Thread: Tap Water
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Old 08-18-2021, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by KristinCB View Post
ours might not be like real reverse osmosis.. i don't know. It's the one under the sink though and it works for us LOL. Apparently we have good water here but I can't drink it bleh
LOL! A friend of ours has a reverse osmosis system that gives them filtered water or alkaline water. They swear by the alkaline water.

Originally Posted by Dalis View Post
Tap water, it doesn't bother me.
That's great!!

Originally Posted by joelsgirl View Post
I grew up in Arkansas. I'm pretty sure our water comes directly from the crystal clear mountain streams...But if it doesn't, I don't question it.

Our city in the PHilippines is one of the only cities that has potable tap water. When we lived in Manila, we bought 5 gallon jugs of water and used a water cooler that gave hot & cold water. Here, though, we just drink from the tap because my husband is convinced that they're just refilling the 5 gallon jugs with tap water anyway, lol.
I've heard there are places where the tap water tastes better than bottled water. I've never been to one, though.
LOL! I'm glad you have potable tap water. I would imagine that would be more challenging overseas.

Originally Posted by LJSDesigns View Post
I use both. I have a filter in the fridge here and then I take bottle water to work with me. I am trying to get away from the bottled water because it is so bad for the environment, but to be honest, they do not keep the water coolers clean enough at my job for me. When I look and see that the drain is funky, I can't drink that water. Even if it is the drain, if that is not clean and I can see it is not clean, what can't I see that is also not clean? Nope. Can't do it.
LOL! I can appreciate that! It's probably like in the TV show "The Office"...nobody wants to clean it.

Originally Posted by Leablahblah View Post
If I had counter space and a bit of spare money I would get a Berkey filter. It can hold quite a bit of water and I've heard so many great things about it.
I'd never heard of that filter, or anything like it. That would be good. Extra counter space is always a challenge!
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