maple, cream sauce. For lunches she loves cold red lentil dal on a slab of whole grain baguette. But, like I said, she'll eat anything.
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Old 08-22-2011, 08:13 PM
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The "No Thank You" portion has helped us out a lot. I was a picky eater growing up and my parents tried the "well, if you're not going to eat what we fix, you're not eating at all." I'm still quite picky about a lot of foods, but I also know that I didn't starve then and my kids won't either if they just refuse to eat. I also try to show them that at least I have a bite before I decide that I don't like it. Sometimes we've totally changed attitudes about certain foods from that "No Thank You" portion and now they love something they absolutely hated before...kids, go figure!
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Old 08-22-2011, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by mummytothree View Post
He may be picky in what he will eat but that statement is not being picky...it's being stubborn! Which can be just as bad as being picky!!
Yeah that has a lot to do with it too...he's used to getting his way and me giving in...
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Old 08-22-2011, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by mariewilcox View Post
Okay, don't stone me or curse me out, but it would be easier to list what Cheyanne doesn't eat than what she does.
Yeah I'm trying hard not to dislike you right now I totally envy parents of non picky eaters
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Old 08-22-2011, 09:23 PM
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Well if it is any consolation, I would only eat a few things my entire life until I started going on dates and being exposed to different foods with taste. Now, I want to eat everything!
I do not worry about the picky eater my own 3 year old. Today, he only ate fish crackers, string cheese, some cereal and juice. He goes through phases, some weeks he eats everything and some he eats like today. But he is healthy, growing and gaining weight so I guess he is ok and they do not need much food. Their stomachs are so tiny. Mine used to be tiny and now its fat...LOL
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Old 08-22-2011, 09:25 PM
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I'm glad I'm not the only parent of a picky eater...I guess I shouldn't stress over it much but it's hard...
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Old 08-22-2011, 09:58 PM
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My husband and I are both picky eaters, but a different kinda picky. Well we got cursed with picky kids too. Though I have to say as my kids get older they seem to be more willing. Over the past two years he will eat so much more now. I still fight them on veggies, they prefer fruits. I do the this is what I'm cooking, eat it or go hungry. Usually by the next meal they will eat whatever I put down. That's the way I was raised too. By the time I was a teenager and had a job I would buy my own food though. My husband was raised, you eat what mom makes or make a pb&j. That wouldn't work in my house. My kids would eat pb&j every meal of the day if you let them. :/ I'm just hoping they continue to out grow it.
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Old 08-22-2011, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Stacey42 View Post
I eliminated all non healthy snacks in the house. Cheese & fruit & veggies. That's it. I also made sure they were not snacking too close to meals. Then I told them they had to try a small amount of whatever we were eating. I'd put 1-2 spoons of the food on their plate.If they hated the meal they could have some raw carrots or broccoli & a piece of fruit. Or go hungry. Whatever. I never worried they'd starve, they'd just wake up early & have a bigger bowl of oatmeal than usual. After a couple weeks, once it was clear this was going to be how it is I let them start helping me plan meals. I plan two weeks worth of meals at a time & they get to pick 3 of them, one each and whoever did a better job of eating recently got to choose the 3rd.

They both started eating more shortly thereafter. not sure if they were motivated by getting to choose a meal they liked or a meal their brother hated but it did motivate them.

Now at 7 & 8 they will eat a much wider range of foods. Not anything by any means but they are more open to trying.
I think this is great advice! My problem is that my oldest {who is the picky eater} doesn't care if he goes hungry.

I also made these recently:

Chicken & Veggie Nuggets. Both of my kids ate them up with no idea that there were veggies mixed in!
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Old 08-23-2011, 12:51 AM
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DD is a pretty good eater, but when she is refusing to eat something, often offering her a dip (ketchup, ranch, or Italian dressing depending on what it is) and/or sprinkling Parmesan cheese on top will encourage her to try it or eat more of it.
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Old 08-23-2011, 05:26 AM
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I don't really have picky eaters, but I usually do "bento"-type lunches. My jids love them.

-hard-boiled egg/rolled up lunch meat or cold chicken pieces
-cucumber, cherry tomatoes, carrots, celery with hummus
-grapes, strawberries, blueberries, sliced bananas, apples
-Goldfish, or some other kind of crackers, or grain bread with a type of tofu/spinach or hummus spread
-peanuts, almonds, other nuts
-string cheese, Babybel cheese, or other cheese slices
-drinkable yogurt
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Old 08-23-2011, 05:45 AM
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Can definately relate . . I have two kids that will eat anything not nailed down and two that are VERY limited (one grew out of it tho!). My 8 year old has been extremely fussy for EVER, and at four she was basically living on sandwiches (and weet bix with milk for breakfast).

I ended up going to the doctor and getting he just said that she should only eat at meal times, no in-between meals. Dont forget too that poppas (fruit drinks) can add up to a whole orange for example, so should also be avoided in between meals. He said he had known really fussy eaters whose parents said they would only eat chips and drink coke, and they sent him to a place to be re-educated about food - they have meals the same time each day, all healthy food only. He told us that for the first couple of days the kid ate nothing, but by the third he ate EVERYTHING put in front of him!!

He said kids physically cannot starve themselves, their body wont let them. But my stubborn lil darling went three days with very little food, and I couldnt handle it!! She is like a stick as it is. Her specialist associates her fussiness with her ASD. Slowly we have progressed, but she is still very limiited in what she eats. She has never had a steak, or lamb chop, (once she had a cold lamb sandwich) and does not eat vegetables.

I ended up insisting on blood tests as I was worried she would be iron deficient, but guess what, they all came back fine - she's perfectly healthy . . go figure

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