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Old 09-03-2020, 01:40 PM
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I think you have to take the guilt away.

If you can get a system for organizing that you like, that will help.

For me, I use ACDsee and I have a section for "to scrap photos" that I tag by Year>Month>Event and if it's a vacation I break it down by Trip>Day and then even more if I need to like for a Disney trip my photos would be tagged something like
Disney 2008
Day 1 - Magic Kingdom

Etc, that way I think it's easier to break the photos into smaller groups, even if you have a ton from that section you aren't looking at so many at once. I also like to tag the kits I'm planning to use and templates sometimes.

I did create a little video (if you haven't seen it) of how I like to tag my stuff.

That all being said, I personally get twitchy if I get too far behind, but I was almost 3 years behind until the Pandemic hit. But even when I wasn't scrapping regularly, I still would tag and that helped. Now I'm all caught up, including our trip to Yellowstone last month. Now I'm working on the other projects I have on my list.

Sounds like you're making great progress, just finding a system that works for you and maybe set a small goal. Maybe to scrap 2 pages a day, or 4 a week. It'll add up.

I'm doing that right now with my middle's one's first 10 year book, I've scrapped so much lately burn out is finally creeping in. These little pocket pages are pretty quick, so my goal is to do 4 pages a day, in the evening. I should have his done in just over a month if I stick to that schedule.

Originally Posted by Kimberly27 View Post
You ladies are awesome....I am loving the ideas. This has helped, I am glad that I asked. I should clarify I never delete photos...I have a folder of my pics that are copied that I work from so I can delete as I scrap. It helps me feel accomplished. I just finished our 2019 Thanksgiving Trip to Universal/and Beach. It was nice to delete the DONE folder of photos...I still have the original unedited ones in a separate folder. I have gone back and started to organize the photos into folders with how I would scrap them...trip, school, Christmas, Caden(my youngest) sleeping (we have a million of these pics and it can be its own book).

I think my biggest problem is I can't take one or two photos. One of the pages I just scrapped was all of the outtakes from a photo shoot to get a family photo. Our trip to visit family for the 4th of July was about a week long and I took close to 2000 pics (some are my mother in laws pics. She is a problem too in a good way. She travels with us on most of all of our trips so she takes pics plus my pics. I also get her pics when my boys stay with her over the summer ) my youngest did turn 10 so that takes about 200 pics out of play LOL but still...Christmas don't get me started on the 400 or 500 pics and my kids are now 10 and 16! LOL
Also hubby and I send our kiddos to stay with the grandparents EVERY summer for at least 2 weeks sometimes longer. Except this year we usually take a mini trip or a big trip just the two of us on top of family trips. I have so many TRIPS to scrap. It has been goal this quarantine to catch up and stay on target with 2020 and work on trips...I did a 2018 DC Thanksgiving trip and now our 2019 Beach/Universal Thanksgiving Trip...those are DONE!! I still have an older Universal trip, a DC Trip we took alone, 2 Disney trips, a trip to Paris, Alaska Cruise, our 10yr Anniversary trip (road trip to the east coast states/NY City), Yellowstone and so many more...can you tell we like to travel A LOT! LOL

I think am planning on plugging away at the trips and hoping to get those done and filling in the gaps with the other pages. My poor youngest has nothing scrapped from his first year. I am relying on videos to help me remember what happened bc I am horrible about writing stuff done.

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