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Old 11-24-2013, 12:39 PM
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luckyme luckyme is offline
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I go through phases where I take a ton of photos and other times where I barely remember. I always get photos on the "big" days like birthdays, Christmas, special outtings, etc, but the day-to-day photos sometimes are missed.

And, I hate to say it, but I am usually motivated to take more photos when I have a new photography "toy" -- a new camera, lens, presets or actions... Even getting an iPhone last year really helped me to take more pictures.

I think winter is also a bad picture season for me because there's hardly any light. (I'm in Canada.) I see photographers (especially in California) with these beautifully lit beach photos and I get so jealous! My inside-the-kitchen-lit-with-halogen-bulb shots just don't compare, haha!
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