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Old 04-03-2015, 08:09 PM
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Sherri Tierney Sherri Tierney is offline
Sweet Talker
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Since you mentioned books on weight loss, I thought I'd put a plug in for Trim Healthy Mama. Great book that teaches a different way of eating to help you lose weight and maintain overall health. The basic premise of the book is separating fuel types. Your body can burn fat and your body can burn carbs, but your body cannot burn both at the same time. If you separate your fuels your body has a chance to burn what you are consuming rather than storing it. It also goes into good carbs and good fats vs. those bad ones (like bad carbs - say white potatoes or most breads - that spike your blood sugar levels).

Anyway, I've been researching this diet since October. I bought and read the book and just really got started on plan this past Monday. Since Monday I'm down 14 pounds. Freakin' crazy! I have not been hungry for a minute. My family is enjoying eating the same things I am eating also, so no separate meals. I have not been drinking any more water than usual or exercising. I am definitely less bloated than I was and my jeans fit looser. I have a lot of weight left to lose but I am very optimistic. At least now I am back to where I was before my hysterectomy in October. I was so frustrated that I had gained after the surgery.
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