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Old 04-05-2015, 02:14 AM
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DawnMarch DawnMarch is offline
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I totally know what you are going through. First, I have a lot of anxiety too. And I have freaked out over puppies more than once. The first one, my daughter turned out to be allergic to and I was so stressed out after about 5 days (even though she was a sweet, tiny little thing) that I was actually relieved when we had to find her a new home. I felt like the meanest and most unhinged mom in the world.

Then a few years later, we adopted our current dog and I was again a total wreck for the first couple weeks. I now call it the "OMG, WHAT HAVE WE DONE!?" phase. I think it is 100% normal, especially since all the "experts" make you so paranoid that you have to do everything right or your dog is going to be a nightmare when it grows up.

It will absolutely get better. Your puppy will learn how your family works and what's expected (though some of It obviously takes a while). My "puppy" is turning 5 this year and despite the fact that we definitely didn't do everything right -- he is a fantastic and mostly well-behaved dog.

Oh, and one thing I found incredibly helpful is I bought a fence/play-yard kind of thing so that we could cordon off a very limited part of the house for him to be in (part of the family room so he could be with us). Then I didn't have to be constantly following him around or worrying what he was getting in to. That made me feel much more in control of the situation and know that he wasn't going to destroy the house.
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