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Old 11-27-2020, 01:19 AM
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rach3975 rach3975 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Northern Virginia
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I've done a lot of my holiday shopping online today. Not everything I needed to get was discounted, but there were some really good sales. I bought DS puzzles and a "Build Your Own Rubik's Cube" kit at Amazon and some cubes (like Rubik's cubes) at Speed Cube Shop. For DD (and myself!) I bought things from Bath and Bodyworks and Yankee Candle. I also got her some Hamilton merchandise at Amazon. Still need to get one video game download she asked for. My oldest is so hard to shop for--he wants nothing! (Well, cash, but I like to at least give him one or two things with the cash.) I upgraded his gaming headset at Best Buy and bought myself a new pair of wireless earbuds, too. I also want to get him a Steam gift card and a book about choosing a college.

Now that I'm done shopping for everyone else, it's time to go browse my SSD wishlist and the new releases to decide what I'm getting myself!
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