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Old 12-10-2018, 04:59 PM
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KingsQueen82 KingsQueen82 is offline
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Default Who here drinks wine?

We are not wine drinkers, or any alcohol actually, and I need a recommendation for a good (but affordable... haha) wine for a gift.

Long story short, we're a military family and the Dept of the Army has been messing with our orders for months now-- pushing the dates, cancelling them on us, re-instating them, etc and we've been hanging on a thread the whole time. Talk about stressful. We found a house we loved at our new duty station, in a great school district and sent the deposit 6 weeks ago. The landlords have been so accommodating and have held it this long for us without anything other than the security deposit. They're military so they know just how little control we have over these things but still it's obviously taken some cash out of their pockets to let the house sit empty so long.

Anyways, we wanted to do something as a little thanks for them (and the property manager) for being so flexible and understanding. I was thinking a bottle of wine and maybe some chocolates or something like that? Do you guys have any brand/kind recommendations? Or any other great ideas? I'm pushed for time and have no crafty supplies available to me right now so it's gotta be grab and go, sign a card and be done type thing. Lol...

Thanks everyone!
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