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Old 03-27-2010, 11:42 AM
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Sherri Tierney Sherri Tierney is offline
Sweet Talker
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I saw the link to this discussion on facebook so here I am.... I wanted to say, first of all, to Robin and the designers at SSD that I am sorry you had to deal with this as a store and on personal levels as it obviously affected so many of you. To the designers at Pretty Scrappy who were just caught as innocent bystanders, I am sorry to you as well. Kudos to those of you who have stepped up and walked away, even before the site was closed. You did the honorable thing by taking yourself away from the situation. I hope that the store owner will realize that the closing of the store in such a way was unprofessional and will follow through in completing her contract with you all and providing your customers the product they have purchased.

Sadly, this stuff happens all the time. So many times it is kept behind closed doors because store owners and designers prefer to stay out of the limelight of drama and handle matters privately. It isn't easy to bring these such issues in to the spotlight and for that, I commend you Robin. Way to go for standing up for your designers. Designing has become a scary business with store owners who close stores willy nilly, run away with designers' earnings, protect pirates and do all sorts of other sneaky and underhanded things. Its easy to forget sometimes that there are many supportive and upstanding store owners looking out for the designers who call that store home. Thanks for the reminder. I am/have been at some great stores but I've been at just as many that left a bad taste in my mouth so I always appreciate hearing that a store owner is doing right by his/her designers.
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