Gallery Question-2 page layouts
It looks like I'm in the minority these days, but most of the layouts I do are 2 pagers. What I'm wanting to know is if there is a way to keep the left and right hand sides of the layouts beside each other in your gallery and what order should you upload them in so that when you see them you see the left hand page on the left and the right on the right hand side. I would think it would be alphabetical, but in my gallery right now, I'm noticing that there is a 2 page layout that is separated by a card that alphabetically should come after both of these pages. I'm probably being over analytical as I'm prone to do, but I'd like to figure this out if possible before I load many more. I'm working on a Disney book right now and would like the pages to match up when loaded. Just let me know if I should just give it up and upload willy nilly. This is just something I've wondered for a while and thought I'd break down and ask. Thanks!