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Old 09-30-2013, 11:58 PM
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eve11ne eve11ne is offline
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Location: Adelaide - Australia
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my spot

TOTAL : 29 pts
challenge : 26 pts + NR : 3 pts

1. - It's World Teacher Day this month. I consider us all to be teachers to some capacity. What knowledge have you passed on? Scrap it. 2 pt.

2. Birds of a feather flock together. Use at least two birds in a layout or hybrid project. 2 pt.

4. - Black and white can be so stunning. Really push the envelope and create a stunning black and white photo for your next layout. The photo should be the focal point. 2 pt + 1 pt NR

12 - Recipe Challenge. Be inspired by Sugarbabe Lizzy's adorable page and use the following recipe to create your own layout - A folded edge, plaid paper, three circles, a banner (bunting), some kind of scallops, and at least 6 flowers. - 2 pts

13. Garland is not just for the holidays! Decorate your page using two different kinds of garlands. Feel free to get creative and make your own garland! - 2 pts

15. Leaves, leaves and more leaves. Create a layout that is all about leaves or has lots and lots of leaves on it. Be creative and feel inspired to work outside the box! - 2 pts + 1pt NR

18. Truer words have never been spoken. Scrap a layout about the awesome in you or a member of your family. - 2pts + 1pt NR

20. It's a 10 point challenge! Here is a great list of the hot scrapbooking trends of the past year and a half. Make one page per trend (up to five pages) for 2 pts each. Your page needs to heavily reflect the trend that you have picked. Make sure you link us to what trend you picked. - 10 pts

chevron - 2 pts

tribal - 2 pts

scattered stars - 2pts

starburst - 2pts

22. I love the look of these bookprint projects! Be inspired and scrap a layout using mostly bookprint or newsprint patterns, ephemera, alphas, etc. - 2pts.

29 - Scrap whatever YOU want! - 2 pts

Last edited by eve11ne; 10-31-2013 at 04:25 PM.
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