Thread: hair color
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Old 06-24-2020, 03:06 PM
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Renataluis, That nice that you have an easy place to buy your color. I can appreciate wanting your hair shorter for summer.

Ally, I totally agree that we should each do what we're comfortable with. It's always been my motto that "it's grows back!!", so try different things. Cut it, dye it, shave it...whatever you're comfortable with.
I was talking to a friend about hair length. When my mom did hair, it was mostly older women, and they all had short hair. I didn't see any older women with long hair. Now it's more "accepted". For me, that was a definite mind-shift.
PS... you made me laugh at the "mullet look"!!

Kimberly, I love that we're all different in what our hair does. My gray, thankfully isn't a different texture than my other hair. My youngest gets "Grandpa Munster" sideburns if he lets his hair grow!
Adorable layout, BTW!

Rebecca, I wish I had a face that did well with short hair!! I love gray hair when it's really short. I think it looks so cute! I think growing the gray in is almost as bad as letting a short haircut grow out. You have to get past that annoying, awkward stage. Good luck!!

Stephanie, you had great timing! LOL! I was supposed to have a 6-week haircut appointment right after quarantine hit. So, I just decided to let it go and see how I do. Seriously, do what you like (and hubby likes), and don't worry about anyone else!

Lea, that totally makes sense. I don't think natural is lazy. It's your style & it works!
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