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Old 09-10-2020, 12:17 AM
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Kimberly27 Kimberly27 is offline
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Default Hard Drive Crash....I need a new computer...Laptop or Desktop??

Welp...I kind of knew it was coming but not so soon....

My hard drive has been failing for some time but didn't expect it to just up and die on me. We have managed to get it to wake up and limp along so I can dump everything onto an EHD and not pay to have one sent from Idrive.

I am sad bc I have been used to scrapping during the day and it has been several days now with NOTHING...ahhhh!

The transferring was going great and nice at first, I was organizing old designing files, cleaning up stuff then it locked up and wouldnt I am in frantic mode to get it all moved off.

I need y'alls help though...I need a new computer and I am trying to convince hubby I need to switch back to a laptop from a desktop. Which do you have and prefer? I am currently set up on a desktop using a medical table for the monitor/keyboard/mouse in front of the TV (lazy, right). He took over our office, kid took our dining room table so the living room was my next choice. The table comes over my recliner so I can still scrap while sitting in the living room. He thinks for the power I need to run photoshop a laptop will be expensive me ladies.
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