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Old 02-07-2018, 11:38 AM
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craftytam craftytam is offline
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Location: Magnificent Meridian, ID
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When I was a kid (LOL! Do I sounds really old??!), we went to the library for everything because we didn't have home computers or the internet. The library wasn't a really nice one, but it had what we needed.

When my kids were young, we didn't have a really good library, but we had computers and I have tons of books, so we didn't go to the library much. I was surprised at how noisy the library was when I went to a one near where we used to live. Libraries used to be totally quiet.

Now, we live in a different state and smaller town. We have several really nice libraries near us!! There are always cars in the parking lot, so they are used a lot, but my kids are older and don't see the need to go to the library...which is sad
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