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Old 11-21-2015, 09:23 AM
JennNtheBoys's Avatar
JennNtheBoys JennNtheBoys is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 1,449

Things we play regularly:
Sorry Revenge
Connect Four

On occasion we play Monopoly (I'm not a fan of how long that one goes, but as a side note we own so many different versions of the game I've lost track and the boys always see different ones they want to add to the "collection").

We have scrabble, and with the boys being younger I haven't really made that a choice all the time, but I want to add it to our regular fun... my oldest is having trouble with his spelling in school (he's like his father and just plain bad at it), so I want to work with him more on that without him really knowing I'm working on that with him.

We have a lot of the travel card games (uno, battleship, clue, scrabble, pictureka and a few more) These get used a LOT during the summer. They are a part of my "Summer Fun" kit I keep in the car so if we end up going on a long drive, or camping or for some reason we end up in the car or stop somewhere unexpectedly the kids always have something that will keep them entertained.
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