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Old 05-08-2016, 04:28 PM
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ashersmommy ashersmommy is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Midwest
Posts: 327

(01) How long have you been digitally scrapping?
When I had my son, I started digitally scrapping about 11 years ago.
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD?
I first discovered SSD when I found out Traci Reed designed here not long after ScrapMommies closed.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day?
Binge watching "Gilmore Girls" and reading a book.
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched?
Haha, I really didn't read this question before posting above..."Gilmore Girls".
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve?
Everything annoying about driving like people who monopolize the left lane, don't read signs, use turn signals, etc.
(06) What's your best quality?
I don't judge people and am easy to get along with.
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Vacation? What's that? Lol, probably the waterpark with my kids, but it was really a staycation. Haven't had a true vacation since 2004 when my husband and I went to Fort Myers.
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why?
Bedtime because I love snuggling, reading to the kids, and then having a little "me" time.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like?
I didn't ever really "traditionally" date. The only real date I can remember was with my husband and that was obviously a success.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house?
Homemade meatballs or sloppy joes.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not?

I wouldn't choose anything because I like my life.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why?

Again, since I'm currently obsessed with GG, I'd choose to be Lorelai because she seems to have the parenthood and confidence thing down pretty well.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore?
Cleaning the bathroom. I have boys lol.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true?
How lucky I am to have such a wonderful family and my love for my husband and kids.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year?
I'm looking forward to going on a vacation with my family somewhere we haven't been before. Not sure where yet.
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich?
I wouldn't really want either honestly, but if I had to choose, I'd choose obnoxiously rich because money can buy you a good education anyway. Too much knowledge can be overwhelming and scary. Actually money can too... Can I pass this question? LOL
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite?
There are so many good memories. My favorite memory is probably my daughter's second birthday party. The whole day went so well with our whole family and my heart was just so full at the end of the night.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why?
I would have to say my Mom and Dad because they have been so strong through so much and have both always been there for me.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn?
Fallen angel. It was pretty elaborate and I came up with it on my own. I wish I had a picture of it now.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Depends on my mood, but I'd say right now it's Mint Chocolate Chip.
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