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Old 08-28-2013, 12:11 AM
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SinisterPink SinisterPink is offline
Sweetie Pie
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: West Yorkshire, with a lot of sheep!!!
Posts: 12

Ignorant and insensitive people drive me mental..., until I had Jack I wasn't aware how many there were in the world, but it seems everytime we go out someone has something to say or a disapproving look...

Jack is four and he's autistic, he doesn't speak but sings and babbles loudly, puts his hands over his ears to block out stimulus, and in worse cases when very upset or troubled he screams and flaps his arms, or when excited he squints and has motor twitches.

Yet we have had people ask if we can't control him, told us that we shouldn't bring him out if he's not "normal", stand in front of us in the supermarket with their hands over their ears....honestly the depth of ignorance is astounding.

When we mentioned this to his school teachers recently, they suggested we get him a T Shirt with "I am Autistic" printed on it, so people would know why he acts the way he does...

I couldn't help it, I said so where are the T shirts saying "I am an ignorant cretin"...

Now I just ignore these people, they deserve neither my time or attention, however I do despair sometimes at what the world seems to be coming to....


Last edited by SinisterPink; 08-28-2013 at 12:18 AM.
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