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Old 11-24-2013, 06:02 PM
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rach3975 rach3975 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Northern Virginia
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I find that I take my camera out less often, but take more photos at a time when I do take it out, equaling about the same number of photos. I take it out less because my kids are getting older and don't want me taking their photos all the time. I take more at a time partly because I now have a camera with a good burst mode and partly because my hands are now free of babies and I'm not always chasing toddlers. Finally getting a phone with a decent camera this summer has added to my photo clutter, but it's good because when I use the phone I'm content to snap 3 or 4 and then stop. I'm not trying for a great photo like when I use my mirrorless camera, just snapping a few to help me remember. The most time consuming part of PL for me is sorting the photos and deciding what to use.
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