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Old 03-13-2020, 12:05 AM
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Default What Are You Doing In Quarantine?

No one that I know personally has showed any symptoms for COVID-19 but we've had our first confirmed case (with more to come) in the county so everything is shutting down.

The governor has issued a decree (proclamation? official statement?) that all non-essential gatherings of 250 people or more are cancelled indefinitely so the church I attend and the church I work at (different churches) are not holding any services. The kids' school is planning to close Monday for at least 2 weeks after using tomorrow to prepare the kids for online work and sending them home with books & homework.

I need to go to the store tomorrow (just for regular food) so hopefully they are not wiped completely out. My son is really picky so he might either get real hungry or real brave if I can't find all of his favorite brands.

I will be working from the office some as I only have three co-workers (who often work from home) and minimal in-and-out traffic but otherwise trying to stay at home so the kiddos & I don't become carriers and potentially pass it along to my parents (especially my dad who has multiple medical conditions that put him in the most at-risk category).

I'll get lots of scrapping done, and I'm going to make a list of long-term chores that we'll be ready to do by next weekend when we're all bored of looking at each other. Do you have any other suggestions for me/us?

I need binge recs, too -- we have Hulu, Netflix, and Disney+. Oh, and I have Starz for the next few months to get my "Outlander" fix.
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Old 03-13-2020, 12:30 AM
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I don't think we are on quarantine . . . but I could be wrong. So far nothing from our main military page has said or done anything. In fact, tomorrow my son has an asthma challenge tomorrow and then we are going to the grocery store!

But maybe I should be doing a little bit of this:

I guess for me, I'll continue making my calls and do what I've been doing the past few weeks. If I can't go anywhere, I'm fine with that. I'll just scrap and do what I always do, relishing in the fact that I don't have to go out to appointments--that is if they are cancelled, delayed, etc. If not, nothing will change!
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Old 03-13-2020, 12:40 AM
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I've been WFH for the last 2 weeks, so it's business as usual for me. Today I had 12 meetings starting at 6:30am. As a side gig at work, I'm helping to lead the continuity planning for about 5k of our employees (US and international).

My husband and older sons had their first day of school closure today. WA announced our three largest counties will be required to close all schools, private and public through 4/24 - so six weeks. Little man's daycare is open, but I didn't send him today. I recommended to the daycare director they follow the CDC's guidelines for WA and NY, which is to require mandatory temperature/cough inspection upon entry for all staff, students and visitors, so they are now doing that. Our libraries and community centers are all closed. Small businesses are getting hit hard.

We have a lot of home projects that need to be done, I made a hint to my hubby he use could use this time to start chipping away at those
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Old 03-13-2020, 01:03 AM
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We haven’t changed much about our schedule so far, but the first confirmed cases in our county just came in tonight so that might change. The kid’s activities are being cancelled soon I’m sure of it... there’s talk of cancelling when the schools do. Which will likely come this tomorrow if my hunch is correct. I think it will be strange staying home. I like being out and about. I do better when we are on a routine so it will be an adjustment.

I think my biggest concern is whether my husband’s company will allow him to work from home. I worry about him... he is always the first of us to get sick (he’s a nose rubber when he talks... it’s a nervous habit).

I will be thrilled if I get some scrapping time in! I’ve been itching to finish some projects I have partially done.

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Old 03-13-2020, 01:06 AM
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We're doing absolutely nothing different. Trying to keep things as normal as possible.
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Old 03-13-2020, 01:10 AM
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Schools and daycare are all shut down. Every museum or other public entertainment establishments are closed. Kids have to stay home and I still have to go to work. Really could use those 2 weeks at home to catch up on scrapping and help hubby with the kids. So far noen we know are sick or showing symptoms. My parents are in quaratine along with everyone else who's travelled abroad the last few weeks.
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Old 03-13-2020, 02:08 AM
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it's hitting closer to home right now..

we've just postponed a seven week overseas trip,

our daughter woke up with a sore throat this morning (after two days at uni).. no temp, no fever, no headache BUT we decided to keep her home from her job (thankfully she can work from home), as much as you can keep an almost 22 year old home but grateful she is as cautious as we are being.

We cancelled our weekend plans, we were having friends for lunch and tea on our Sabbath on Saturday and are watching our girl like a hawke. Hubs managed to get to the library and got some books for the weekend.

The Grand Prix was cancelled at the last moment this morning and now our PM says no gatherings over 500 from Monday.

Our son, on the other hand, is in Israel on his gap year!!!!
No school for the next five weeks, no one to enter the country if you can't self quarantine in a home, no gatherings over 100 people and more.
We had to give his programme names of people who would be willing to house our son if he had to quarantine!! We are so grateful and thankful that we have the most amazing friends (we were going to stay with them for Passover) who have a basement apartment in their home and will have our boy in a flash. There are no words to say how much it calms us as we sit thousands of miles away from our son, whilst the world goes crazy, knowing he will have family to look after him.

stay safe, healthy and sane everyone, we will overcome this thing, we have to

Last edited by JoCee; 03-13-2020 at 02:30 AM.
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Old 03-13-2020, 02:45 AM
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Over here in the UK our government has just told people to sing happy birthday while washing our hands more lol. No big gatherings have been cancelled and everyone has to go about normal daily life. It could work, it could make a lot more people poorly
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Old 03-13-2020, 04:18 AM
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Where to start ?!?!?! Yesterday new restrictions were added for our entire country by our prime minister. No gatherings of 100 people or more, do not visit the weak & elderly too often (just give them a call). Schools are not closing down (just the universities) and people are in shock that kids can just go to school. Reasoning is that they don't get too sick when to do catch the covid-19 virus. Uhm, no...but how about their parents/grandparents ?!?!?! They could be in serious problem if they do get it.

After the announcement yesterday afternoon....people started hoarding like crazy! Empty shelves in stores. I was like..what ?!?!? And now I am wondering if they know something I don't. KWIM ?? I did my weekly grocery shopping yesterday morning (full shelves before the announcement) but I know I don't have enough food for 2 weeks if we do have to stay at home. Our online grocery stores have closed too. It's just crazy!

I am a SAHM so nothing really changes for me, which is good. I'll just continue scrapping, watching my favorite tv-shows and hoping that covid-19 doesn't hit our area (allthough first cases have been confirmed just 5 minutes away from us). My husband is still not working from home but I won't be surprised if he has to from next week. He works in IT so he can easily work from home and I'd rather have him home now instead of driving all accross the country. Makes me anxcious with all those people he is meeting (allthough no shaking hands, but still).
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Old 03-13-2020, 06:16 AM
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My daughter's college announced today that after Spring Break (which starts next week), they'll be moving to all online classes until at least April 3, so that means she gets two extra unexpected weeks at home starting now, which means I had to hit the grocery store earlier!

So far, the stores around here are doing okay on food, but toilet paper, Clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer are hard - if not impossible - to find. It's all kind of surreal seeing all the closings and cancellations. I was joking with my sister yesterday that I wouldn't start getting really worried until the Disney parks closed...and then they announced they are, in fact, closing. I work at a local technical college, and so far, they have not told us that anything is changing with our work schedules.

I hope everyone stays safe and healthy! I'm just trying to take things one day at a time at this point.
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Old 03-13-2020, 06:58 AM
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School and universities are closed here, events as well, soccer games are still on but with no people. And yes like everywhere else people is going crazy, and I'm still not sure how toilet paper will prevent the virus LOL At the Conv. store I manage I have restricted everything related to 1 per person, supplies are running out and distributors don't have more so guess it's just time we ran out of stock of those items, but have to admit we're selling like crazees LOL My DH works in IT so guess he will be working from home soon. Me, I don't think so, besides the weather is too hot for the virus to live but still let's see how things evolve, since last week that was the 1st case they are rapidly multiplying.
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Old 03-13-2020, 07:01 AM
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We just had our first confirmed case here in Maine. It's a long way away from me, but only a matter of time before it creeps it's way up to us. My husband and I both work in healthcare (Radiology) so no working from home for us . We will be right in the thick of it when it hits our area. I pray we don't get sick. Our small community hospital with limited staff cannot afford for us to be out sick. My youngest son is immune compromised so I worry about him so much! So far, they have not closed schools here but most colleges are not returning from spring break. My oldest boy is at school in a coastal Maine college that is quite isolated, so they are remaining open for now.Everyone is in complete panic mode here. I'm so glad I buy toilet paper in bulk and already had lots on hand cause there's none to be found here right now! Stay safe, everyone!
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Old 03-13-2020, 07:20 AM
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Here in Ohio, everything has been canceled for the foreseeable future: schools, gatherings over 100, events, visitations to nursing homes and prisons. We homeschool, so it doesn't affect us there, but we won't be attending our church (which has suspended all meetings/activities through the end of the month) or doing anything fun outside our property. It will hit my son the hardest, because he loves going and doing and seeing people. I am trying to come up with fun things to do at home with an almost-13 year old boy. Any ideas? Making home-made play doh isn't going to cut it anymore, lol. I plan to scrap a lot, start my spring garden planting, read, clean my house, and Facetime with family and friends.

You know, for all the fear and uncertainty, inconvenience and true danger, this crazy thing is pulling us all together. Like we are all fighting a common enemy for once, instead of each other. (I think people have been fighting each other for toilet paper, but let's ignore that for now, lol!) Praying for all of you and wishing you well and healthy!

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Old 03-13-2020, 07:56 AM
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Things are starting to change in WI... we have had seven confirmed cases - and two are about 40 miles away.

My son's symphony concert for a week from this Saturday has been canceled - they are actually going to an informal concert on Sunday during their practice time for immediate family only. Our homeschool group (I'm on the board of directors) has been talking about what to do... we are divided, some want to just stop all sponsored events, others are like, lets just wait and see. *eye roll* UW-Oshkosh has announced they are closing... I'm assuming Lawrence University (where my son takes viola) will announce they will shut down today.

My son's birthday is on Sunday - we are still having his friends party on Saturday, but canceled his family party on the 21st... majority of the guests are 60+.

Will all the panic shopping, I'm now a bit concerned that we don't have enough of food... plus my husband is on a really restricted diet - hard to stockpile lettuce. :/
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Old 03-13-2020, 08:25 AM
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Things are starting to get cancelled / shut down in Canada but we're also still in the early stages. So far no reports of anything in our province (though I haven't done my reading since last night to check). Today is the last day of school before March Break, so the kids will all be out of school next week which is a bit of a relief to have them separated from the "pack" without it being "you have to or need to"... my middle son has a weak immune system and brings every cold / flu home so it'll be nice to have him home and out of the mix for a while. I am willing to bet things will get messy in this area after the break because most will still be taking their vacations. Last week income tax came in and I typically always stock/overstock the pantry/freezer at that time anyway to make the next few months easier on the budget so we're all prepped should they decide to shut things down over the next few weeks. My only concern at the moment is what to do all week with the kids home.... there are always free events during March Break that we try to go to.... swimming/bowling/skating but I'm still undecided if we'll go..... on one hand it seems risky, on the other hand I feel that it might be the perfect time to go because most will be staying home and I am thinking things will be slow and quiet. I dunno.... I guess I'm worried, but not worried at the same time and just keeping an eye on things at this point in time to stay informed.
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Old 03-13-2020, 09:07 AM
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They just announced all publicly funded schools are closed until April 5 here in Ontario. Today is our last day before March break. I'm supposed to be going away for a couple of days next week but am waiting to see if where I want to go will be open as I'm not driving four hours one way to sit in a hotel room, staying in the country. There haven't been any confirmed cases where I live, but yesterday a doctor was sent home from the hospital as he was exhibiting symptoms, not confirmed as of yet.

People are getting silly, no toilet paper, wipes to be found anywhere and last night my son said people had carts full of canned goods in Walmart, he had one small item (taco seasoning) and not one person with their overflowing carts of toilet paper, water and cans would let him go ahead the cashier even commented.

On another note, my dog has contracted Bordetella (kennel cough) from her doggy daycare, I thought she was in the clear but of course, it shows up exactly at the 2-week mark from the original dog that had it so up all night with her honking and hacking and a trip to the vet. No trails or overexertion for the next couple of weeks......she's a Lab, this isn't going to be easy!.
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Old 03-13-2020, 09:11 AM
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It is starting to spread around GA and I am going shopping today only because my pantry is EMPTY basically because we are getting ready to move again ....but if we need to stay home and avoid people I just want a bit of food in the house. No hoarding here. But my mother in law is 78 and lives with us and had open heart surgery last year and we just want to keep her from getting an illness, even if it is just flu like ya know.

The big disruption is that moving has come to a halt because noone will answer our calls noone wants to show a house right now lol and we are probably better off in the country until this passes. My husbands work did tell him to work from home though and not go back to Orlando. So at least he is with us now
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Old 03-13-2020, 09:30 AM
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LeeAndra, what county are you in? NW IN is our safe haven location if we do choose (or are told to) to evacuate from here.

We aren't doing a whole lot different, as in our location, "social distancing" is pretty much the norm, lol. I probably see about a hundred people in a regular week! Flights in and out of here are really, really cut back & yesterday, the decision was made to switch to online education at our school. Not directly due to coronavirus concerns, but more due to the increasing "trappedness". Most of the teachers will leave in the next few days.

Last edited by knittingbec; 03-13-2020 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 03-13-2020, 10:06 AM
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not doing anything much different over here in lake co indiana. schools still open, but almost everywhere is sold out of toilet paper, of all things.. and my husband is working from home indefinitely. the mayors of larger cities here are banning public gatherings etc we haven't had a case yet, but they're still not testing everyone they should be and being right next to some of the illinois counties that have confirmed cases, it wont be long.

worried about the kids and wish theyd cancel school. theres a lot of nurses and doctors in the family... terrified for them too since they're possibly being exposed over and over. bah. the gov has sucked handling this.

fingers crossed we all make it out!
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Old 03-13-2020, 10:07 AM
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Day 1 of School Closure:
I selfishly slept in a few hours more. I'm still in bed when my 16 year old comes in to tell me she's been up for two hours and is bored.
I'm now starting to panic!
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Old 03-13-2020, 10:26 AM
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Schools are closing in Michigan Monday. I work with the public, small classes, 10-15 people, unless we're in a school classroom. All of those have been canceled for the time being. I'll still be working as normal for now. We do have some confirmed cases in one of the counties I work in. 2, I think.

Things really won't be much different for us otherwise. I think it'll seem like Summer/Christmas vacation to the kids. With some school work (hopefully)! Keira's spanish teacher has already sent some work home for her. They have an online math program they can do to at least get some practice with that.
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Old 03-13-2020, 10:45 AM
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Northern Illinois here - in a fairly rural community - nothing has changed as far as the community goes, other than stores being out of bath tissue and disinfectants, etc.

I am a member of the management team for a pretty large distribution center - with locations all over the world. We are having daily meetings and have put a lot of policies and procedures in place - there's a ton of behind the scenes work going on. Anyone that can work from home will be required to do so starting next week. I could work from home, but am the only manager that could do so, so I'm not sure it would be a benefit (other than the fact I would enjoy being home - lol).
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Old 03-13-2020, 11:16 AM
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The shelves are getting bare at the stores. We went to the movies last night and usually there are a few hundred people (there are 12 theaters in one) but we saw about 15 people and only 3 in our theater. They only had 3 staff on concession, knowing it would be slow. We used sanitizer before and after the show, didn't use their washroom and didn't touch our faces at all, to be safe.
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Old 03-13-2020, 11:31 AM
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Same here in New Mexico. Governor signed a proclamation with our agency (Public Ed) to close all schools effective Monday (it’s their Spring break that week) until April 5th....or until further notice, could be longer if more confirmed cases arise. No gatherings of 100, no travel at all (within the state and out).....our agency is WFH with the exception of “essential employees”, which I’m not, but we are scheduled to call in at 11:30 to listen to the agency’s plan moving forward. There is mention some employees may need to come into work but it’s at the discretion of our directors. I do know our division director mentioned she wouldn’t allow us to come to work, but we shall see what the outcome is. I don’t mind if I have to come in 2-3 a week, but I really don’t agree with the fact they’re reopening our agency for outside educators who want to speak to anyone in the agency. I thought this was about “containment”.....very leary of this and I really hope they will reconsider.

Other than that, yes a lot of spring cleaning, clean up our yard...I know if they shut down LANL (where hubby works....only rumors that they might), he will get cabin fever after a day so he will be outside doing any work he can find lol!

I had placed an online pickup order with Walmart that I was scheduled to pick up this morning, but got notice there is a delay. I’m not surprised....I didn’t get TP or the cleaning/disinfectant stuff as we have plenty, just mainly stuff for the little ones.

At least I’m now able to scrap again lol.....so if anyone needs help, holla at me. ::winks::
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Old 03-13-2020, 11:44 AM
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We live just outside DC and all the school have closed on the Maryland side but only select ones on the VA side. Our school had already scheduled a practice run for Monday to prepare for their distance learning program but with rising concerns from parents they ended up canceling today as well. So we have at least a 4 day weekend but I expect we won't go back next week. They've already cancelled all extra curriculars and field trips so our life just got way less busy! Lol... I guess we'll need that time to "homeschool" though! Other than that I don't think we'll be doing much different. My kids are currently in a blanket fort in my living room watching their social studies video books online! :P This is one of the times that I'm so thankful to be a SAHM. I can only imagine the stress it's putting on working families.
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Old 03-13-2020, 12:37 PM
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my son's college is starting spring break on Monday and they have been told to prepare for the possibility of online classes beginning March 23.
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Old 03-13-2020, 12:41 PM
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Well. We now have school closure in effect until 4/1.
It just baffles me. I get it that there are people out there that could be impacted severely. But we have 4.2 million people in this state. And 30 cases.
There is 1 in our county which is one of the largest land wise...not population wise.
I think the panic and hysteria has totally blown things out of proportion and causing more issues than the actual Illness itself.

Last edited by MandaT; 03-13-2020 at 12:59 PM.
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Old 03-13-2020, 12:41 PM
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As of yesterday, there weren't any confirmed cases in ID. I haven't checked the news today. I went to Walmart yesterday, and the TP aisle was totally empty. There was almost no pasta left on the shelves, and the canned foods were bare. It's crazy! I need to go to the grocery store today. I'm not super concerned, but my mom lives with us, and her health is compromised, so we need to be very careful.
Even though there haven't been confirmed cases, big events are being postponed. Treefort (a big music festival in downtown Boise) was supposed to be this week, but it's been postponed until September.
Our youngest attends Boise State University. Today they are testing emergency preparedness by holding all classes online. It will be interesting to see if they do online classes after that.
IF we get quaranteened, it will give me time to work on unpacking our house, and of course scrap!! I just hope they don't postpone our carpet install & furniture delivery!!! (Is that selfish??)
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Old 03-13-2020, 02:44 PM
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We have 2 confirmed cases in the city where I live in... but same chances as Biancka has mentioned, nothing has really chanced yet.
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Old 03-13-2020, 05:25 PM
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Today we got notice that school will be cancelled starting monday March 16, for 3 weeks. They would be scheduled to go back on April 6th. However, that is their scheduled 1st day of Spring Break, so no clue what that means! Our district isn't a very rich school district, many kids rely on free meals at the schools to actually eat. We heard the schools will continue this program for them (which is very nice). Half of the kids probably do not have home computers, so there will be no online classes (only a couple for AP). I don't know what we're going to do for 4 weeks at home! Everything is cancelled. We are in the stages of painting our kitchen and redoing it some..so I guess it will be project time!

We had to go grocery shopping today (it was our budgeted week to go, and we were running out of stuff). No toilet paper, no bread, no flour (but there was sugar...weird), no tuna fish, no soap or cleaning supplies (even laundry detergent), no slice cheese (but plenty of shredded cheese), hardly any meat. We used our imaginations! 2 bottles of Dawn dish soap to use as cleaner or for hand soap if needed (we have extra soap so I wasn't worried), shredded cheese to use for grilled cheese, block cheese sliced up to use for sandwhiches, meatballs for spagettig (instead of hamburg), ground sausage instead of hamburg for tacos etc. We grocery shop for the month (with small trips in between for like bread, milk, cereal etc). So I'm sure we looked like we were stocking up, but we were actually just grocery shopping for a month for a family of 6!

I have a very good friend in MN who's daughter found some toilet paper while out shopping, and she's going to ship us a package! I'll be able to say my toilet paper came from MN! We had 4 rolls to get us through the next month (that will last only a few days here). We found some at the gas station (no-name, small rolls, but I bought 2 packages).

My husband works in shipping, so they can't close or work from home. He's been super busy with everyone doing their shopping from home. His busy months are usually Nov-Jan...but this has been crazy!

Our Church has cancelled services for Sunday, but our pastor will do Facebook live from Church with his message so we can all worship that way!
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Old 03-13-2020, 05:39 PM
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Our Spring break is next week and our whole city has decided to extend it through the 27th with the purpose that you treat it not as spring break but a chance to practice social distancing and staying away from others.

So I'll be over here with alcohol trying not to go crazy at doing NOTHING and going nowhere for 2 weeks with all 6 kids home since my grandmother has said nobody is allowed to come to my mom's in case they bring germs.

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Old 03-13-2020, 05:46 PM
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Our pantry (and cleaned after my flour disaster) and freezer are stocked.

All schools in PA are closed for 2 weeks.

One college girl is home. Pitt is closed for an extended spring break, then online learning. Two high schoolers home full time cause all Bucks county schools closed till March 29. And another college girl home for at least 2 weeks... she is a senior (preK-4/special ed) at KU, and this may mess up her graduation.

Just cleaning and organizing the house.

I pray and hope we slow down the spread of this virus.

Guest CT for Kristin Cronin-Barrow

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Old 03-13-2020, 07:03 PM
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Empty nester here but I work in Insurance so it has been crazy with people asking if they have to shut down does their insurance policy cover it - the answer is no because an infectious disease is not a covered loss. So after telling people that they are not happy and then want to complain (have to admit insurance was not my first choice but I do love the challenge).

My work has discussed working from home but nothing definite yet.

My grandkids school is closed for 2 weeks.

There is no confirmed cases in my immediate area but the town about an hour away has 6 confirmed cases.

I also believe this has been blown out of proportion and I really don't get why all the toilet paper is gone. You don't use TP to clean with so what is the thought process on buying so much.
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Old 03-13-2020, 07:14 PM
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Yup, and now we're cancelled until April 10th (Spring Break was going to be 04/06-04/10 anyway). Going to be a long month home but I'm hoping to get some projects finally done around the house! :P
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Old 03-13-2020, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by tanyiadeskins View Post
It is starting to spread around GA and I am going shopping today only because my pantry is EMPTY basically because we are getting ready to move again ....but if we need to stay home and avoid people I just want a bit of food in the house. No hoarding here. But my mother in law is 78 and lives with us and had open heart surgery last year and we just want to keep her from getting an illness, even if it is just flu like ya know.

The big disruption is that moving has come to a halt because noone will answer our calls noone wants to show a house right now lol and we are probably better off in the country until this passes. My husbands work did tell him to work from home though and not go back to Orlando. So at least he is with us now
are you staying in the area, or is he being reassigned elsewhere - - -I think kentucky is a great place for him to be reassigned
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Old 03-13-2020, 08:33 PM
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Utah has gone insane. Everyone's raiding stores to get food so shelves everywhere are bare. My husband heard that a local grocery store had plenty of food (must've just restocked) about 30 minutes ago so he raced over there...not to get a surplus, but to just get food. I've been out of town the past 2 weeks so we seriously haven't had anything to eat.

As of today, schools are closed for the next 2 weeks. Churches are cancelled. For LDS members (heavily populated in Utah), temples were also restricted today. My husband is now working from home for the next 2 weeks. We're still waiting on hearing if my daughter's soccer season will be cancelled or postponed.

And honestly, I'm trying to look on the bright side. We've been asked to not go anywhere, to "socially distance" ourselves. I'm kinda hoping that helps my family turn to each other and do more things with each other instead of fight. We'll be doing some schoolwork, chores, activities (electronic & not), yardwork, etc...and I'm honestly hoping we can sit around and just talk. Our family life is busy and chaotic. I'm wanting to take this as a break to get closer together, get a little creative, and also REST. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for every thing I'm wanting. We'll see!
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Old 03-13-2020, 10:19 PM
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Shelves are BARE.....schools are out until the 6th of April here in Michigan (a few ladies mentioned that)
Work is being extra careful, but we still have to go. Lots of public things are shutting down, the libraries sent emails saying they were closed too. Many of the daycares are closed.

I'm going to use it to sleep a lil extra for work days, since I won't have to get the kids up and out the door.

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Old 03-13-2020, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by rdjrneace View Post
Empty nester here but I work in Insurance so it has been crazy with people asking if they have to shut down does their insurance policy cover it - the answer is no because an infectious disease is not a covered loss. So after telling people that they are not happy and then want to complain (have to admit insurance was not my first choice but I do love the challenge).
What type of insurance do you work with? I'm also in the insurance industry (23 years). I'm doing the continuity planning for about 5k employees (less than 10% of our total workforce). All of our US operations are WFH equipped and I'm working with our team to get our offshore (India, etc) employees similar amenities. Many types of insurance policies do cover these type of claims, so we are closely monitoring our claims volumes.
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Old 03-13-2020, 11:23 PM
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Public schools here weren't cancelled (yet) but the spring break was moved from the second week of April to the 4th week of March. All after school activities and field trips were suspended too. My husband and I went to costco this morning and man, it was jam packed with people which made it looked like it was a Saturday. No available water, kitchen towels, clorox wipes and hand sanitizer either.
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Old 03-14-2020, 09:55 AM
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I'm in Maine as well and we now have 3 confirmed cases as of yesterday. They're all in the southern part of the state, but I'm sure it will hit my area before long, especially since we have an international airport and it's the 3rd largest city in the state. The civic center here has closed down - no concerts, events, etc. No event more than 100 people anywhere else. My daughter arrived home lock, stock, and barrel yesterday from the university campus in the southern part of the state and will be home the rest of the semester, as the UMaine system has gone online only for the rest of the semester.

I work in an assisted living/Alzheimer care facility, so as you can imagine, we are taking extreme precautions. No travel out of the state for employees (if they do travel, they're on a 2-week leave once they return to make sure they don't develop symptoms). No visitors to the facility from out of state. We've canceled all outings and nonessential in house services until further notice. Due to where I work, I'm erring on the side of caution and just being careful of where I go and making sure I wipe, spray, and wash. I do, however, have to travel to our location in the southern part of the state to train a new administrator this coming week. I'll basically be at the facility and the hotel and not anywhere else. I'm not worried if I end up getting COVID-19, but my sister is very immunosuppressed, my parents are in their 80s, and my boyfriend's mother is 96; I would feel horrible if any of them contracted it from me.
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Old 03-14-2020, 12:58 PM
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Like Sheri said, WA schools are closed for 6 weeks! I work (dental hygienist- impossible to work from home) only 2 days a week so thankfully my hubby can work from home those days. He has ALL his employees working from home, so he will probably go into the office a couple days a week.

We are thinking about getting a puppy! Call me crazy... but since we are all home for at least 6 weeks with all of our sports/activities cancelled- it's pretty perfect timing! We're looking at another english bulldog- a little sister for our Lucy- so far I'm in love with this pup that's only about an hour away from us...
isnt she adorable!? Now to decide on a name..
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Old 03-14-2020, 01:38 PM
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We're all shut down here in OH, and everyone here is out of school until at least April 6th. I foresee this being a much longer closure than that, since the peak isn't supposed to hit until almost May. I've set up the kids' school stations, so they can do the work that's been assigned without killing each other. And I've got a ton of board games, movies, Netflix, Amazon Prime etc. We had to break it to our daughter that even though church choir is going on, we're not attending. And same for karate.
In the meantime, I'm crocheting, and trying to organize photos to scrap this weekend. It's hard with everything that's going on, to focus. But I'm naturally happiest at home, so this isn't such a bad deal for me, personally. We're stocked on food, paper supplies, etc, so it's just down to getting more quality time in with the fam!
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Old 03-14-2020, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by cooperL788 View Post
We're all shut down here in OH, and everyone here is out of school until at least April 6th. I foresee this being a much longer closure than that, since the peak isn't supposed to hit until almost May. I've set up the kids' school stations, so they can do the work that's been assigned without killing each other. And I've got a ton of board games, movies, Netflix, Amazon Prime etc. We had to break it to our daughter that even though church choir is going on, we're not attending. And same for karate.
In the meantime, I'm crocheting, and trying to organize photos to scrap this weekend. It's hard with everything that's going on, to focus. But I'm naturally happiest at home, so this isn't such a bad deal for me, personally. We're stocked on food, paper supplies, etc, so it's just down to getting more quality time in with the fam!


Well . . . .good thing I have this hobby!!!
But that isn't going to feed the family if the shelves don't get stocked.

We are awaiting an answer from the Commander if they are shutting down school. We will find out in about 2 hours what they plan on doing. As far as I know we are still the only place in this area that hasn't made an announcement about closures.

We have family coming in next week, on their way back to Michigan. Now I'm wondering if they will be allowed on post or if they'll have to wave on their way through the area.
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Old 03-14-2020, 06:11 PM
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Well, I received a general call from our sup today saying that schools will be closed starting on Monday. I know that teachers here are preparing for an online access for the students while at home as per their call early this week. So, I'm also preparing some lessons and activity for my daughter and I to do for two-three weeks.
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Old 03-14-2020, 06:17 PM
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our "social distancing" is starting on Monday. We went to a movie last night (before the theaters are the next thing to shut down), and got groceries. Today, we needed to run a couple errands (things we couldn't find at the grocery store yesterday), I wanted to see if Kohl's would still honor my Kohl's cash (yep...I heard it's good for up to 10 days later), we got lunch out, and picked up 5 movies from Family Video.

I made up a list of things for the girls to do each day (reading, crafts, games, puzzle, home projects, cleaning their rooms) as well as "school work" they all can be working on (studying for psat/sat, a project assigned before our shut down etc).
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Old 03-14-2020, 06:24 PM
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It sounds like many of your kids were assigned work to do over the shut down, or are having online school. Our State made the decision at 11pm on Thurs night that schools would be shut down after class on Friday. Our teachers had ZERO time to prepare anything extra.

I know that there are websites for younger kids, and even activity books (I had a tone of them when my girls were little). Any ideas for my teenagers? Our library is closed until April, so I can't get anything that way (not even online, since our assigned library was closed due to a building problem way back when, so we can't utalize the online at the library we go to).

I have a handful of activity books that I keep for travel in the car- sudoku, word searches, crosswords etc. I'm thinking I'll get a few of those out, so they can at least keep their minds active and do something NOT on their phones all day long. Any other ideas or websites for teens?
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Old 03-14-2020, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by aussiegirl View Post
It sounds like many of your kids were assigned work to do over the shut down, or are having online school. Our State made the decision at 11pm on Thurs night that schools would be shut down after class on Friday. Our teachers had ZERO time to prepare anything extra.

I know that there are websites for younger kids, and even activity books (I had a tone of them when my girls were little). Any ideas for my teenagers? Our library is closed until April, so I can't get anything that way (not even online, since our assigned library was closed due to a building problem way back when, so we can't utalize the online at the library we go to).

I have a handful of activity books that I keep for travel in the car- sudoku, word searches, crosswords etc. I'm thinking I'll get a few of those out, so they can at least keep their minds active and do something NOT on their phones all day long. Any other ideas or websites for teens?
I teach middle school math. Khan Academy has a ton of videos/topics about just about anything kids might want to learn. I use it for math for kids who need extra practice. Totally free.
Prodigy is another good math related site. It allows me to set up content that goes along with common core standards, but you don't have to use it that way.
There are a lot of sites out there. Our school uses Open Up resources to access the Illustrative Math curriculum... it's all online and completely free.
Other fun sites my students use include these:
Game About Squares
SET puzzles
Digital Breakout
Balance Puzzles

If I come up with any more, I'll let you know.

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Old 03-14-2020, 09:28 PM
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Things are changing so quickly, it's hard to keep up! We were notified last week that we would have a teacher day Monday to prepare plans for distance teaching. Fast forward to today... now that is cancelled, and basically all schools in southern Maine are closed for the next 2 weeks. Hoping that I can get into school on Monday to put stuff together. Very stressful for teachers and parents alike. I feel for everyone who suddenly has to find childcare.
My youngest is a freshman at a school in Boston. He's been home on break this week, and got the word that break is extended until Wednesday, and then online learning starts Thursday. We were able to go to Boston today and clean out his dorm.
My oldest son is doing a music therapy internship just outside of Boston. He does a lot of work with nursing homes and schools, and now most of his sessions are cancelled. He's super stressed trying to figure out how all of this is going to affect his internship.

I just wish people weren't going nuts and hoarding everything in site... it's just creating panic and hysteria. Ugh.

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Old 03-14-2020, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by AmieN1 View Post
We are thinking about getting a puppy! Call me crazy... but since we are all home for at least 6 weeks with all of our sports/activities cancelled- it's pretty perfect timing! We're looking at another english bulldog- a little sister for our Lucy- so far I'm in love with this pup that's only about an hour away from us...
isnt she adorable!? Now to decide on a name..
Think I can convince the husband to let us get another hairless cat??

Originally Posted by lorigaud View Post
I teach middle school math. Khan Academy has a ton of videos/topics about just about anything kids might want to learn. I use it for math for kids who need extra practice. Totally free.
Prodigy is another good math related site. It allows me to set up content that goes along with common core standards, but you don't have to use it that way.
There are a lot of sites out there. Our school uses Open Up resources to access the Illustrative Math curriculum... it's all online and completely free.
Other fun sites my students use include these:
Game About Squares
SET puzzles
Digital Breakout
Balance Puzzles

If I come up with any more, I'll let you know.

Well the Commander shut down the schools on post until further notice. The teachers have 3-days to get lesson plans created and on Thursday we'll either have to pick up paper/assignment packets at the school or utilize some sort of Google Classroom on an electronic device. After Wednesday, all daycares are closed on post. The hospital on post is doing drive-through screening for those who think they have been affected, coming home from a high virus area, etc. No one is allowed in the hospital unless they've been screened and approved, this includes for all appointments (which our doctor's offices are in the hospital).

Tomorrow I have to get to the commissary and see if they have anything on the shelves because I just found out I have four family members coming tomorrow night and will require meals.
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Old 03-14-2020, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by lorigaud View Post
I teach middle school math. Khan Academy has a ton of videos/topics about just about anything kids might want to learn. I use it for math for kids who need extra practice. Totally free.
Prodigy is another good math related site. It allows me to set up content that goes along with common core standards, but you don't have to use it that way.
There are a lot of sites out there. Our school uses Open Up resources to access the Illustrative Math curriculum... it's all online and completely free.
Other fun sites my students use include these:
Game About Squares
SET puzzles
Digital Breakout
Balance Puzzles

If I come up with any more, I'll let you know.
Thank you so much for these! I will pass them onto my girls and hope they at least try them out!
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