Thread: Christmas Gifts
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Old 12-06-2018, 04:47 PM
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Between 2 trips in November and Hanukkah being so early this year, I wasn't as prepared as I usually am, either. All 3 of my kids are getting harder to buy for. They're past toys, but none of them are into clothes. They all love to read, but they go through books so quickly that we tend to use the library and not buy many books.

This year was heavy on the gift cards because there's not much they want right now, but I'm sure there will be things they want throughout the year. Lauren and Ben really wanted new tablets, and they didn't ask for much more. Jason got his first phone and laptop over the summer because he started high school this fall, so he knew he wasn't getting any big gifts now.

Lauren (almost 10)-Kindle Fire, IOU to pick out a case, Amazon gift card, necklace she wanted for a pearl she got at Disney

Ben (12)-Kindle Fire, IOU to pick out a case, Amazon gift card, tickets for the whole family to go see a magic show (Ben is obsessed with magic and card tricks)

Jason (15)-Small Dungeons and Dragons starter set (his 1 request), Steam gift card for computer games, Google Play gift card

All 3-Barnes and Noble gift cards, big chocolate bars.

My plan for the Barnes & Noble gift cards is to make it a family activity over winter break. We'll go to lunch, browse the book store, and maybe get hot chocolate at the Starbucks inside B&N.

DH and I don't exchange gifts. Most years we decide to put some money toward a joint priority, like new furniture or a vacation we're saving for. Lauren and Dan both have late Dec/early Jan birthdays, so now I have to come up with ideas for those gifts.

Last edited by rach3975; 12-06-2018 at 04:54 PM.
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