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Old 03-31-2020, 02:58 PM
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Leablahblah Leablahblah is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Baltimore, MD (origin: France)
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My first baby was breech and I tried chiropractic care, flipping in the pool underwater, laying upside down on an old door propped against the couch... you name it. She didn't budge and I had a C-section but she came on her own terms. I was pushing as they were giving me the epidural to get cut open. lol It was a good experience minus the recovery that was a bit harder. But in times like these where you can't have social gatherings... I'm sure it would be harder.

My second baby wasn't breech and I had a v-bac in hospital.
My third baby was also breech and I tried chiro, acupuncture and moxi stick (around the pinky toes). I was 35 weeks. My babies come early so I looked into the external cephalic version but I didn't want it done at a hospital so I found a midwife that does "gentle versions" at your house and monitors the baby. She was awesome! She flipped her so easily (that's what she said!) compared to others. I had made sure I drank tons of water so I could have tons of amniotic fluid to slosh her around and had a glass of wine to de-stress me. She flipped her on a Monday at 36 weeks. I was told to wear a rebozo (big scarf used in pregnancy) to avoid the chance of her flipping again. And there is also a chance to speed the arrival by doing the version. She came out at 36.6 weeks with a home birth. Super speedy labor again. So thankful I decided to do the version when I did.

Where are you located? Do you have midwives around that can do this? Call a bunch of places!

Where to find info on how to spin a baby.

Last edited by Leablahblah; 03-31-2020 at 04:04 PM.
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