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Old 12-22-2021, 11:09 PM
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AmieN1 AmieN1 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 3,362

1. What's your favorite Christmas carol?
Canon in D- especially the Trans-Siberian Orchestra version- I've been addicted to all their Christmas songs this year.

2. What's your favorite Christmas movie?
Elf, Home Alone, Christmas Vacation- just can't chose one!

3. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Usually around Black Friday

4. Do you bake for Christmas? If so, what? Feel free to share some recipes too.
YES! I usually do a ton- but this year we've been crazy busy, so I'm just now getting some of our usuals. I just made these: Raspberry-Gingerbread Thumbprint cookies Instead of the package of cookie mix, I use the Betty Crocker gingersnap recipe. SO yummy! Tomorrow we're doing sugar cookies with royal icing and hot cocoa meringues.

5. What is your favorite thing you do with your family at the holidays?
All the little traditions- getting ice cream & driving around looking at lights, going downtown to see the Christmas Tree elegance at the davenport, baking, decorating, wrapping.
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