Thread: Anxiety
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Old 08-09-2021, 07:05 PM
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I didn't know I had anxiety... until I did.. and this hit me hard in my jaw/mouth.

I have nerve pain in my mouth/tongue and clench my jaw so badly that my teeth hurt and the muscles around them go into spasm and affects the nerves in my teeth.

I have been with a mouth pain doctor for a few years and he saved my sanity. I eventually got so good that he took me off the meds..and then lockdown number 4 hit down here, we are now in lockdown 6 (!!), and everything went out the door...

Thankfully he has put me back on the meds and hopefully they will kick in soon.

Plus from my upbringing I had anxiety that I didn't recognise, which I now do and so I have put in place a lot of boundaries that have helped reduce that part of my anxiety as well.

Our son suffers from anxiety too and is dealing with it brilliantly.. we are all huge supporters of seeing a psychologist so each one of us has/is seeing someone to help with all our stuff. He is 20 years old and told all his friends that he suffers and that as males, they need to talk about it and to be open about their struggles. He has the BEST friends, they rallied around him and supported him to the max. Made me cry to be honest that these kids are so amazing.

I hope that you are starting to feel better and with more understanding of your anxiety, what causes it and the effects of it ease soon. xx
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