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Old 10-07-2023, 01:27 PM
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allyanne allyanne is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: NE Ohio
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Lol, my garden fan club. Oh if you only knew! I feel like I've been gardening forever, and I'm still such a noob every year. What worked one year is a total bust the next, and vice versa. Thankfully, stuff seems to grow on its own--I plant it and it usually comes right up, like magic. I have been way off my garden game over the past six weeks though--I'm tired and haven't been sleeping and HOT FLASHES ARE RUINING MY LIFE. So I'm more than ready for a nice winter break and cold weather and a fresh start next spring.

KCB, LOL the bears! I am terrified at the thought of bears roaming at will. We don't really have any wildlife here that can kill a person, so I don't know how I would handle the possibility of a grizzly bear meeting me on my walk! You are brave, my friend!

I like to garden, go walking on trails and in the woods. I like to read and cook and watch British mystery series and move my furniture and plan curriculum and travel and hang with my friends and try new things and take photos and make things and snuggle my cat and hang with my chickens. I like too many things, and it gets overwhelming when I think about it. Mostly, I like sleeping, and I'm not very good at it lately. I spend most of my time these days searching the internet for menopause symptom relief and trying different supplements that cost a million dollars and don't really work and don't even promise to work for a least 2 months. Thankfully, our weather just shifted to a colder pattern yesterday, and that brings some relief. This aging gracefully crap is kicking my booty.

Haha, I just read over this snarky post and I'm tempted to delete, but I won't. Send help, quick. Or maybe just some gluten-free cupcakes. Thanks.

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