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Old 09-24-2015, 05:11 PM
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Default QOTD - Biggest Accomplishment - 09.24.15

Well, seeing as how KCB forced me to volunteer as QOTD Tribute, here I am with your first (again) official QOTD.

What's the one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in your life so far?

BTW, if you read this & don't respond, we are going to Katniss you right into the SSD Scrapping Games. Beware: Pixel Peeta will shrink all your photos to 72 DPI!
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Old 09-24-2015, 05:17 PM
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I have one!

In December I graduated with my Master's Degree! I honestly couldn't have done it without my two girls. My oldest took my phone away if she saw me texting while I was supposed to be studying and my youngest wrote cute little notes in my textbooks! I need to scan the cute little notes in my textbooks and make a layout!

LeeAndra - you didn't answer your own question...hehe
Or is the QOTD tribute exempt?
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Old 09-24-2015, 05:27 PM
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I have two (yup, when you make the rules, you can break the rules!) accomplishments that I'm proud of:

(01) getting out of an abusive and violent relationship in my early 20s. 'Nuff said.

(02) taking care of 2 kids + whittling all of our belongings down to 2 carfuls + driving across the country and all 3 of us arrived in one piece. Definitely 'nuff said.
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Old 09-24-2015, 05:28 PM
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Honestly I'd have to say raising my son the last ten years "alone". I have been a single mom since he was born. I haven't done it alone per say but his father has never been in the picture. We've had a lot of difficulties the last ten years. When he was in kinder he was diagnosed ADHD. I was so thankful for answers but that was just the start. The next few years were pretty dark for me, trying to figure things out on how to deal with him and controlling his mood swings. The last year or so though, he's really grown into an amazing little guy. He's figuring out how to control his emotions himself and how to handle his ADHD. Both he and I can finally breathe a little and as a result I've finally found love. I never thought I'd get outta that hole, but with family and good friends, anything is possible.

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Old 09-24-2015, 05:28 PM
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I wouldn't mind if Pixel Peeta punished me. If only he were REAL and, like, 10 years older...
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Old 09-24-2015, 05:30 PM
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becoming a SSD designer <3 and designing really.. honestly. When I went to college for art my high school art teacher sorta laughed at me. I was never really a drawer but i've always had ideas in my head. Becoming a designer and selling my designs here was a big proving myself moment
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Old 09-24-2015, 05:40 PM
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I don't know if I could narrow it to a single thing... but up there would have to be raising two wonderful little boys (they're 7 and 9 so its still a work in progress!!). Also changing careers from one I hated (accounting) to one I love and which actually makes a difference in this world (environmental protection).
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Old 09-24-2015, 05:58 PM
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Other than becoming a mommy I'd have to say that volunteering at our Children's Hospital is something I'm really proud of. I loved spending time with the kids and babies. Especially those that didn't always have family there with them. There were definitely days that were tough....days where you find out one of your favorite patients passed away. But, there are days that you learned one of your favorites was well enough to go home. I would definitely encourage others to look into volunteering your time and love to others.

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Old 09-24-2015, 07:28 PM
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Hmm... I don't know... one thing that is my biggest accomplishment - in my previous work life, I would have said either training the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, twice... or surviving my work assignment in the UK for 9 weeks...

In my scrapping life... I would say becoming Babe...

And in my personal life... I would say our son, Jake - even he is only 8 and has many years to grow... I'm very proud of how much I have been able to teach him, so far, homeschooling... that kid is wicked smart.
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Old 09-24-2015, 08:13 PM
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Being four weeks away from finishing my degree, 10 years after finishing high school with no university entrance qualifications...so although im not quite finished its still a huge accomplishment to me

getting an A+ for one of my courses this year (highest grade for a course so far)

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Old 09-24-2015, 08:36 PM
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I want a like button for every one of these posts!!! Way to go everyone!!!

For my recent accomplishment, I would say learning to take care of seniors. I took up the job of senior care out of need for a job, but it turned out to be a lot more than that. I'm squirmish to begin with, so I had to overcome lots of my feeling to take care of some of the seniors that I never thought I'd be able to do (for men and women). Now, I actually enjoy taking care of them and get a deep sense of doing something good for others. In a sense, they've helped me more than I've helped them!
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Old 09-24-2015, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by ripal View Post
I want a like button for every one of these posts!!! Way to go everyone!!!

This is the one negative about forums! I always feel like i'm being rude with not responding or acknowledging that i'm reading them!
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Old 09-24-2015, 09:44 PM
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Raising kids by yourself is difficult in the moment, you don't have time to realize just how tough. On the other side of it, seeing them as young adults who are caring and kind, responsible leaders, good friends to other people and to one another, just exceptional people that you are so proud of is probably my most significant accomplishment.
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Old 09-24-2015, 09:59 PM
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This is an awesome thread. Love getting to know everyone!!!
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Old 09-24-2015, 10:30 PM
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It's awesome to see all of these accomplishment! Great QOTD!

It goes without saying I'm proud of my family, but if I had to pick one thing that epitomizes my own accomplishments, it would be my career. I went from being in the headstart program as a child to being a director at a Fortune 100 company. I oversee strategic planning which impacts $17B in business with an annual budget of around $100M. Obviously, there are scores of other people I work with and this is a team effort, but I have a definitive impact on millions of customers, employees and agents.
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Old 09-24-2015, 10:33 PM
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sheri is what one would call.. a bad ass bitch (sorry for the swear but really there is no other word for it lol)

ps. but just as an FYI she is anything but bitchy!! i don't want you all thinking i'm calling her that lol
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Old 09-24-2015, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by KristinCB View Post
sheri is what one would call.. a bad ass bitch (sorry for the swear but really there is no other word for it lol)

ps. but just as an FYI she is anything but bitchy!! i don't want you all thinking i'm calling her that lol
You can call me a BAB anytime ... and right back at ya!
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Old 09-24-2015, 10:49 PM
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Scrapping: Becoming a Sugar Babe

Home: Being a good mum

Work: Successfully treating 2 gunshot casualties at night during a real time firefight in East Timor, and earning the New Zealand Order of Merit for it. It wasn't the medal itself I was proud of, but the fact I could do my job under the most extreme conditions, and actually save lives, all the while feeling as calm as anything. Until then all my emergency medicine training had just been training. Every medic hopes they can do what needs to be done when everything hits the fan, and I was relieved to find everything slipped into place perfectly. My training was justified and I could do what needed to be done.

Last edited by jacinda; 09-24-2015 at 10:52 PM.
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Old 09-25-2015, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by jacinda View Post
Work: Successfully treating 2 gunshot casualties at night during a real time firefight in East Timor, and earning the New Zealand Order of Merit for it. It wasn't the medal itself I was proud of, but the fact I could do my job under the most extreme conditions, and actually save lives, all the while feeling as calm as anything. Until then all my emergency medicine training had just been training. Every medic hopes they can do what needs to be done when everything hits the fan, and I was relieved to find everything slipped into place perfectly. My training was justified and I could do what needed to be done.
WOW that is incredible!! Congratulations!!

I don't think I can top a lot of these, maybe I'm still working on my greatest accomplishment? Somedays I think my greatest accomplishment is that I made it through the day without going crazy!

I married my best friend and he treats me like a queen and I have two great boys that I am enjoying seeing grow up.
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Old 09-24-2015, 11:17 PM
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Being a mum and learning to be patient... really it's still a work in progress, but I've done it for 3 years (and pulling my hair all the while!), I think I deserve the feeling of accomplishment here...
Personally, it's coping with where we live currently (Beijing, China). I hated coming here and it was so uncomfortable, but, 4 years later, I'll say, everyday, I do my best to make everyday enjoyable and happy with my family.
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Old 09-25-2015, 03:20 PM
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I am most proud of buying my house. I grew up in old small apartments so being able to accomplish this lifetime dream for my son is amazing to me. The house is so much nicer than I ever expected I could buy, too. I love it.
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Old 09-25-2015, 05:39 PM
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For me I think I'd say finishing my Associates degree and working as a photographer while Keira went through chemo, TWICE! No one on my dad's side of the family has gone to college.

I took at least 2 classes a semester from August 2009 to January 2012 (even in the summer). The only time I took a break was the semester I got pregnant with Harper and then I took a year off after he was born. A 2 year degree took almost 5 years, LOL, but I finished!

My kids, my marriage, going in the Air Force and staying 10 years, I think most people I knew never thought I'd make it out of basic training. Those are all other huge things for me. My mom has been married 3 times.
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Old 09-25-2015, 09:42 PM
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Hum... I think my biggest accomplishment was successfully passing my certifying board exams while having a 2 week old at home. I've never studied so hard in my life (placenta brain is totally a thing, I testify to that!) but it was oh so worth it! I now have a career I love and I baby (well... toddler now!) that I adore.
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Old 09-25-2015, 10:02 PM
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We have the most amazing gals on this board!

I have lots of 'things' I could list, but really so far I think the accomplishment that I'm most in awe of is that I'm almost 1/2 way done with my black belt training. I have never been an athlete (I'm a brainy geek) and breaking out of that has been a huge life step for me. It's helping me to remake the image I have of myself into a more confident, take it or leave it kind of woman.

When I first started a random employee at the sandwhich shop said to me... "It's awesome to see chicks who can kick butt!"

Bad-ass in training over here.
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Old 09-25-2015, 09:56 PM
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This is tough! I'd like to think my biggest accomplishment lies in my future (career path change). Most of the things I'm proud of are actually my husband's doing - we own a number of homes that we rent out and he started his own company and it's super successful and we're just at a really good place for being in our early 30s (knock on wood).

And my boys. Oh but they drive me crazy, they really are wonderful kids, somehow in small ways because of me (or maybe in spite of me!).

siggy by the incredibly amazing Jacinda
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Old 09-25-2015, 10:04 PM
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Home - My family is my biggest accomplishment, I think. - My husband is amazing. We have been together 21 years and married 17. We work every day to make our marriage better and I feel so blessed. I have two pretty great kids. They are bright, funny, quirky, caring, generous, etc. The teachers at school tell us they are well behaved too, but we don't see that at home. It was almost too much for me at parent/teacher conferences on Wednesday when 7 teachers gushed over my daughter. We didn't make them the way they are. They are their own people, but I am pretty proud to have kids who are on the right track in life.

Work - I was a SAHM for 11 years. This is my 5th year working outside of the home. I am proud of the job I do. I am the technology aide at an elementary school. My job is ever expanding and now I do so much more, including teaching reading intervention groups. I feel like I am making a difference every time a little one grabs me for a hug or a past student chases me down at Walmart to say hi.
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Old 09-26-2015, 03:44 PM
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This is such a hard one. I'm proud to be the first college graduate in my family, and proud of my husband and my children but I think the one thing I'm most proud of is being an Army wife. I know that sounds corny but man, is it a hard job! Before our daughter was born my husband and I considered having him join the military but I said I wasn't strong enough. I didn't think I could move around the world at a moments notice, be away from friends and family and most of all I couldn't deal with the deployments. After our daughter was born I just couldn't see working the 60-70 hour weeks I had been working and him working nightshift while our daughter was being raised by someone else. So when our daughter was 5 months old he joined the Army, I became a SAHM and our life changed drastically. There are so many days when it's so hard because I can't see my mom (I'm a total momma's girl) or the rest of my family and friends. My kids are growing up without knowing much of anything or anyone from where they were born (well one of them... one was born in a military hospital in NC). People visit and we go home but it's not near the frequency as we'd like. So many holidays, birthdays, anniversaries he's missed and even the little things like our daughter's learning to walk or losing her first tooth. We're moving again next month for the 5th time in 7 years. My youngest daughter is 5 and will be attending her 5th school already, while the oldest is 7 and is on her 4th school. My husband is constantly gone, whether it's his 24 hour duties, weeks in the field, months away at school or the several deployments he's been on. It's scary and irritating not being able to "depend" on him for help at home. Of course I know it's not his fault and he'd much rather be home than wherever he is at the moment. But I learned that I am much stronger than I ever thought I was. I've learned to be adaptable, to make friends wherever we go, to take the good and bad from each situation and each duty station we're at. I've learned to believe in the power of prayer and I've learned that real love knows no distance, whether it's family back home, friends across town or friends online, or a husband halfway across the world. <3
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Old 09-26-2015, 03:55 PM
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Raising my son pretty much on my own, for one! He's pretty wonderful if I may say so myself.

Sencond, my job. I work as a teacher, with refugees between the age of 16 and 20 who have recently arrived in Sweden and trying to teach them the language and how society works here.
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Old 09-26-2015, 04:16 PM
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So many inspiring women here!

I am most proud of the effort I've put into my marriage. I won't bore anyone with the specifics, because most of you know it already.... (If you don't, you can see a page I did about it here)

I know people work through problems every day, but I've always been the type of girl to run. It's just in my nature, I guess. I don't want to face the problems. But I faced it this time. And we made it through.


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Krystal Hartley ♥ Libby Pritchett ♥ Meghan Mullens ♥ Melissa Bennett

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