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Old 10-16-2021, 04:10 PM
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Luckily my kids are older (all teens) and don't have specific things that they really want. My younger 2 still get a gift for every night of Hanukkah, but all 3 are perfectly happy to get cash or gift cards most nights. For the physical items we're buying them I'm trying to strike a balance between ordering early enough that they arrive but not so early that I miss return windows or they've changed their minds or bought it for themselves. We do small gifts for Hanukkah (since there are so many). I'm more worried about 2 birthdays in late December and early January. Neither has asked for anything specific, which ups the chance of me guessing wrong and them needing to return things.

Originally Posted by kristalund View Post
in 2020 I bought early and had problems returning an item (expensive leggings) so need to be mindful of that this year.
This summer I tried to be very on top of the back to school shopping because they were predicting not enough inventory. I ended up with a sweater for my daughter that we missed the window on, but at least it wasn't expensive. A few school supplies, too, but those were mostly inexpensive things that can sit here until a future teacher requests them. Best Buy changed their return window, and my son's mouse only had 15 days regardless of the reason. It ended up being defective (which we found out when he tried to use it 3 weeks later), but at least in that case we were able to go through the manufacturer for the replacement.
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