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Old 12-01-2023, 12:48 PM
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lizziej lizziej is offline
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Yes! My older sister (a paper scrapbooker) and I made family recipe books for two of our nieces. One was already married, and the other was getting married. We gathered recipes from my mom, my 3 sisters, our SIL (brother's wife), and me. I digitally scrapped them -- all 72 (every recipe fit on one page). It took me about 8 months. I work full-time, so I basically had only the weekends. After I PDF'd them, I sent them to Office Depot to have them printed at my older sister's store. She made the covers, index tabs, and info sheets, like conversions. We also had a dedication page. Oh! And we made a comment for almost every recipe we submitted, basically saying why it was a family favorite and/or memories of that recipe -- some were 50 years old. The recipes were put in page protectors - two recipes per page protector, and she put them in a binder, which she decorated. I will have to find the photos of the cover and decorated index tabs. I will also choose a couple of pages to show y'all. I'm at work right now, so it will be later this weekend.
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