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Old 09-18-2023, 12:07 AM
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Question Lifestyle Change Help

Hi all. I seriously need to lose some weight; the ways it will help me are plentiful. And still I can't motivate myself. If I eat properly at breakfast, than be lunch I forget I'm trying to be better and don't make good choices. I don't know if this is residual sadness over the loss of my mom in spring or the worry over my sister's health, or my dad being 96 and that is frick'n scary to me. But something has blocked me badly!

HOW DO YOU MOTIVATE TO DO THE RIGHT THINGS CONSISTENTLY, if even knowing the consequence of not doing them is not a good one?
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Old 09-18-2023, 06:36 AM
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If I'm being honest ....this is my daily struggle. How to continue the good things each and every day....also while allowing myself a bit of grace when I don't?!

I have become increasingly better at this. I (and our family) have been through a LOT the last 5 or so years with almost losing Allen to this kidney failure crap, losing our home, family dog, him starting dialysis and not having the stability we used to have.

Now that his health is as good as it's going to get, and dialysis treatments are bit more stable we had to all process the emotions, feelings etc that we all went through. That was super hard on all of us in different ways.
This also meant me going back to work full time. That was fine for a while, until April of last year (2022) when my coworker quit and I've been shouldering the load since then. That was another stressor for me.

This year I've worked to identify my triggers better. I've also worked to really actually take it day by day. We often say that at least I did, and then would schedule out a week of "prep" and what to do and not do ....but I have slowed down and wake up with intent on just focusing my weight loss on that one day. So if on Saturday I eat "bad" then I wake up Sunday and start over, instead of giving up and going "oh I'll start again Monday" or "next week"

I say all this to say, I don't know. But this is what's working for me right now. lol

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Old 09-18-2023, 09:01 AM
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I'm really struggling with this right now as well. I'm really hoping to make some changes this fall. With the cooler fall weather, I've been going outside more and doing more walking and hiking. I'm hoping to keep that up and add to it. And then I need to spend some time doing some meal planning. I don't enjoy cooking so I need to really be honest with myself about what I'll actually cook and get some healthier options stocked around here. Good luck to everyone working on this too, and I hope to see more tips!
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:07 AM
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I can relate to struggles with weight loss. I am an emotional eater and we have been on an emotional roller coaster the last few months. This Thursday I have surgery (a lumpectomy) and we are praying it's not breast cancer. I have been undergoing mammograms and diagnostic tests for the last month and a half. I have difficulties with dealing with other issues on top of weight loss issues so I tend to let that go. It then produces a cycle of eating and then frustration over the weight I've gained. I am trying to learn to cut myself some slack. I wouldn't treat any friend the way I often treat myself.
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by EvelynD2 View Post
I wouldn't treat any friend the way I often treat myself.
give yourself a hug,
Tell yourself, that's a lot on your plate and you deserve some grace.

praying for you my friend

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Old 09-18-2023, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
give yourself a hug,
Tell yourself, that's a lot on your plate and you deserve some grace.

praying for you my friend
Thank you so much, Kiana!
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Old 09-18-2023, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by EvelynD2 View Post
I can relate to struggles with weight loss. I am an emotional eater and we have been on an emotional roller coaster the last few months. This Thursday I have surgery (a lumpectomy) and we are praying it's not breast cancer. I have been undergoing mammograms and diagnostic tests for the last month and a half. I have difficulties with dealing with other issues on top of weight loss issues so I tend to let that go. It then produces a cycle of eating and then frustration over the weight I've gained. I am trying to learn to cut myself some slack. I wouldn't treat any friend the way I often treat myself.
I'm sorry you're going through this Evelyn. You know you have my prayers!
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:51 AM
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I honestly think there are times when giving yourself the grace to heal emotionally is more important than the weight loss. I think if you push yourself too much, you end up worse off.

That being said, one of the biggest things for me is not having tempting foods in the house (yes, I'm talking to you, candy corn that I just threw out!). If it's not there, you can't eat it. Making sure you don't let yourself get too hungry because that's when we make the worst choices. And, lastly, having healthy snacks available for those times when you just want to munch.

Big hugs to you, Tracey. What you've gone through and are going through is really tough.
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Old 09-18-2023, 11:44 AM
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I'm with Tammy- If I don't buy it, I don't eat it. I try really hard to keep kids' & hubby's snacks healthy too so those triggers arent in our house as well.

One thing I did and while it's hard sometimes, just change one thing. For myself, I've tried to not eat as much sugar- specifically added sugar/sweets. I started in May and have lost about 20 lbs (prob at least another 20 to go!) but it's been slow- like a lb or so a week and I think that despite doing many different programs over the years, this seems the most realistic to continue lifelong. Of course I have an occasional dessert or sweet, but for the most part, just taking that one thing out has been- not easy per se, but doable if you know what I mean? I found if I'm craving something I can have a sugar free chocolate pudding or low sugar yogurt with a teaspoon of chocolate chips.

I also have been pretty consistent on tracking what I'm eating- not for the calories or carbs even, but just so I know I'm staying under the amount of sugar. There's so much sugar in things that it's been interesting to see it visually. Also I feel it keeps me a bit more accountable. I've been using the my fitness pal free app.
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Old 09-18-2023, 11:51 AM
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I could not do this on my own no matter how hard I tried. I constantly felt guilty and bad about myself as I wanted to lose weight but couldn't no matter what I tried on my own: diets, fasting, exercise, etc.

I started taking Ozempic in February, and I have lost about 35 lbs. since then. I physically cannot eat very much food at one time or it will make me sick. It has also taken my craving for chocolate away (which I used to eat every day without fail). I am also diabetic (although it is very well-managed by Metformin and Ozempic) so I can't NOT eat so I have to choose (mostly) nutritious food for the food I am able to eat.

I don't know if Ozempic or something similar is available to you or something you want to do but I shared to give you some encouragement that it might simply be factors beyond your control and willpower. If I could have lost weight by sheer bullheadedness, I'd be a supermodel by now! My genetics and auto-immune conditions simply make that impossible without medical help.
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Old 09-18-2023, 11:54 AM
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I keep reading macros are the way to go, but I have the hardest time digesting that and really digging in to track them.

I’ve had success with Weight Watchers in the past, but burnt out and honestly things I’ve done in the past don’t seem to work or I can’t seem to find the motivation. I teach basic nutrition for work, but it’s no way associated with loosing weight. It’s just based around eating the five food groups as suggested by USDA MyPlate.

I have been talking to a dietitian recently and the fact that after 6 months I’ve tended to loose focus and my body has a weight it seems to love and want to get back to isn’t a surprise.

I had gotten down to 53 lbs lost at my lowest, I’m sitting at 40 right lost that I’ve maintained about 4 years, but I think lack of physical activity has hurt me. During Covid I kept a little more off, but I also walked every day, I’ve been dealing with vertigo since July and some other things this year, I just can’t find inspiration.

It sucks!
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Old 09-18-2023, 02:13 PM
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I actually hired a macro coach through Macros, Inc. for nutrition coaching (they also offer an option that includes personal training as well but I have always been good about the training piece). I have been with her for a year now and have continued with it even though I've been at my goal weight for a while. I am a post menopausal woman and I can tell you it works if you work! I find that having to check in with that person keeps me accountable and she's not afraid to call me out on my own BS. Also, having to take those dreaded progress photos is a major motivator. I never want to see what I saw in the beginning ever again! It's a little pricey but worth it for me. I will probbly keep the coach through the holidays since I know I will need all the help I can get during that time but then I'll probably try to go it alone. They do have a Facebook page where they give you everything you need to know about macros and tracking for free. I started out doing it on my own and lost about 15lbs before hiring a coach. It's a little bit of work to learn at first but I love that macros are flexible and you can eat whatever you want as long as it fits your macros for the day (emphasis is placed on nutritious food but can work in fun foods, too.) I do feel like it is the key to lifelong weight management.

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Old 09-18-2023, 02:51 PM
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I used to be so disciplined, but fell off the wagon and gained 40 lbs. I've cut back on the goodies, but I'm heading into baking season. eeek! I'm hoping to get back to baking for the fun of it and not just to eat all the cookies.
I think the best bet is to be mentally prepared to do what it takes and not just have it be wishful thinking. Good luck in your quest! I hope you find something that works for you.
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Old 09-18-2023, 07:46 PM
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Lots of companionship in this daily struggle - not surprised to see that at all as I know I am far from the only one.

Emotional eating... many of us do it and it is hard to overcome.

Keeping trigger foods out of the house - well let me just say I don't plan to buy a refill on a certain treat I found at Trader Joes because I have zero control with it. Ack.

I also think many of us have emotional stuff related to illness, family losses, relationships and if we don't have it today, chances are the older you get, you will be dealing with this stuff at some point. Some days I wonder how I take the next step when I look at all the stuff that is highly stressing me, but then I do because lucky for me, I am a naturally up person and hate feeling depressed. I think I'm also good at compartmentalizing stuff.

I'm going to research the macro's stuff.

Amie you probably do the closest to what I might normally do. But somehow I lost normal in covid. I lost my trainer and gym time which was keeping me strong and helping with my back. At first I was doing good with hubby, walking some great walks which can actually be really hard on me due to disk issues. But then the back went out (again) (eyeroll) and I had no trainer working with me to strengthen right back up from it and it's been downhill ever since. For my body, everything relates. Ack.

But I will never give up - life long fight.

Some things I have incorporated have been many more vegetarian meals and selective fasting. Both of these can definitely help . For the fasting, in general, if done properly, you likely need an 8 hour window in which you do all your eating - Mine is generaly from about after dinner till eleven in the morning. So I'm usually drinking warm lemon water in the mornings and have learned I really like it. I started the vegetarian meals in the winter and while summer they tend to be more salads, in winter I've found a small collection of soup, chili and such that I like which are vegetarian.
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:47 PM
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Originally Posted by TraceyM View Post

For the fasting, in general, if done properly, you likely need an 8 hour window in which you do all your eating - Mine is generaly from about after dinner till eleven in the morning. So I'm usually drinking warm lemon water in the mornings and have learned I really like it.
The clean fast is the most important tool for success.... basically black coffee or plain tea or water. Lemon in the water breaks the fast and makes it harder. Even though you might start with an 8 hour window, that is not enough for a lot of people to lose weight. Feel free to reach out to me for more info if you want. I can share some resources.

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Old 09-18-2023, 09:59 PM
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Three years ago I joined a local weight loss clinic and lost about 40 pounds. I have gained about 10 pounds back - but my body feels like I've gained it all back, because everything is flabby again (sorry if that is TMI! Ha ha).
The program was based around eating better ... no soda - no bread - no alcohol - lots of protein and greens. It was easy and really, seems like a no brainer. However; I completely burned myself out during those 4 months. Even today, I have a hard time eating salads. But today, I do understand what I need to do to lose the pounds and be healthy.

Honestly, some days I care and think 'yep - I'm gonna do this' and then other days I don't much care. I suppose until I truly make up my mind, nothing will really stick.
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:08 PM
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Put me in the wagon too. It's a daily struggle for me too.

For me, I want to lose the pregnancies weight, which is around 8-10kg. Before the second pregnancy, I managed to lose some of the first pregnancy weight and was feeling really great about it. I did a regular weekly swimming and daily walking around doing my chores, as well as intermittent fasting and less carbo diet.
The fasting starts at 8pm at night and ends at 12 (lunch time) every day. As for the diet, my resolution at the time was to not eat rice (because rice is a big part of our food here), during the weekday and to drink 3L of water daily. I was happy with my body, my moods were significantly better and my knees and back stopped hurting.

And then... second pregnancy came, and covid and being stuck far away from hubby. Long story short, I have 10 kg of the weight still stuck with me, even after 3 years of giving birth.
Currently, I am on the fasting again, but the elimination of rice is still a struggle, as I basically share what I eat with our daughter. I have yet to return to swimming weekly, but I have been jogging at home for 30 minutes 5 times in a week. But all of these things did not start all at once. I add things little by little. Also, the fact that I have weekend to let 'loose' gives me incentives, though I am now used to the idea of no eating after 8pm. The intermittent fasting somewhat has grown on me.

So, all in all, I'll say start small, start with changing one thing and stick to it. After it becomes a habit, then add another thing. I know it does not always work (right away), but at least we are making changes bit by bit towards the better.
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:40 PM
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I can totally relate to the weight loss struggles... years and years of yo-yo dieting over here. I have dabbled in intermittent fasting since 2019 and gave it up for one reason or another, but I'm in it for the long haul. While it can be a challenge initially as your body adjusts, it is a lifestyle that works very well for me. I'm done with diet mentality... I'm not interested in worrying about "bad foods" or counting calories and tracking my foods. In the last 3 months, I've lost 25 pounds and several inches. I feel so much more in control of my relationship with food.. it's freeing.

I know that many people who consider IF immediately think "I can't do that. I'd be starving!" but once your body adjusts, cravings are gone and you are much more attuned to your hunger signals. Health benefits in addition to weight loss are numerous. Do the research and read the science. It just makes sense.

If you're interested in learning more, check out Fast, Feast, Repeat by Gin Stephens or listen to the Intermitten Fasting Stories podcast. She is amazing.

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Old 09-19-2023, 07:49 AM
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I will say as I've grown closer to the menopausal age fasting seems to work for me. I do OMAD on weekends and tend to drop 2-3 pounds just in a short weekend. But then I wake up so early during the week that it's hard to NOT be hungry so I try to do small snacks while working instead of heavy meals.

I might check out that book. Thanks

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Old 09-23-2023, 11:54 AM
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This is also a daily struggle for me. I've been trying to figure out ways to help me with this. I've used My Fitness Pal since about 2017, and it works for me, but I usually fall off the wagon, mainly due to the holidays. Last summer I had lost 15 pounds, but when late October rolled around, the weight loss stopped. It was due to celebrating birthdays (DS', DH's and my birthdays fall within a 30-day period starting around Halloween), Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then I just couldn't get back to it, because I was used to my old ways of eating a bunch sweets and chips, eating what I want. I know that I need to start exercising -- at least walking. I know that will help me for numerous reasons. I've only gained back 4 pounds, which is really good for me considering what I've eaten this past year. Amie has a plan that could work for me -- keeping track of sugar. However, I know I will have sugar cravings, and I have to satisfy them; otherwise I eat everything in sight until that craving is satisfied.

Evelyn, you are in my prayers!
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