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Old 06-07-2013, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by kelley View Post many things LOL

But off the top of my head right now, the things drive me nutty the most:
1. People that aren't respectful to others feelings/thoughts and think they are always right.
2. When my kids won't let me have a moment of alone time without asking what I'm doing and standing right next to me watching.
3. Cigarette smoke.
4. Profanity around my kids or from the mouths of children.
5. People who don't pull their pants all the way up.
6. Cashiers who socialize with other employees while ringing up my groceries and basically act like I don't exist.
7. People who give me crap about homeschooling and act like they are superior to me because their children go to public school.
Yes!! and Yes to people who stand WAY too close...

Also people who don't know how to use a blinker... and people who yap on the their cellphone while driving - like anyone is THAT important that you can't talk to them when you aren't driving.

Physically able people who are super slow walkers annoy the hell out of me... especially when shopping - I'm always stuck behind someone who is a slow walker in the store... or my 6 year old who has no concept of time!
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