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Old 08-31-2023, 01:20 PM
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Default Baby Shower Ideas

Eeeekkkk! I am going to be a grandma! I am so excited I could burst.

My DIL asked if I would throw her a shower for family and friends and of course I said yes. But it has been ages since I have been to a baby shower and I have no idea what happens at them these days. Surely they have progressed passed the lame games we played back in the day, right?

My DIL wants a Halloween themed baby shower as it will be taking place on October 28th. That theme should be a lot of fun and I do have ideas, but not sure about the "entertainment" aspect of the whole thing, so I thought I would come here and ask. What do people like to do at baby showers?

Also, my DIL does not care for bright colors and "cutsie" things, she loves black and neutrals, and I do cute and colorful, so any ideas that will take the party up to a level of "sophistication" that she might appreciate would be great.
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