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Old 06-26-2010, 02:31 AM
suziew suziew is offline
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Default Adobe Elements or PaintShop Pro?

I have used Photoshop Elements 3 for years. I purchased an Epson Stylus Photo 1400 printer. Epson included Elements 6 with the printer, which is the software it says is required to use the printer. I installed Elements 6. I like a lot of the features in the upgrade from Elements 3 but it crashed a lot. I used Elements 3 for most of my projects and then used Elements 6 to refine shadows, bevels, etc., and to print. Elements 6 still crashed but I could get through it. Recently Elements 3 began having lots of problems so I uninstalled Elements 3. 6 kept crashing so I uninstalled and reinstalled 6; still crashed so uninstalled 6 as well as the printer and reinstalled both. 6 still crashed so uninstalled using instructions from John Ellis and Adobe Tech Notes to uninstall registers, etc. Reinstalled 6 and it is still crashing.

I'm thinking of going to a new software program. My husband hates Adobe programs because they don't "clean up" after themselves and files are left all over the place. I loved Elements 3 but would like to have the tools and refinements of programs developed more recently. We've searched sites and many say that Elements 6,7 and 8 have big crash problems. I'd like to know more about Paint Shop Pro --- does it have the crash problems of Adobe Elements; does it have the tools of Elements for editing photos and creating scrapbook pages?

Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated!

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Old 06-26-2010, 07:13 AM
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ive used psp for a few years now, and its never crashed on me. Im not sure if thats due to the program or my computer tho???

Pretty much anything you can do in photoshop, you can do in psp. Commands are just different. Paintshop pro is perfectly capable of creating scrapbook pages and editing photos. The only problem is that most designers create stuff for photoshop rather than paintshop pro. SO if your wanting to use photo editing actions, they arent going to work. Text paths wont work either. PSP can open PSD files tho, so your good to use templates, and obviously, normal papers and elements will all open no probs.

If you do end up with psp, theres a great script which has been linked to in previous threads (just use the search box to search threads relating to psp), that makes scrapping with Psp so much easier. Its free, so definately download that one!

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Old 06-26-2010, 07:54 AM
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I've always scrapped with PSP..I never have problems with it crashing...but I'm sure if your computer doesn't have enough RAM any photo editing program will cause it to crash...I've tried to use PSE5 a few times but my brain won't work that way lol..like Lani said...it will do just about everything that PSE will except run actions...it uses scripts. It does an okay job of photo editing, I use LR for all my photo processing though.

I've contemplated switching to adobe over the years but haven't made the jump yet...I just love my PSP and as far as scrapping goes it does everything I need it to..plus I loooveeee LR for my photo editing.

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Old 06-26-2010, 08:01 AM
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I'm betting it's because you don't have enough RAM for PSE6 to run.
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Old 06-26-2010, 08:27 AM
knlchevys knlchevys is offline
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I use PSE7 and maybe had it crashed 2 or 3 times. Not enough to count though! I love it. I agree with Darcy about the RAM.
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Old 06-26-2010, 09:41 AM
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I use PSP. I also have PSE & CS4, but I continue to use PSP to scrap. Its just so user friendly to me, but if you have been using PSE, it will be a different way of doing everything again,
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adobe elements, paintshop pro, software

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