Thread: Covid Check-in
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Old 10-24-2021, 10:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Lidia G View Post
Some other provinces lifted their restrictions too quickly and are now dealing with outbreaks and hospitals are filled to the brim and some patients are transferred to hospitals out of province.
Hahhaha - you're talking about my province! Our government opened up everything, no restrictions, for July. "Best summer ever" they called it. Cases soared, back to restrictions by September. Now we have Vaccine passport, indoor masks, and our hospitals are still overrun. Many people who live here do not want to get the vaccine, I'm not sure how we're going to get out of this.

Personally, I'm working from the office, kids are in school (with masks), but I had my surgery for tomorrow cancelled because the hospitals are too busy with covid cases - so I'm ok with that, because if something goes wrong and I need the ICU I'd rather wait until they have room for me! You can go places with the vaccine passport, I actually didn't need to use mine for the first month they started that, we just don't go anywhere (I've used it a couple times now)

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