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Old 03-02-2023, 09:16 AM
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nesser1981 nesser1981 is offline
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I use ACDsee to tag everything. I love how I can see all my categories. I’ve been using this method probably for 15 years. I do need to periodically upgrade the software, but I feel like it’s no different that getting a new computer. I've probably had to retag my entire collection maybe 5 times in that amount of time, due to computer upgrades.

I wrote a blog post about it like 8 years ago.

Looks like my old screenshots are dead, but here's the nice thing about ACDSEE, I really just have a Digital Scrapbook Supply Folder (then Designer, or a big retired designer folder and then the designer) and a Family Photos Folder (those are broken into year and then month). From there I just have to tag the image, it stays in the original folder, but if I click on the category, I can see everything. So I could tag the same kit, photo, etc 20 times if I want, but it'll never leave it's home.

Here are a few screenshots to give you an idea of how I'm setting everything up.

I considered and tried different methods last year when I switched to a Mac and I still ended up going back to ACDsee, even though Mac's version doesn't do as much as the PC version, but I've adapted now.

You can add keywords too, if that's your jam, there is a lot of things you can do with this software that I haven't scratched the surface on. What I love is once I have my basic categories established, I just can unzip my kit, put it in the folder it needs to be in and tag it accordingly. So if I wanted to tag every single piece of that kit, I could, but I tend to be a kit scrap with the exception of alphas, I have those tagged by color as well as some additional greenery and flowers. It's just a click and drag system and I love that.

Last edited by nesser1981; 03-02-2023 at 10:59 AM.
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