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Old 10-05-2015, 11:13 AM
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julifish julifish is offline
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It's nice to see how everyone is doing!!! So excited for all the ladies having babies! There is nothing sweeter!

Jennifer - congrats on almost being done with your degree. You are one hard working lady!!!

Christine - When we moved from West Palm Beach (the house we brought both our kids home to) to Tampa we stayed with my parents for a month. We had a newborn (less than 1 month old) and a three year old. I have to say that it was a little strange at first, but it was so nice to have time together with parents. So just enjoy what you can out of it and the time will hopefully go by quickly!

Sara - You crack me up girl!
Trish - Can't believe Art will be 1 soon. That sweater is super cute! You have some mad skills.
Zakirah - I hope you are feeling better soon, I'm sure the brain zaps are scary. Hope there are other things going on that will distract you while you wean off the medications.
Mel - I hope healthy days and good news is ahead for both you and your mom.
Kristi- I've never been alone for 5 days without a child or a husband in over 18 years. Enjoy every freakin' minute!!!

Sorry if I missed anyone else!!!
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