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Old 07-11-2016, 04:54 PM
Sweeet's Avatar
Sweeet Sweeet is offline
Sugar Rush
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: New Mexico
Posts: 773

1 - How you prefer frames? I don't care for the, honestly, but can use them.
2 - Your favorite element? Flowers, flowers and more flowers...variety of course!
3 - Alphas - how do you usually use them? Hardly ever. . .
4 - Ribbons: straight or curly? I like curly and BOWS
5 - Buttons/flairs: yes or no? Yes to both
6 - Paper pieces? Ugh, sure...I could make 'em work
7 - Patterned or solids papers? Both, need VARIETY
8 - Multi photos or just one per page? Both. . .
9 - Big word arts or small word strips? Word strips are my fave
10 - Do you use brushes? Yes, love 'em
11 - And doodles? *blech*
12 - Photo treatment: photoshop or lightroom? Photoshop
13 - Templates: yes or no? If yes, Do you change them? Yes and Yes
14 - Label or tag? Or both? I like both
15 - Where you go to look for inspiration? SSD Gallery and Pinterest
16 - Something you always think you should do to your pages and always forget: Adding dates, but getting better at it
17 - Favorite theme for kits? I like anything and everything...doesn't matter if it's themed or not, I know I can make it work with a boy or girl page LOL
18 - Complete the sentence: Sweet Shoppe + winning challenges to earn GCs = happiness
19 - How do you follow your favorite designers? Facebook
20 - Show us your favorite page!

I have two (2) sorry. . .LOL

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