Thread: Buyers regret
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Old 11-30-2020, 11:39 AM
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aussiegirl aussiegirl is offline
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I just left you love in the gallery, but I"ll post here too! I'm so glad you stuck with it, and made the kit work for your style!

As far as clustering, if you are willing to try again. I have a suggestion. Open a new document, and cluster on there! pull a few things in, move them around, change the layers, add, subtract etc...until you "like" what you did!

Shadow if you want too. Then select them all and pull it onto your layout. You can shrink it as needed, move things around again, and see what you think?

This is how I had to work on my clusters to improve them! Sometimes I will still do it (especially with themed elements) since it's easier sometimes to do it off your page and have a blank canvas to work with! Just an idea, a suggestion really. Don't feel you have to do it!

Your page turned out perfectly and I'm glad you stuck with it!
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