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Old 06-26-2012, 10:01 AM
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Default RQOTD2: Do you believe in psychics?

I was just watching Live with Kelly and it was psychic week and people that were chosen (randomly or not, IDK?) and were asking questions. So it got me thinking- do you guys believe in psychics? I tend to say no but am interested in what everyone else thinks.
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Old 06-26-2012, 10:06 AM
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I think that most 'psychics' are just really observant, but there could be a few who are genuinely in touch with 'otherness', for lack of a better word.
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Old 06-26-2012, 10:08 AM
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I do... I do believe there are some that truly have a connection... but most that are "commercial", I don't believe they are "real"...

When I was in my mid 20's, my mom got me a "session" with a local psychic... most of it came true... but still waiting for that kid number two that she saw and has yet to happen in the last 4 years - and no lack of trying on our parts...
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Old 06-26-2012, 10:17 AM
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I do, here is a story.

I was on Just Mommies and there was a lady who was a psychic for pregnancies and women who were trying to conceive. She was like 25 bucks for a reading online. You basically sent her a email with your name and your SO's name and maybe birthdays. Very vague. Anyhow I received my reading back and it blew me away.

Here is the reading:

Hi Crystal

They show you having a BOY and they relate him to APRIL, so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in. I am seeing him linked to the first half of the month of April, something like the 6th to the 12th so not sure if you can look ahead and see if this would perhaps connect with either your ovulation or testing?

They show your son as someone who has amazing confidence, someone who takes his time with things, almost like he is having so much fun that he just does not want it to end. I think that you will find that he is someone who kinda minds his own business when it comes to things that really don't concern him. He does not like to be involved in other peoples problems. Although he will help bail a friend out of trouble if he "has" to, he would much rather let them learn their own lesson and focus on his own issues if he has any. I think that you will find that he is very in dependant, and always a really hard worker. He is someone who sees what needs to be done and then just pitches in. He wants anything that is going to have his name attached to it to be perfect and show that it was done right.

I see him as someone who is down to earth though with most things, he knows when to let loose and when to have fun. He tends to have good balance, but it really depends on being around the people that he knows and feels comfortable with. In a situation hes not too sure of, you might find that he is a bit more stubborn, dig in his heels type person and find a way/reason to be out of the room or out of the "situation'> I think hes like his dad.. hes not really this big social person. Hes got his good circle of friends, confidence around them, but is not this big party person who is going to go out and try and "party". Just not him. His idea of fun is playing video games, playing sports, hanging out..etc.

When it comes to career paths, they show him working for a newspaper company, I see him linked to something in "design".

When it comes to marriage I See him closer to 26, they will have one girl and one boy of their own.

Let me know if you have any questions
Best Wishes

To start, We found out I was pregnant with Lucien on April 9th 2009. We had Zachary on April 7th 2011. What she describes above is my Husband to the T. I had this reading while I was trying to conceive with Lucien and only people who know my husband know how he is. I dunno if it was coincidence but I believed her.

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Old 06-26-2012, 10:34 AM
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Old 06-26-2012, 11:25 AM
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I definitely do, although I think there are a LOT more fakes out there conning people out of money than there are real ones... I love watching Long Island Medium on TLC, it's amazing what she does.
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Old 06-26-2012, 11:32 AM
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Old 06-26-2012, 11:38 AM
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I have no personal experiences, but I'm open-minded enough to think it's definitely possible there are people who can see or connect to people and events that most of us cannot.
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Old 06-26-2012, 11:51 AM
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I think most of the ones you hear about are probably frauds.

That said, I do think there are people with precognitive or telepathic abilities. The documentaries I've watched about the Army using remote viewers have been fascinating.
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Old 06-26-2012, 12:11 PM
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I'm not a believer.

It would take something spectacular to make me believe.

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Old 06-26-2012, 12:16 PM
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I believe that some people can see certain things. My grandmother was very in tune with the family and often dreamt of things before they happened. It actually runs very strong in our family and I have had such dreams or premonitions myself. My grandma's dreams were much more precise and explicit as to what would happen where as mine have always been a more playful version I suppose (with one exception). My grandma and I both had dreams on the same night that my aunt was pregnant. My aunt did NOT want a second child (her son was 8, she was done) and they were actually preventing pregnancy. My grandma dreamed of my aunt taking a pregnancy test and then telling her she was pregnant. In my dream everyone was bringing boxes of Luvs for boys (remember back when those gender specific diapers first came out?) to my aunt's house. I told my grandma of my dream the next morning. I blurted out "I think Linda is pregnant". Grandma smiled, nodded and said "yep". I told her "It's a boy too". She just nodded again. I said "what, she already told you?" She told me "no, she'll tell me tomorrow". Sure enough, the next day my aunt revealed that she was pregnant. Four months later we found out she was, indeed, having another boy after her telling us for 4 months that she was sure she was having a girl. I also had a dream the night before this baby was born. My friend was staying the night and we had camped out in the living room floor (I was 17 when he was born). I woke up, looked up to see my grandma sitting there and told her "Linda is in labor". She said "you had a dream too?". She was white as a sheet and visibly upset. The baby wasn't due for another 6 weeks. In my dream we had been going to Dunkin' Donuts to get my aunt her daily donut and she started having contractions at the counter. In my grandma's dream there was my aunt sitting in a bath tub of blood crying and holding her stomach. My grandma's was much closer to the reality of it. My uncle called just seconds later and said Linda was bleeding all over the place and they needed my grandma NOW. Grandma rushed them to the hospital (they lived like 2 blocks away and she was ready to walk out the door when he called) and they delivered the baby immediately when she got there via emergency c-section. She had a placental abruption and they didn't think the baby would survive. Thankfully everything was okay (he's 21 now) but it was scary. That's just an example of how my dreams are less specific than Grandma's were.

I had similar dreams (these premonition dreams are very much unlike any other dreams, I feel different when I dream them and I see things differently in the dream) before I lost my first son (dreamt I delivered him in the toilet and, in reality, I very nearly did a week later), right before we found out Caitrin was a girl (I wanted a BOY really bad during that pregnancy but I dreamt of an ultrasound where my baby had a pony tail and that's how they knew she was a girl, LOL) and before I found out I was pregnant with Declan. I also had a dream after I lost Tyler where both Caitrin and Declan were there and I was entering an office that said 'perinatologist' and had the name of the doctor I would later visit with both Caitrin and Declan. That one was really strange as I had never heard of a perinatologist at the time. The babies in that dream looked just like Caitrin and Declan did at birth, oddly enough. They were both babies at the same time in the dream though.

Oh, and my step-dad visited me in a dream the night he passed away. He and my mom were riding on a roller coaster. I could see the whole ride. They were both smiling and he wasn't sick any more. He kept patting her hand and saying it was a great ride. When they got to the end he walked over to me and said "It's okay, kid, I'm ready now" and he just drifted away from me. The next morning my mom called me and said he was gone. It wasn't until almost a year later that I finally got the courage to tell her about the dream. The second I mentioned roller coaster she turned pale. She said "wait, I've never told anyone". I asked what she was talking about and she said that the day he passed away, after they had came and picked him up that she and his nephew went to the carnival. My mom has always been terrified of roller coasters but she said she felt so numb that she just got on it anyway. She had tears running down her face. I finished the story and she kept asking "he really said he was ready?"

I could go on and tell a few more stories... but, yeah, I believe people can have connections.
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Old 06-26-2012, 12:18 PM
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Old 06-26-2012, 12:37 PM
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I don't really believe in phychics, but I do believe people have connections and can know things, if that makes sense.
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Old 06-26-2012, 12:50 PM
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Not at all.

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Old 06-26-2012, 01:54 PM
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I do.

I do believe that most are probably fakes but I do believe in psychics and people with a special connection.
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Old 06-26-2012, 02:20 PM
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I do. I have had prophetic dreams. Not a lot but they do happen. I had a dream about the shuttle blowing up, I had a dream about something really bad that happened to my daughter and then again when my son was killed I had just woken up from a dream not knowing exactly what had happened but feeling a general panic feeling like there was something wrong with him and my husband. I have read a lot about dreams and their meanings and there is prophetic dreams like I had with the shuttle then there are dreams where you have a strong emotional connection with a person and those are telepathic dreams. So yes I do believe in psychics.

Oh I also had a dream about each of my kids before they were born and what they would look like. It was a reason why I was so shocked when they told me my daughter was going to be a boy. I was sure I was having a girl but the ultrasound they said showed something different so I thought my dream was wrong

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Old 06-26-2012, 02:25 PM
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I do believe and I've dabbled reading cards for years. But anyone on TV and making money off it are just plain fakes. We all have a little psychic in us, you just have to learn to tap into it. When you get the "gut feeling" trust in it!!!
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Old 06-26-2012, 04:58 PM
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Yes, I do believe in them, but at the same time I think a lot of the ones who get paid for it are faking it.

ETA, I have also had dreams that turned out to be true later. I also get feelings a lot of times that turn out to be true. I have predicted the sex of the babies of nearly everyone close to me that has been pregnant.

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Old 06-26-2012, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by krystalhartley View Post
I have no personal experiences, but I'm open-minded enough to think it's definitely possible there are people who can see or connect to people and events that most of us cannot.
Yes. But there are definately real ones and fake ones. Best to choose wisely. Most of the fake ones are just performers. The real ones are usually calm and unassuming. If they are using their gift wisely, you should feel better in their presence. THis is the person you want.
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Old 06-26-2012, 06:28 PM
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I'm not 100% sure that I believe but I do think that people have connections on a molecular level to others.
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:58 PM
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Originally Posted by kristijoy View Post
Yes. But there are definately real ones and fake ones. Best to choose wisely. Most of the fake ones are just performers. The real ones are usually calm and unassuming. If they are using their gift wisely, you should feel better in their presence. THis is the person you want.
This. I believe there are people who can see. I have had things happen all my life that make it so I can't NOT believe. I don't have dreams, I have premonitions if you will but they happen within minutes of whatever event I "see." As a young child I would "see" my great grandmother all the time and talk to her. She once told me I have a very strong aura and "light." It was something that always scared me until I was about 17.

In our town we had a Presbyterian minister who was quietly know as the "seer." I was not Presbyterian or the least bit religious for that matter. Something propelled me to see him when I was going through a very troubled time. He didn't know me at all and never even asked me what my name was before, during, or after our meeting.

The very first thing he told me was that I had a very strong light around me and he asked me if I knew what that meant. I told him that I thought I did because my dead great-grandmother had talked to me about it. He asked me if it scared me, and I said yes. He told me it was nothing to be scared of and that I could learn to use it as a gift. We then had a question and answer session that blew me away... some things he told me were a mystery until they happened 10 years later. He told me that I would move around a lot with the love of my life and that I would have 2 children, but it would be almost like they would be single children (my son and daughter are 13 years apart). He also told me that I am strong and that I would be able to survive what life threw me (DH died).

He asked me if I knew who my guardian angel was. I had always assumed it was my grandmother whom I was very close to and she passed the year before when I was 16. He said no, it was in my mother's house (meaning my mother's side of the family) and it was a male. He also told me that usually our guardian is someone who knew us only a short time in life or not at all. We figured out that it was most likely my grandfather on my mother's side; he passed away when I was 7. The next day I told my mother about it and asked her if she knew who my guardian was and she said, "Yes, I've always know and that's why I never worried about you too much." You see, my grandfather was dying of cancer in a hospital 1 hour away from where we lived. The week he died I was in a different hospital with an illness for a week that the doctors couldn't figure out. I was losing weight rapidly and very sick. My mother was torn between leaving me for a day to go see her father one last time. She went and he told her, "Don't worry about Marie, I will watch over her for the rest of her life." He died the next day, and she always knew he was my guardian.

There was a boy I grew up with literally from birth (our mothers were pregnant with us at the same time and we were born days apart). We went to different high schools because our town had a choice of 2 different ones. I graduated a week before he did. I was moving out of town the next day and at my graduation we hugged and I told him I'd be home for his graduation in a week. Three days before his graduation I was sitting in the kitchen of my apartment having a midnight snack when all of a sudden I had a vision and knew he was dead. My father called me an hour later to tell me the news and I was crying when I answered the phone. He assumed someone had already called me, but I told him no, I just knew that Peter was gone. A freak accident where a car rolled over him and pinned him and he suffocated to death. I could go on and on with different stories, some good and wonderful some tragic and sad.
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Old 06-26-2012, 08:10 PM
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Why yes, I do believe in physics.
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Old 06-26-2012, 09:15 PM
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Old 06-26-2012, 09:36 PM
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I do believe. But I have no desire to have a reading. My future will happens as it happens, I don't need a preview.
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Old 06-27-2012, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by farrijc View Post
I definitely do, although I think there are a LOT more fakes out there conning people out of money than there are real ones... I love watching Long Island Medium on TLC, it's amazing what she does.
I also love watching this show.

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