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Old 09-09-2013, 12:29 PM
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Beebo Beebo is offline
Sugar Rush
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 977

My Spot!

20 pt.

1 - Use this fun graphic as inspiration to create your own "family tree" layout. Be creative! - 2 pts.

2 - You know who gave great quote? Walt Disney did! I can look at quotes of his and find something to go with just about anything. So that's what I want you to do! Go and pick a quote from Disney and use it on your page. - 2 pts.

3 - We know school is out for most of you, but that board is SO cool! Be inspired by this and create your next page. And yes, you have to use at least one cork board paper or element. - 2 pts

4 - All in your head! Tell us, in a black and white page, some of your oldest memories. - 2 pts
I scraplifted my own page

5 - How cute is that?! Use this idea on your next page by including (or comparing) some handwriting from each of your family members. - 2 pts.

8. September is that time of year in the Northern Hemisphere that summer gives way to fall. Create a page that uses the fall colors to highlight your summer, or end of summer, photos. - 2 pts.

17 - Go to the Sweet Shoppe Designs gallery, go to the 9th page of the gallery and pick the 9th layout on that page. Scraplift that page! Make sure you credit your lift! 2 pt
I lifted this one-

23. I love this page! Use it as the base for a recipe challenge. You must include 2 large buttons, paint, 2 arrows that are long, 2 tickets, one photo, "handwritten" journaling and a dynamo tape alpha. 2pt

25 - Let's play with our photos a little bit! Split a photo however you like, and have all but one piece in Black & White - 2 pts.

26. Music plays such a large part in the lives of many people. Certain songs can trigger memories, emotions, and deep responses from you. Scrap a page about a song that has a deep meaning to you and why. 2 pt.


Last edited by Beebo; 09-30-2013 at 03:05 PM.
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