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Old 03-11-2022, 01:15 AM
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AmieN1 AmieN1 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Spokane, WA
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We are an only EV house- only the lawn mower takes gas! Lol My husband got a tesla model 3 in 2018. At that time there were a ton of incentives both federally & state so the car was very affordable. His car is a long range, advertised is 335 miles on a charge- but just like gas milage- real world range is a bit less. At that time I drove a big old gas guzzling gmc Acadia. We started taking the tesla on road trips & never turned back. As soon as we could we traded the Acadia for my car in 2020- tesla model y. It's a bit bigger than my husband's with similar range. Surprisingly it has so much storage- more than my Acadia due to the front of the car having no engine so its a front trunk (frunk) and no gas tank so a under storage compartment in the trunk. We have 2 kids & 2 60 lb dogs & all travel comfortably. We change in our garage every night by plugging in to a dryer type outlet. Our electricity is fairly cheap to begin with but our hottub costs more per month to heat than our cars cost to charge. There has not been a single destination we wanted to go to that we couldn't. We have kids that play travel hockey all winter & travel softball all summer. Tesla is WAY ahead of the game with the supercharger network- basically like stopping for gas, but stopping to charge instead. I will agree that the charging network in general needs growth in many areas for other brands of cars for EVs to be successful. Honestly we will never go back to a gas car. There are a number of great competitors coming to the market & I can't wait!

Also- prices will hopefully come down as better competition comes to market- any new car is expensive right now but with EV's you can not only take into account no gas, but they have very minimal maintenance costs- no oil to change & way less moving parts than a traditional engine.
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