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Old 10-07-2023, 12:43 PM
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KristinCB KristinCB is offline
Sweet Shoppe Designer
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: British Columbia, Canada
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I love getting to know people because I'm really quite nosy LOL! Lol robin your post about allys garden had me laugh out loud for real hahahaha hahahaha

I'm an avid audiobook listener and it's 100% changed my life - I can't find the time to sit and read and do all the things I need to do so this has allowed me to finally be able to "read" books again while doing stuff. I try to mostly listen when I go out walking but I will sometimes listen when I work as long as it's a book that I don't really need to pay attention to. I use samsung health with my walks and I have to get my little sticker each and ever month - it's kind of like gaming because you have to fill out a map and the stickers are so cute LOL

My walks have been a little sparse as of late though as it's bear season and there are SO many bears in town right now. We actually had a grizzly at our house last night trying to get into our garbage. Lucas looked out the window and the bear looked at him.. so needless to say i'm not sure if I want to go out today even though typically they're mostly out later at night. I think because of all the forest fires we've had up here the bears have been going into towns a lot more than usual. We usually have bears but this year it just seems like a lot more. I'll be happy when the bears go to sleep because walking improves my mindset 100% I can tell i'm a bit on edge/antsy because I haven't gone out for a walk since last weekend and I try to go every day.

I'm a fake swiftie I think?! I don't know if I can call myself a swiftie yet but I am totally loving this whole concert thing and I've watched some of the livestreams of the concerts. I love folklore and evermore

In the last couple years Darcy and I have started watching TV together again and that has been so nice!! We've watched soooo many shows from the last 20 years and it's been nice to be able to watch without having to wait for a new episode. I think my favourite of all the ones we've watched is "six feet under" I was actually depressed for about a month after watching that one because I couldn't find another show I liked and the finale of that one I don't think will ever be beat.

I WANT to be a better drawer! I have an ipad and use procreate/adobe apps but i'm making it a goal to really learn the ins and outs and learn skills
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