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Old 07-19-2022, 12:56 PM
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Kimberly27 Kimberly27 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: San Antonio, Texas
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I have a problem getting rid of things in the first place. LOL I go through spells and purge here and there but I struggle. I still have tons of baby clothes/items in my attic. My boys are 12 and babies around. I slowly give them away to friends that need them or consign but I struggle. I hate the clutter and have since started deep cleaning the is now in the garage or attic. LOL Out of sight, out of mind. I am finally coming to the realization less is more and am okay with stuff going away. I do have my boxes of letters from hubby when we were in high school, cards from family members, letters etc but they have a place. I have a drawer system full of memorabilia. I need to just put them in a page protector in my scrapbook albums.
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