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Old 05-17-2015, 10:59 PM
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Sherri Tierney Sherri Tierney is offline
Sweet Talker
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My kids aren't that in to sports. They might play this season, but then skip it next season. We don't push them to continue if they don't want to. My daughter played soccer for a bit but then didn't want to play again. My son is playing little league this year but may decide not to next year. For us it is pretty casual until they get into school sponsored sports.

However, both kids did quit scouts. My daughter quit when school activities and church youth group became more important than Girl Scouts. I was fine with it and ready for her to quit because her troop leader had left and the girls were floundering with the new leader anyway. My son quit this year. I was his den leader. It got to where he cried every week when we had to go. I had to force him to go because I had to be there. The whole time we were there he would act up and misbehave. I didn't want to be there with him acting that way and figured if he had a different leader it might help. I turned in my resignation to our cub master. A few weeks later during a meeting my son had a major melt-down and I carried him out of there, kicking and screaming. We didn't go back. I intended to, but a few days later he was suspended from school for a behavioral issue. I decided right then that it was more important to get him back in line than to try and deal with 12 other boys each week in cub scouts. - Happy to report my son has done a 360 on his behavior. No idea what caused previous issues, but thankful to be past them.
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