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Old 02-12-2019, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by cooperL788 View Post
Hi all! I'm Laura, and while I've been scrapping for almost 20 years (omg, I think I just dated myself as officially 'old') I've just dived into digital scrapbooking. This place is SO fun, and I'm learning a ton just by going through older posts, blog tutorials, etc. And I'm participating in the Passport, which has been SO fun!
To you veterans, what's your best tip for us newbies?
Hi Laura! Welcome to SSD! I paper scrapped for about 14 years before starting digi in 2012. I would never go back to paper!! I hope you'll love digi as much as I do.
I have 2 suggestions:
1) Tour the gallery and see what kind of LOs speak to you.
2) Play around with your program, and find your style. The nice thing about digi is that you can use products over & over again!
I'm glad you're here!
Like Libby said, if you have any questions, the forum is great, and people here are very helpful!
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