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Old 12-06-2009, 02:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Sharon Kay View Post

What we want to know is what other options are there? You said "better options then homeschooling, private, Montessori and Parochial school" ... but you didn't say what they were.
I think she was saying there are other options out there besides homeschooling, such as private, Montessori, and parochial schools.

As a former homeschooling mom and perhaps a future one as well while those schools might be fine but for some they are beyond the means of others. I have three children in school right now with one more starting next year there's no way I could afford private school for all my kids...that's a luxury we gave up when we decided to have a big family and I am ok with that.

I can be easily qualified in our state to teach school (here you just need a degree then can go thru a program to get certified to teach and renew it every 2 years I believe) so there's no reason I'm not qualified enough to teach my own kids. My oldest was homeschooled thru 6th grade and in her 2nd year of "public" school (small city school..very much like private only w/out the tuition) she's thriving yet has asked to homeschool again. I'm not sure i'm comfortable homeschooling high school but if she wants to and has confidence in it then I will do anything to make that happen.

My 6th grader now just learns on such a different level. He's a brilliant kid but needs a little more individualized attention that the school system can't give him. I think being taught on a mean hurts him more than helps him. He's bored and bored children tend to find themselves in trouble and labeled troublemakers or "bad kids" when they are just sometimes more advanced than the other children in class..those kids tend to get lost in the mix. I'm seriously considering homeschooling him next year only difference is he isn't as excited about that idea as much as his sister. I think a child needs to want it too to make it successful for the family.

I'm going to leave my middle kid in school again next year. She loves her K class and as long as she's thriving and not picking up bad habits that I have to turn around and correct at home then I will leave her in school. She has never homeschooled. She went to private pre-k at our church then onto a regular K class at the academy here.

So I def think homeschooling isn't right for every kid..but it really helps those that DO need it. all that..for that opinion haha

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