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tjscraps 09-08-2023 09:59 AM

To Do lists -paper/digi?
Do you use paper or digital to do lists? I'm struggling to find a way that works for me, I keep flip flopping back and forth - for both work and home life.

Show me what you use!!!

Tree City 09-08-2023 09:53 PM

Paper! Just today I wrote a to do list for myself, for this weekend. I have housework to do and a few phone calls to make, and I wanted to keep track of all of it.

Wait, I use Google Keep for some work stuff that I don't want on paper. (And I also want to keep behind a password lol.) But usually a paper gal. I have a paper calendar on the fridge. I take a photo of the current and upcoming months so I can reference it if I have to make appointments etc. Wow, I'm realizing im a weird hybrid of paper/digi!

nesser1981 09-08-2023 11:06 PM

A little of both, at work I tend to write them all down. At home, especially for trips or parties, I just do a shared reminder list on my phone so my husband has access to it too and we can cross things off as we go.

I wish I had a better system.

AmieN1 09-08-2023 11:28 PM

Mostly paper to be honest- and usually within my planner that sits on my desk. On Mondays, I write everything in the planner from my google family calendar. I occasionally will make lists on our amazon echo and then that way I can pull it up on my phone (like our grocery list for example.) I still enjoy paper tho... I've gotten rid of our big family calendar, but I can't survive without my planner!

Amber Dixon 09-08-2023 11:58 PM

Paper, almost always unless it's just a quick note or list when i don't have paper available. I keep a planner on my desk, and I write everything in it, personal and work (both my designing and my day job). I also love making to-do lists and enjoy the process of hand writing them. But, I also love paperwork and things of that nature. I even keep a binder with a Product Sheet that I've created and printed off that I fill out by hand, for every digi product I make. It includes a new release To-Do list for every single task that comes with a new release from uploading to ftp, to who on my ct will make a forum post on saturday morning advertising it. Its got places for me to write in the SKU, the week of the release, and some other information. It's completely not necessary, and I can easily find everything on my hard drive because of how i have organized and named all my folders etc. But I LOVE paperwork and office work, and writing things out, that it's just something I've created that is part of my work routine now LOL

lizziej 09-09-2023 11:26 AM

Almost always paper. At work, my to-do lists are usually on stickies - big and small. I get frustrated when one of my attorneys gives me something to electronically file or electronically serve, and they say, "Don't file/serve this until after 4pm/right before you leave." Ugh! With those tasks, I put a calendar entry on my phone with at least 3 reminders. LOL

I now do my weekly grocery list in Word, but I print it before going to the grocery store. I started doing that during Covid, when I was not able to go anywhere. My husband and son did the shopping, so I would list everything in the order as it was laid out in the store, with non-food items first, then non-perishable food items, fruits and vegetables, perishables, and frozen foods.

jaye 09-09-2023 11:54 AM

Both at home but work tends to be paper.

I use Google Calendar for personal stuff and will transfer it to the paper calendar on my fridge. I also use Google Keep for my passwords and logins-have a coloured section for each grouping.

I use Notes on my phone for certain things, such as Harlow's microchip, CKC number, etc., then I have a category called 'random shit I think of' It has well, all kinds of random things I think of like Barbie's Pantone pink is 219C, the bulletin board in my classroom is 8x4, and the best shutter speed for shooting birds is 1/2000. I also have one for home stuff such as the size filter I need for the furnace.

I do try to make a paper list for the grocery store though.

At work, I have a desktop calendar, a day book/binder and I use a notebook for meetings.

I have tried a planner and start out well but then just forget to use it. I have some pretty ones just collecting dust and with a few months untouched :(

knittingbec 09-09-2023 12:55 PM

Combo. I have a notebook where I write everything as it comes to mind. This has been a huge improvement over having notes & to-dos written in many notebooks, on backs of envelopes, etc. I regularly "process" the notebook and move dated items to Google Calendar or longer-term or larger-project things to Trello or Evernote, etc.
I have trained my kids to locate & write in my notebook when they need something from the store or if they have earned money from me. Then I can add their things to my grocery list pay them and cross it out when I'm working through my notebook instead of on-demand haha

JillW 09-09-2023 01:27 PM

Amber, you sound UBER organized with your designing tasks!! I think that's awesome!


Originally Posted by Amber Dixon (Post 1063145840)
Paper, almost always unless it's just a quick note or list when i don't have paper available. I keep a planner on my desk, and I write everything in it, personal and work (both my designing and my day job). I also love making to-do lists and enjoy the process of hand writing them. But, I also love paperwork and things of that nature. I even keep a binder with a Product Sheet that I've created and printed off that I fill out by hand, for every digi product I make. It includes a new release To-Do list for every single task that comes with a new release from uploading to ftp, to who on my ct will make a forum post on saturday morning advertising it. Its got places for me to write in the SKU, the week of the release, and some other information. It's completely not necessary, and I can easily find everything on my hard drive because of how i have organized and named all my folders etc. But I LOVE paperwork and office work, and writing things out, that it's just something I've created that is part of my work routine now LOL

JillW 09-09-2023 01:30 PM

I'm a paper kinda girl. I use a Happy Planner for appointments and lists of things to do. I'm a definite paper grocery list sort of person too. Years ago I made a template for groceries we bought most often and then used a checkmark system for what we needed each week. Not sure why I stopped, but now I just write it all down.

HavaDrPepper 09-09-2023 02:30 PM

I have a paper calendar for appointments. It shows a month at a time and is for 2 years. Since it is 8.5x11 I can put any papers for things in upcoming months when needed. Some of my appointments I do put on my google calendar so that if I am somewhere and needing to make the next appointment, I can glance at it to see if the date works.

Grocery lists are on a piece of paper. I keep a small notepad in the kitchen and as I notice things I need, I write them down. Then I rip off the paper and take it with me when I shop. I shop at 2 different places so this is easiest for me since I never know until I go which place I'm shopping at.

For miscellaneous things like Jaye mentioned, I have a small notebook that I have written the information in. It lives in my purse so if I'm out and know that I need (for example) to get lightbulbs for my dining room fixture since they are not your normal lightbulbs, I have the info in that book. That little book has come in handle many times!

jaye 09-09-2023 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by HavaDrPepper (Post 1063145892)
Grocery lists are on a piece of paper. I keep a small notepad in the kitchen and as I notice things I need, I write them down. Then I rip off the paper and take it with me when I shop. I shop at 2 different places so this is easiest for me since I never know until I go which place I'm shopping at.

I have a magnetic notepad on the fridge where I write what I need. I would be lost without it as I would forget something on the list without it. :)

MamaBee 09-09-2023 05:40 PM

Paper lists for 99% of things... though shopping is on my phone.

LJSDesigns 09-10-2023 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Dixon (Post 1063145840)
Paper, almost always unless it's just a quick note or list when i don't have paper available. I keep a planner on my desk, and I write everything in it, personal and work (both my designing and my day job). I also love making to-do lists and enjoy the process of hand writing them. But, I also love paperwork and things of that nature. I even keep a binder with a Product Sheet that I've created and printed off that I fill out by hand, for every digi product I make. It includes a new release To-Do list for every single task that comes with a new release from uploading to ftp, to who on my ct will make a forum post on saturday morning advertising it. Its got places for me to write in the SKU, the week of the release, and some other information. It's completely not necessary, and I can easily find everything on my hard drive because of how i have organized and named all my folders etc. But I LOVE paperwork and office work, and writing things out, that it's just something I've created that is part of my work routine now LOL

You need to share your Product Sheet with those of us who are unorganized and overwhelmed. I could use some help and paperwork is not my strong point. ;)

dotcomkari 09-10-2023 05:19 PM

My phone... it basically tells me all the appointments I have and where I have to be ... so forth..
I make my shopping lists basically everything on my phone

craftytam 09-10-2023 06:54 PM

I mostly use paper. I like to be able to physically see things written down and being able to cross them off. I use a planner so I can refer back for dates. I do use Google calendar for events because I like having the reminders that provides.

Kimberly27 09-10-2023 09:16 PM

I am mostly a paper girl...Love my planner and paper lists. We tried google for grocery lists but it didn't recognize my voice anymore and it was hard for the boys to get it to work so I put a magnetic notepad on the fridge.
Calendar is mostly paper but some are on my phone...hubby wishes I would go digital but I like my paper calendar and to do list. :)

nietis 09-10-2023 10:33 PM

I am paper girl, though my to do lists are mostly in my head as I go along... I mostly use lists for groceries or planning a vacation, and I don't do it fancily, either. I just use a plain notebook to write on.
Any fancy notebooks I have are either snatched by my kids or I love it too much to use it. :p

tjscraps 09-10-2023 10:43 PM

I'm surprised so many paper girls are here!

I use paper at work, but also Google Keep for those things that occur on a regular basis (monthly/annual checklists, etc). I do a monthly 'Tips & Tricks' for our sub teachers and when I think of a topic I put it on my Google keep list so I don't have to search for topics. I use paper for daily tasks though, or during meetings to take notes.

I use Google Keep at home for Grocery lists, and things I need to get for different stores (they each have their own pinned tab - Grocery, Costco, Dollar store, etc). These are shared with hubby - not that he uses them, but he could if he wanted to.

And then I have a notebook of everything else from addresses to present ideas ... I keep thinking I need to do EITHER paper or DIGI but the hybrid kinda works most of the time?

stephc777 09-11-2023 12:36 PM

I am a app girl - I use Remember the Milk & Google Calendar on my computer & phone to keep track of my stuff.

bienejen 09-11-2023 12:56 PM

Lots of lists and things like Jaye's 'random shit I think of' go on paper. Grocery lists usually go in Notes on my iPhone and any and all activities and reminders go on my phone calendar.

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