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Old 01-23-2024, 11:36 AM
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YepBrook YepBrook is offline
Sweet Shoppe Designer
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: South Florida, USA
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listening to: My son likes Linkin Park, so I decided to check them out and I've been listening to them for a few weeks. I never listened to that kind of music back when they were popular and it's fun to see what kind of music my son appreciates.

reading: I just shelved a book that I read 3/4 of the way. Hated it. The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies, Book 1. Meh.

watching: I'm not currently watching anything on the TV. I've discovered in that last couple years that I don't really like it! My hubby was just watching some show about people with road rage... can't remember the name. And it was interesting to half-watch.

eating: I joined NOOM a couple days after Christmas... I had been wanting to do it for months! So I'm eating less carbs/sugar and feeling really good. One of the things I look forward to the most is getting a flat white at Starbucks.

loving: Walking. It's so good, such good therapy!!!

wanting: I have a cart filled on Wayfair that's totaling a few thousand dollars of all the new rugs, lamps, and tables I want for our house. Wish I could just hit BUY!

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