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Old 10-19-2022, 04:44 PM
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Cherylny Cherylny is offline
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Originally Posted by tammybean04 View Post
I struggle with white pages and shadowing. Oh and butterflies...I can NOT get the dang placement for them to look right. I LOVE them used on other people's page. Another thing I struggle with is scattering tiny little elements.

I do LOVE me a messy page! They are my favorite.
I feel like I can just create and not really have to worry too much about rules. Give me all of the paint and mixed media elements. If I'm unsure of what to do with an element I'll look at the designers samples or other pages similar.
It takes me so long to do a white space LO (only when I have to for a challenge like MOC) than idoes a super messy page. I'm working on a basic shadowing tutorial right now for Pink Reptile Designs. I think it's going to be on Instagram instead of the blog. Somebody asked for that in "Ask The Pink Ladies". Maybe I'll add in some clustering, - or maybe I'll do that for my next tutorial - a couple of you have mentioned those and shadowing on them. Hmmmmmmm I'm going to post in ATPL Forum when it's posted.

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